Our relationships with the Lord have been challenging us to demonstrate His kingdom in exciting ways in Daytona Beach. We believe the time is now to continue the good work that He has began in our lives in other places. Please pray with us that we would be humble sons and daughters seeking to continue His will on the earth. We desire to proclaim the heart of “renovation” that we find in Psalm 51:10-12. We are asking for the Divine Community (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to “create”, “renew”, “restore” and “uphold” our lives.
Our Heart
Savannah, Georgia. Cochabamba, Bolivia. Berlin, Germany. Daytona Beach, Florida. What do all these communities share? We at The Cite love to share the story of divine renovation with others. So in 2013 and 2014 we are going to do that!
Our RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 will be taking place in all of the four above mentioned locations. These projects will be interactive and will combine 18 24” by 36” canvases to feature each specific city. This means a combined total of 72 canvases. These public art projects will give us an opportunity to work together and reveal the heart of God towards renovating both individual lives and community.
The purpose of our project is fourfold:
- First, we will be asking God to renovate our idea of what open conversation looks like in a several different cultures
- Second, we love to engage people with artistic experiences that leave a lasting impression and a tangible interaction. We will be asking anyone on the street willing to participate the question “In what area of your life/community would you like to see divine renovation?” All answers will be attached to the large RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 canvases.
- Third, The Cite loves belonging to a larger community. We hope to connect to other renovationists in Savannah, Cochabamba, Berlin, and of course Daytona Beach. Our desire is also to form new relationships that we can grow and see develop into the future.
- Fourth, our team will be hosting community gatherings that will feature different aspects of RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 completed and installed. Our final event will be in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 2014. All are welcome to join!
Our Need
Contribution towards RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 covers the following expense(s):
4 9ftx12ft canvas mosiacs. 72 canveses total. Estimated cost: $6000
Other supplies design/print/frames/stands/paint/shipping). Estimated cost: $2000
Travel for team of 10 to Berlin. Estimate cost: $15000
Final RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 event in Daytona Beach Florida will include venue, audio, staging, and support fees. Estimated cost: $2500
If you would like to ask us a question regarding our budget and expense needs please contact us via email: renovate@approachthecite.com
You Can Help
Any amount that you contribute helps us! Thank you! You can also help us by sharing our campaign with your friends. Use Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc to let others know that this is happening. We believe that this message is powerful. Contact us if you are interested in bringing RENOVATE PROJECT to your city.
Our final event in Daytona Beach will be January 2014 and we invite you to join us for the final RENOVATE PROJECT 13/14 experience!
Watch our adventure unfold through
Tagboard #renovate1314
Tumblr http://renovateproject1314.tumblr.com
Web www.approachthecite.com/renovate