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Respond to messages while driving without looking

Eyes-free Patented technology for the blind helps you use apps without ever looking at your phone

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Respond to messages while driving without looking

Respond to messages while driving without looking

Respond to messages while driving without looking

Respond to messages while driving without looking

Respond to messages while driving without looking

Eyes-free Patented technology for the blind helps you use apps without ever looking at your phone

Eyes-free Patented technology for the blind helps you use apps without ever looking at your phone

Eyes-free Patented technology for the blind helps you use apps without ever looking at your phone

Eyes-free Patented technology for the blind helps you use apps without ever looking at your phone

Boaz Zilberman
Boaz Zilberman
Boaz Zilberman
Boaz Zilberman
2 Campaigns |
Tel Aviv, Israel
$32,570 USD 394 backers
108% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

"From the if you can't beat 'em, join 'em school of product marketing, a new device called RayGo aims to make texting while driving easier and less dangerous."

- Amanda Schupak, CBS NEWS, May 2015.

See the CBS NEWS article and video - Click here

"Texting and driving. We know it's a stupid idea, yet despite all those campaigns against it, some people still think they can handle the demands of a vehicle and their text messages at the same time. And if they're going to continue to do it, there might as well be a product that makes it safer.

- Simon Cohen, OZY. USA TODAY, May 2015.

RayGo lets you safely use your favorite apps like Messenger, Whatsapp, Gmail, Skype and Pandora while driving or biking. With a bluetooth controller mounted on your steering wheel, and an eye-free user interface, responding to messages becomes as safe and easy as changing radio stations. 

With this 5 key Bluetooth controller mounted right on your steering wheel, you’ve got your phone at your fingertips. When you begin driving, the RayGo mobile app senses and automatically converts your favorite apps to DriveMode

DriveMode simplifies your pre-existing apps, such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Skype, WeChat, Gmail, Telephony, SMS Messages, Pandora and Spotify - letting you use your apps, while driving, without ever looking at your phone.

RayGo works on Android only with the following apps:

RayGo DriveMode works in the same simple way that the RAY smartphone for the blind works, letting you control your apps with just 5 keys.

DriveMode is so intuitive and smart that it knows when the driver is busy. It holds back notifications, pauses message playbacks, and even speaks slower when necessary, protecting you from the urge to multi-task, and focusing your attention on the road.

RayGo can be used by right- and left-handed people - The controller can be installed on either left or right sides of the steering wheel and will update the key mappings according to its orientation.

Project RAY is the leading provider of smartphone technology for the blind and visually impaired. Now we bring our sightless patented technology to drivers everywhere, ensuring that RayGo is 100% eyes-free!

RAY smartphone for the blind was created in cooperation with:

Read more about it here

Project RAY was featured in:

Monitoring your speed and location, RayGo adapts its operation to driving conditions; holding back notifications, pausing message playback and even speaking slower when necessary, to ensure that your focus and attention are where they needs to be at any given time.

We are planning special water-proof version of the RayGo controller for bikers. RayGo is not only the safest smartphone solution for drivers, you can also attach RayGo to your bike handles, or even toss your phone into your bag. It will work in the same way, letting you use your apps, while riding your bike, without having to look at your phone.

If you are a biker who thinks that you and other bikers like yourself could benefit from RayGo eyes free solution, Sign up to the RayGo’s Bikers waiting list!! Once we get 500 bikers on the list, we will begin production for the RayGo Bike Edition!

Sign up to the RayGo’s Bikers waiting list:

Once our Indiegogo campaign closes, you can expect your RayGo to be delivered to wherever you are in the world in just 4 months.

Free Shipping Worldwide!

*RayGo prototype we used for usability testing.

   Founder & CEO

An industry veteran with over 20 years’ experience in high-tech businesses, Boaz’s expertise includes launching high-tech start-up business through to market maturity, strategic and tactical creativity, business development and marketing of telecom technologies and strategic partner negotiations. Boaz is a Co-Founder of fring and worked in the company for six years as Chief Architect responsible for product strategy and partners relations.

  Founder & CTO

Michael has over 18 years of broad software and systems engineering experience starting from working on first experimental 3G systems in Qualcomm. Later on Michael was part of several startups developing products in the areas of wireless chipsets, enterprise networking and Android apps. Michael has multiple patents spanning large-scale mobile communications networks, Bluetooth and WiFi coexistence, secure local wireless networking and innovative user interfaces.

   Founder & Chairman

Arik has over 15 years of management experience in the software and communications market, and over 10 years experience in consulting on both management and technical matters including analysis and design of various computer systems, network security systems, communications systems, high-performance multimedia applications, Internet-enabled applications, command & control, software quality assurance, software and general R&D management. He is experienced in various technical fields including device drivers and system internals, software design and architecture, communications and networking, software project management.

Our mission is to promote responsible use of smartphones on the road. We are expected to stay connected everywhere. Banning smartphones has been already tried, but it clearly doesn't work - We need a smarter solution for responsible use of smartphones in the car.

