Rescued Summary
“Rescued” is a weird, sometimes funny, and magical short-film about Depression and Suicide. The story is personal. Informed by long conversations with friends who have either attempted or have committed suicide. It’s also inspired by the handful of traumatic injuries the writer/director (Justin Moynihan) has helped respond to in the backcountry. One of which was a man falling 150’ in his underwear on acid.
“Rescued” is not an attempt to solve any part of the mental health crisis or to offer an answer for depression or suicide. But it is an effort to humanize the experience. We just wanted to put these thoughts into the context of the everyday. Instead of un-relatable melodrama, our heroine is interrupted by the normal flow of life and by the impulse to break tension with comedy. The short is also riddled with magical realism for entertaining cinema and hopefulness.
About the Cast & Crew
We’ve rallied an exceptionally talented Cast and Crew.
M. Justin Moynihan (Writer/Director) - Manly (Co-Creator), Alone (Co-Creator), Catalist (Writer), UCLA Professional Program Graduate, Ex-mountain guide and Wilderness Medicine Instructor.
Oliver Lukacs (Director of Photography) - Red Lines, Flawd, Scum.
Bryerly Long (Lead) - Actor Sayonara, Hospitalite, Director Tokyo Dreamers, a little violence. UCLA Professional Program in Acting Graduate.
Anna Lian Tes (Producer) - We Belong Here (Short film), Xiu Xiu (Music Video), MIrror Touch (Music Video).
Jesse Moynihan (Story Boards & Film Poster) - Adventure Time (Story Board Artist), Midnight Gospel (Art Director), Manly (Co-Creator).
Alex Tyson (Editor) - Mountain Fire Personnel, Gasland, Baroque Suite, Supply Chain, Divieto 2.
What We Need & What You Get
We're hoping to raise $28,000 for:
Camera, G&E, Equipment & Rentals $5,000
Locations, Insurance & Permits $1,500
Crew $4,500
Special FX $2,000
Camera Department $2,000
Cast $2,200
Writer Director $1,000
Set Dec, Costumes, & Props $1,500
Editing & Coloring $3,000
Lodging, Food & Travel $1,500
Soundtrack $800
Festivals $2,000
Expendables $1,000
For contributing (Perks)
$10 Appreciation
$25 A Hug, after Coronavirus is over
$50 - Justin Moynihan will record a song for you and put it on his Instagram
$100 - we'll send you a signed Rescued Poster with Jesse Moynihan's art
$200 - we'll send you a Rescued T-Shirt
$500 - Justin will teach you the Initial Assessment & Wilderness Wound Care over FaceTime.
$2,500 - We'll give you Associate Producer Credit
$5,000 - We'll give you Executive Producer Credit and Plug your logo into the end credits
The Impact
The combination of this Cast and Crew promises a beautifully shot (Oliver DP) and edited (Alex Editor) film with great performances (Bryerly) told with interesting perspectives (Justin Writer/Director).
Helping "Rescued" come to life is a direct investment in the artistic voice of all its Cast and Crew. We're hoping it is also a direct investment in a dialogue about mental health. Every extra dollar will go into making the end product that much better.
Risks & Challenges
The greatest risks are financial. In the event that we do not raise the total goal we will prioritize funds to shooting the film and raise additional funds through a second crowd fund or through grant applications. We will be able to shoot the film for as little as $11,500.
Any funding raised over the $28,000 goal will be used for Post Production, Distribution and Festivals, and to compensate folks who worked for little to nothing to help make this project come to life.
Other Ways You Can Help
From $28 to $28,000, anything helps. But if you can't give financially letting your friends and family know about the campaign will go a long way. Use the Share Tools built into the Indiegogo platform. Feel free to contact Justin Moynihan directly for more information so you have more information to get behind this project.