Seven Years of Weirdo B-Movies, Nostalgic Cartoons, and Totally Offensive Anime
Hi! I'm Jeremy. Together with the rest of the Destroy All Podcasts crew, we've over-analyzed your childhood favorites, introduced you to strange Soviet sci-fi films, and explored what makes anime tentacle monsters tick.
But I have a problem. I have to pay nearly $2000 for a root canal. I started selling my robot toys, but I'm starting to run out of stuff to sell.
Then it got worse: now I have to pay close to an additional $2000 for a crown to follow up the root canal.
I have a few more robots I can put up on eBay, but I also have one more thing I can put up for sale: my multitrack recorder and microphone I use to produce Destroy All Podcasts on. That would effectively mean the end of the podcast, but it would bring in several hundred dollars.
But you can save the show!
- I've co-hosted Destroy All Podcasts since 2007. We've brought you 356 episodes, over 20,000 hours of fun, all for free.
- When you contribute to our campaign, you'll guarantee years of additional podcasts.
- We can keep talking about cultural hallmarks like classic sci-fi like Alien and Blade Runner, the incredibly dated cartoon anti-drug specials, Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies, punk rock zombies, Gainax productions, Mamoru Oshii films, and yakuza art films. Hey, if you want, we even review more My Little Pony. We've been threatening to talk about the '80s cartoon for years! Oh what about Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer? Or the '80s Ninja Turtles cartoon? The possibilities are endless.
The Part Where I Tell You How Deep in the Hole I Am
So here's the gory details:
- First we have a tooth. Despite lots of probiotic yogurt, a year of antibiotics has killed the good mouth bacteria. Now this tooth is kind of rotting. This requires an emergency root canal. Waiting another couple of weeks was a guarantee that the tooth would need to be pulled completely. The infection was spreading to the jaw. If left alone, it could be life-threatening.
- The dental insurance plan just started May 1st. Turns out you have to wait six months before the insurance covers anything more than regular check-ups and teeth cleaning.
- The root canal costs quite a bit: $1956.
- I thought the crown on top of the root canal was going to cost a couple hundred, but that was wrong. The crown costs even more: $1978.45. That's $3934.45 total.
- I've earned $515.00 so far, by selling a big chunk of my toy collection. That still leaves $3419. I managed to delay the crown until next week, which is after the next billing statement on my credit card. So basically, if I can make $1441 in the month of June, I can keep from paying interest on my credit card. This is very important because my interest rate is 19.24%. I'm pretty confident I can earn another $441 this month by selling most of what's left of my toy collection. If you folks can help us get another $1000, then I can survive June without selling my recording equipment and I can focus on trying to handle remaining $1978.45.
Why Should You Care?
Why is Destroy All Podcasts important? I have a degree in film and for the better part of a decade, my friends and I have been scoured the murkiest corners of a childhood spent in front of a broken down TV with rabbit ears made out of a coat hanger looking for half-remember cartoons and messed up b-movies we were really too young to see but watched anyway. I've met listeners at conventions and toy shows. People have told us that we've made a difference in their lives, whether it was keeping them awake on long commutes or fostering a love of animation and cinema bizarro. We thrive on sharing my love for raggedy cartoons and movies that upset your grandparents, but we can't keep doing it without your help.
What's In It For You?
You may be asking what you get out of it? Well I've got some great news for you! WE WILL BE YOUR SERVANTS. Plus we'll give you stuff.
- At long last, instead of suggesting podcast topics, you can dictate them! Pick a movie or TV show (no more than two episodes, please), and we will podcast on them for you! Please make sure it's something available on home video or streaming video or something you can supply.
- Every supporter will also get ebook copies of the entire library of comics I have written including Golden Gate Riot and Mexico City Riot (with art by Jeik Dion), all Homeless Dinosaur stories (with art by Tim Riot, Frankie B. Washington, and Trishelle Jeffrey), Religion in a Hat (with art by Die-Anne), and the complete but not yet released horror story, The Jack (with art by Star St. Germain).
- Be a co-host on Destroy All Podcasts! That's right! With the right contribution, you can join us over the Internet (or in person if you live in the San Francisco bay area or can get here on your own) for a podcast on the topic of your choice!
Risks & Challenges
We've been producing podcasts for you for years. We know how to do this. We love to do this. We want to keep doing it. If you help us keep going, we're not going to stop. But what happens if we don't meet our goal? The money we do raise will go towards paying off my debt. I'm going to keep selling my toy collection and I guess my netbook as well. I'm going to try hard not to sell my podcasting equipment. If we don't meet our goal and I do have to sell the recording equipment, I will do it after meeting to rewards for contributors. If I have to sell, the last podcasts we do will be the ones you select or co-host on.
What happens if we exceed our goal? Any money over the $1000 goal will of course go to paying for the crown, which is still nearly $2000 on its own. If a miracle happens and we exceed $3419 and my debt is totally erased, the additional money will go towards purchasing more podcasting equipment!
We've been doing the entire show on one microphone for years and we've always wanted to get two more so when we have shows with three people (which is the most common these days) each person has their own mic. We could dramatically increase our sound equality this way. Any additional money beyond that will go towards an Adobe subscription so we can make videos more often (it's very time-consuming doing it in Windows Movie Editor). If we get super duper lucky, extra money would go towards an actual video camera so I don't just have to use the camera built into my laptop to make videos. Basically if we clear the debt completely with your contribution, we will increase the quality of our content, so you can enjoy it more!
Want To Help, But Can't Afford It?
We realize not everyone has money to spare. That's okay. There's still plenty you can do to help!
- Please tell all your friends about our podcast and our campaign!
- Please post about us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or your own podcast!
- Remember you can use Indiegogo's built-in sharing tools!
Thank you from the bottom of my goofy little heart.
-Jeremy W. Kaufmann