RayGo is now a fully functional prototype. Become part of the community of RayGo users and pre-order RayGo today! Make an impact by spreading this message to all the people you care about.

Now it’s up to you! Every dollar, Facebook Like, tweet, and mention regarding #RayGo helps you and other drivers like yourself stay connected safely while driving! Back our project and spread the word! Let’s make it happen!

What is DriveMode?

The RayGo mobile app adds DriveMode on-the-fly to popular apps and utilities, making it simple and intuitive to use. DriveMode replaces complex graphics with easy-to-glance-at screens and voice prompts; and replaces touch-screen gestures with simple key presses on the 5-key controller.  This automatic conversion of graphics into linear and common vocal elements is the key factor that enables us to provide intuitive interface for the blind and for drivers.

Which apps can I use with RayGo?

At delivery RayGo will work with Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Spotify, Gmail, SMS and telephone apps. We will be adding support for more apps in the updates to the RayGo mobile app following the campaign. The top apps on our list are Pandora, Spotify and Skype.

We'd love to hear your suggestions on which app we need to support in the future.

What kinds of apps do not work with RayGo?

RayGo will not support apps that create a significant visual distraction, for example games, video apps (e.g. YouTube), and picture apps (e.g. Camera, Instagram, Snapchat.)

What are the voice control functions RayGo provides?

You can control your apps using just 5 keys of the RayGo controller. That includes responding to your messages with pre-defined quick responses (don't forget your main task is driving!) If you cannot delay sending a longer message, you can send a recorded audio message or use voice recognition. When sending recorded audio message, the recipient will hear your voice as recorded by the smartphone. When using voice recognition, your smartphone will translate your voice into a text string before sending the message to the recipient. 

I already have an app that stops me from texting. Why is RayGo better?

RayGo is not a product for those who already found the way to avoid using their smartphones while driving. This is certainly the best and safest way to keep your full attention to the road.    RayGo is a product for the many of us who use their phones even though we know it’s wrong, providing a much safer way to engage with your smartphone while driving.

I like to glance at my phone when I am using a navigation app. Will I be able to see the map in DriveMode?

When you need to look at your phone, and a navigation app is a good example for it, you can proactively activate the screen by pressing the hot key (long press on the center button) on the RayGo steering-wheel controller. The screen is left open for 2 seconds which is the recommended time limit for visual distractions.

When can I expect my pre-ordered RayGo?

Once our campaign is successfully funded, you can expect your RayGo within 4 months of the campaign’s completion

Which smartphones does RayGo work with?

Any Android device running OS version 4.1 and above

Does RayGo work with iPhone?

Currently, we offer limited support to iPhone users that include reading aloud notifications. We are working on better adapting RayGo for the iPhone, and the full version should be available in the next six months.

How does the controller connect to my phone?

The controller connects to your smartphone over a standard Bluetooth connection.

How does RayGo know when how I am speeding up or slowing down?

The RayGo mobile app receives updates on the device’s speed from sensors on the RayGo controller and the smartphone. so we can evaluate whether it is safe to interrupt a user with a notification.

Does RayGo come in different colors?

We evaluated different color schemes aiming to design a device that can blend in car interiors while still being fresh and modern. Dark grey with lime yellow worked best in our tests. We are open to considering additional color schemes suggested by you in the comments.

I have more questions. Who can I ask?

Please leave a comment on the COMMENT tab at the top of the page, or email us at and we will reply as soon as possible

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


RayGo Safe Driver

$55 USD
Never let your smartphone blind you to the road again! Get your RayGo for only $55 instead of $79 - Save $24 * Android only.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
61 claimed

Supporting is Believing

$5 USD
Thank you for your support, your contribution brings RayGo one step closer to becoming a reality. Your name will be included on our website as part of the people that made this possible!
6 claimed

RayGo Sleep Mask

$15 USD
You can now sleep better knowing people are using RayGo.
3 claimed

RayGo for lovebirds - extended

$85 USD
In this 2-for-1 Special, get a RayGo for yourself and for your sweetheart. Show your guy or gal how much you care by giving them the gift of safe and connected driving! Awwww… Get your RayGo for only $85 instead of $158 - Save $73 * Android only.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
12 out of 50 of claimed

RayGo Friends Pack

$120 USD
3 RayGo controllers for you and your best-buddies! Get your RayGo for only $120 instead of $237 - Save $117 * Android only.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
Only 3 left

The Best Boss Pack

$500 USD
12 RayGo Controllers (for small companies) Show your staff what a great Boss you are by making sure they’re safe and productive on the road ;) Get your RayGo for only $500 instead of $948 - Save $448 * Android only.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
8 out of 10 of claimed

RayGo Distributor Pack

$5,000 USD
120 RayGo Controllers Become a distributor and help people drive safer and on the way get a great discount... Get your RayGo for only $5,000 instead of $9480 - Save $4480 * Android only.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Fast Early Birds

$39 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
50 out of 50 of claimed
sold out

Early Bird Gets the Worm

$45 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
100 out of 100 of claimed
sold out

RayGo for LoveBirds

$85 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
50 out of 50 of claimed

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