Besides knowing that this film helps continues the gun violence and bullying conversation in America, we have rewards that fit all support levels. Without YOU this project would not be possible. This campaign provides us with the resources to bring this story to the masses. The more resources we receive provides an opportunity to bring this story to a larger audience. Giving this film the visibility and support the gun violence and bullying issue deserves.
Take a look to the RIGHT.
Meet The Crew.
John Wayne S. III
For over two decades, he has worked on music videos, TV commercials and media projects
through his company Londyn Town Pictures. His reality style of story telling and creativity
has been his brand as a director. As a writer his sharp and in your face dialogue
draws his audience into his stories.
Red All Over is his feature film directorial debut. Londyn Town Pictures also has
several other film and TV projects in development. He lives in Houston, TX with his
wife and daughter.
Colmar Nichols
Director Photography
Colemar Nichols has a keen eye for the visual. His cinematography has been seen
in many features and shorts. His work on the films Sacrifice and Bye Bye Blackbird,
has turned many industry heads. Colemar brings his heart and soul to Red All Over.
The Trackmaster
(Tone & Poke)
Score Composer
Trackmasters (also known as Poke & Tone) is an American hip hop
production duo, composed of music producers Poke (Jean-Claude
Olivier) and Tone (Samuel Barnes), best known for their commercial
hit records. Throughout their career they have worked with various
hip-hop and R&B artists including Will Smith, R. Kelly, Nas,
Jay-Z, Mariah Carey, and 50 Cent.
for their commercially successful singles and many remixes, they have
earned collectively over 7 gold & 20 platinum plaques throughout
their career. They were ranked 6th in Vibe Magazine's "Greatest
Hip-Hop Producer of All Time" in the 'Mass Appeal' category.
Peter “Devaney” Flanaghan
Film Editor
No Picture
Devaney Flanagan is a film editor born in Brooklyn, New York. He has
worked on several notable film franchises including the A Nightmare
on Elm Street, Scream,Mimic, Hell-boy, Texas Rangers, Single White
Female and Children of the Corn film series.
Cess Black
Co-Writer @UrbanSocialyte |
I am excited about this project, aside from donating, how can I help? Like our video at the top of the page and tweet it out to your friends; add us on Facebook and invite your friends to so as well. If you have any ideas to promote the film, please send an email to
We will get back with you in a timely matter. When do you plan to release the film? Our plans are to first release the feature the film at music and film festivals. Then it will be available on other distribution platforms. Tentatively Fall 2015.
Can donors increase pledges once they have been made? Yes! If you have already donated, sign in to your account, then instead of the green “Back This Project” button on our page, there should be a blue “Manage Your Donation” button. Click that, and you can enter a new amount or choose a new incentive!
What do donors receive for giving? There is a list of rewards in the column to your right. We really tried to provide a wide range of rewards for every support level.
When will I receive my rewards? Most rewards will be shipping summer 2015.
How much is shipping? Shipping is included in all rewards if you are in the US. There is an additional fee for non US backers. See the individual reward for details.
How will you know where to send my incentives, or what t-shirt size I wear? After our deadline, we will send you a message (which automatically forwards to the email address you gave Indiegogo) requesting all the necessary information.
Can I give an incentive as a gift? Gifting is a great idea! After the campaign, when we message you for details on your incentives, you can then give us the information for the person you wish to gift.
What happens if the goal is not reached in time? If we do not reach our goal, Red All Over will receive the funding that you pledged.
Some Indicative Data:
Gun Ownership
- The US has an estimated 283 million guns in civilian hands
- Each year about 4.5 million firearms, including approximately 2 million handguns, are sold in the United States
- An estimated 2 million second hand firearms are sold each year
The average number of guns per owner has increased from 4.1 in 1994 to 6.9 in 2004.
Gun Deaths:
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day
1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35
1/3 of them are under the age of 20
Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds
Gun Homicides (average annually):
Less than 50: Japan
Less than 150: Germany, Italy, France, etc.
Less than 200: Canada
More than 10,000: USA
Bullying statistics from 2010 revealed about one in seven students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade is either a bully or has been a victim of bullying. Sometimes a teen or child who has been bullied eventually becomes the bully as a way to retaliate. In fact, revenge for bullying is one of the strongest motivations for school shootings, according to recent bullying statistics. A reported 61 percent of students said they believe students shoot others at school because they have been victims of physical violence at home or at school. This is a true indicator that bullying can occur in all forms by other students, children, teens as well as adults. According to various bullying studies, many teens and children act out violently on their peers through acts of bullying because they are abused at home.
The BIGGEST thing you can do to get behind this project is to share it. We’ve written out a few ways you can share it below, but we’re eager for creative ideas. THANK YOU for sharing—this is how something big gets started!
Post this Indiegogo to your Facebook page
Tweet about it! Follow Us!
Red All Over Film - Twitter
Like the Red All Over Facebook page Red All Over Film - Facebook
Link to our website
Talk about it at work, social events, blogs..., EVERYWHERE. Tell your friends, grandma, boss–everyone you think who has an opinion about gun violence and bullying!
Final Note: We have worked hard to put this project together. This story must be told! With your support it will be. Please take a moment to look at our rewards, visit the film's website, Facebook page and tweet us. Click on one of the rewards link to show your support. If you have any questions, comments or concerns - please feel free to email us at info@RedAllOverFilm. In advance we thank you for your time and support.
Sources: CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll (2008); Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (2008); Mayors Against Illegal Guns (2009); National Opinion research Center (2003); American Journal of Preventative Medicine (2006); Violence & Victims (1993) Sources: Injury Prevention (2007); ATF (2000); National Opinion Research Center (2008); Pew Research Center (2009) Source: IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms of the United Nations)