Thank you for helping us launch Phase 1 RISE WATERS RISE in 2013
We need your help as we launch Phase 2 REVIVE ME in July 2016
The Problem
America has become a mission field.
How so?
The failure of the pulpit.
The breakdown of the family.
The acceptance of humanism, individualism, secularism and emotionalism.
The outright idolatry of sexuality and prosperity.
The murder of millions of innocent lives – unborn babies.
The economic culture of debt financing and extreme consumption.
The disregard for loyalty, morality and integrity.
The brunt of the consequences for America’s reality is being and will be experienced by those encapsulated between the ages of 18 - 25. Hence, our hearts definitely have a soft spot for this demographic. These young lives have grown up in homes marked by division, turmoil and insecurity. They have been taught from an early age that people are not to be trusted; and that their only source of hope is the belief in their own strength - which usually ends up not being enough. They consistently find themselves being stuck dealing with the consequences of the bad decisions made by their parents and feeling lost and lonely when looking ahead towards their own future. This has forged tremendous emotional and psychological stress that has resulted in suicides, identity crises, mental illnesses and an overall disregard towards life that subtly eats away innocence and the willingness to live. And when assessed holistically, thwarts the longevity of the future of America.
According to 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed pornography online – 80% of 5-17 year olds have claimed to have had multiple hard-core exposures. Modern day research has shown that such material has been attributed to the objectification of women, earlier onset of first sexual intercourse, and is directly linked to negative or traumatic emotional responses. We all know the list of negative consequences is much longer than mentioned.
The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reveals 91% of the women surveyed on college campuses have attempted to control their weight through dieting. This reveals the immense social pressure to emphasize external rather than internal beauty. Sadly, 86% show some forms of an eating disorder by age 20. This can also be traced back to the consequences of pornography and it's effect on how men view women.
Over the course of recent years, anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication prescription has grown tremendously. Medco's "America's state of mind" report states that in 2010, 1 in 5 adults in America were on one of these medications. Sadly, the demographic that showed the most growth in mental health prescriptions over the last 10 years, was younger men (20+). These realities are part of the reason why suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in college students ages 20-24 (
To further color America's desperate condition, the divorce rate in the USA is roughly around 50%. Hence, a large number of individuals between the ages of 14-25 years are growing up in broken homes. According to Focus on the Family, such homes predispose children and young adults to addiction and crime. More often than not, these individuals suffer from psychological distress. They also tend to carry emotional scars even into adulthood.
There is no doubt that the future of America is made up of a young generation that is lost and confused. They are looking for life in all the wrong places. They are looking for rest but don’t know where to find it and their revival and restoration is DIRECTLY connected to the restoration of the future of this country. Someone needs to tell them to look to Jesus. We believe He is the answer ... actually we KNOW He is the only answer.
”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ...” – Jesus (Matthew 11:28).
The Solution
Discovering the opportunity to be adopted into the family of God through Jesus[PERSONAL REVIVAL].
Fostering a culture of discipleship and personal accountability[JOIN THE FAMILY].
Discern the gifts and become grafted into Christ’s Body[BE THE CHURCH].
Reach out to the city God has placed us[ENGAGE THE CITY].
Partner with friends/events/initiatives in surrounding cities[ENGAGE THE STATE].
Partner with friends/events/initiatives in surrounding states[ENGAGE THE NATION].
Create and provide resources using every possible medium[ENGAGE THE WORLD].
Having just crossed the Red Sea, the Israelites found themselves in the harsh wilderness yet again. ELIM provided the necessary rest Gods people needed. It housed 12 wells and 70 palm trees. And just like the Israelites, so many lives (both old and young) today are lost in a spiritual wilderness. We simply desire to help guide lives to the spiritual rest found in Jesus. This is the meaning of “TheElimArrival”... it literally means the arrival to rest. The phrase defines us and articulates our mission.
We hope to achieve this vision by sharing the love of Christ and exposing the transforming power of His presence through the testimonies, gifts and channels that God has given to us.
Our 7 Top Priorities:
- Go #TheExtraMile and learn about the love of Christ and His desire for you (Personal Revival).
- Become a part of #TheElimHouse experiment and experiencing the mothering/fathering arm of the ministry where accountability / basic christian disciplines can be initiated (Join the Family).
- Take part in weekly Church activities. We call this time at ‘#The Well’ where we drink the fresh water of the Word of God and are revitalized by His presence through corporate worship and discover our gifting for the edification of the whole body (Be the Church).
- Host events/outreaches in our local community via events hosted by #TheElimTeam (engage the city).
- Tour other cities within the Iowa to revive the saints and redeem the sinners via #TheIowaElimTour.
- Tour other states to revive the saints and redeem the sinners via #TheNationalElimTour.
- Provide resources utilizing publishing and the internet (Books, Music, Campaigns, Merchandise, Photography, Blogs, Videography, Resources and Radio) #ElimMusic #ElimBooks
10% THE WELL OF IOWA (Local church activities)
15% REVIVE ME Conference [NOV 2016]
30% ELIM HOUSE (Mentorship + Discipleship)
30% ELIM MUSIC (New Music + Touring in 2017)