RED NIGHT AT SKYE'S tells the harrowing tale of Cole Boyd, an out of work Veteran with a dying wife, an elderly father, and two kids to take care of. He gets caught up in a scheme to rob Skye's Pawnshop, a front for a vicious gang of meth making bikers known as The Spiders, their sinister leader Doc, and a basement full of bloodshed, old-school weirdness, and horror!
Chris Grega, Brock Roberts, and Chris Macke are 88mm Productions, (www.88mmfilms.com) a working-class film company that has been putting out movies since 1999.
This is our first-ever crowdfund!
For this, our seventh feature film we've teamed up with horror guru Eric Stanze of Wicked Pixel Cinema (www.ericstanze.com) to increase the blood, gore, and mayhem!
Here's the best part: THE FILM IS DONE. We're deep in post-production, baby!
We are looking for $20,000 to help pay for the cost of music and to add a few more special FX into the film. That's essentially it! We have some great perks to offer (doesn't everybody who does one of these things?) and a pretty big super semi-secret reveal regarding the film! We're just about ready to unleash this awesome flick, but it'll get there a lot quicker if you help fund it!