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Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

A feature-length, fully-improvised psychological thriller, shooting in Glasgow this March.

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Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

Ribbons: An Apocalyptic Scottish Feature Film

A feature-length, fully-improvised psychological thriller, shooting in Glasgow this March.

A feature-length, fully-improvised psychological thriller, shooting in Glasgow this March.

A feature-length, fully-improvised psychological thriller, shooting in Glasgow this March.

A feature-length, fully-improvised psychological thriller, shooting in Glasgow this March.

Gregor Barclay
Gregor Barclay
Gregor Barclay
Gregor Barclay
1 Campaign |
Glasgow, United Kingdom
$3,487 USD $3,487 USD 76 backers
50% of $6,848 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Our goal is to create a full-length improvised feature film: Ribbons. A Scottish psychological thriller with an explosive twist, Ribbons follows a small group of four very different characters trapped in a confined space - a windowless bunker that pushes relationships to breaking points, and minds to the brink of madness. After many years making short films, we're excited to finally make the transition to features - hopefully, with your help.


We're Gregor Barclay and Colin Bell. We've been making short films and music videos and sketches and web shorts and documentaries and ads and filming gigs and theatre and comedy shows...for years. And we really like doing all that stuff, but what we've always really wanted to do is make feature films. 

Feature films are expensive, and up until now we've never had a feature film idea we felt we could raise enough money to comfortably - and professionally - make. We also didn't have the technical expertise and collaborators we needed. All that has changed with Ribbons.

Ribbons is a project we conceived after Gregor watched a video on youtube of the American filmmaker Joe Swanberg at South By Southwest talking about his career. Gregor wasn't aware that Swanberg had actually made about ten (I'm not kidding, TEN) feature-length movies in an 18-month stretch a few years back. Swanberg was knocking out more movies a year than some people watch in a year and his rationale for doing so was that it wasn't expensive IF (a big if) you shoot quickly, cast cleverly, and - most importantly - do it without a script. At that point, Ribbons was conceived - it was to be a low-budget feature, to be shot on location in Glasgow over four days in March with a quintet of local actors, a skeleton crew and a whole lot of chutzpah.


The Plot

Ribbons tells the story of a dinner party gone awry; first through the antagonistic actions of the host, and latterly through the intervention of a nuclear bomb, which detonates in the city beyond and necessitates the end of dinner (as you might expect) and the guests' swift departure downstairs to the host's panic room slash fallout shelter. Our host is revealed to be what's known as a doomsday-prepper - his subterranean bunker is equipped with everything that he and his wife need to survive the nuclear winter. Everything has gone according to his fastidious emergency plans - everything except the number of people now sharing the bunker with him. Perhaps there are ways he can thin the herd? It's for the good of humanity, of course...


Cast and Crew

We're delighting to announce that Robert Jack will be playing our tetchy, antagonistic and unreconstructed homeowner. Robert is an accomplished actor, on the stage as well as screen. He's most widely known for his work as Jacko Jackson on the BBC's Gary: Tank Commander, but his extensive theatre credits include the National Theatre of Scotland productions Black Watch and Home. He's also worked with us on a number of occasions, most recently on 2016's Bells.  

Joining Rob in our five-strong cast is Shauna Macdonald. Shauna's considerable screen credits include Filth and horror classic The Descent (and its sequel). She's also appeared appeared in Star Wars: The Last Jedi and ITV's In Plain Sight.

Joining Shauna and Robert is Ali Craig. Ali's been making a name for himself on the small screen, with credits in just the last two years including Outlander, Trust Me and Shetland.

Behind the camera, we'll be working with camera operator and cinematographer, Alan McIlrath. Alan's an experienced cinematographer and a filmmaker in his own right, having produced and written a number of his own projects.


On DIT and offline edit duties is Chris Brown, a long term friend, sounding board and frequent voice of reason.


What We Need

We're looking for £5,300 to make Ribbons. We want to pay everyone who works on the production stage of the movie - especially our cast, who will be doing a lot of the heavy lifting with a project of this nature. We've chosen to go with an egalitarian model for remuneration: everyone, regardless of position on set, will make the same amount (£100) for a day's work. On the technical side, we already have most of the filmmaking equipment we require to deliver the movie, so the equipment hire will be minimal. With all this in mind, the budget breaks down as follows:

- CAST: 2 actors for 4 days + 2 actors for 3 days + 1 actor for 1 day @ £100 a day = £1500

- CREW: 1 director + 2 camera operators + 1 DIT + 1 sound recordist @ £100 a day = £2000

- CATERING: 4 days @ £150 a day = £600

- PRODUCTION DESIGN: Props, set dressing = £200

- TRANSPORT: Van hire + fuel + taxis = £200

- EQUIPMENT HIRE: Lighting / Grip / Sound equipment / SD cards = £500

- INDIEGOGO'S CUT: (Mandatory 5% transaction fee + £25 transfer fee) = £300


What You Get

Ribbons should be a leap to the next level for everyone on our team - and we want to reward everyone who helps us make that leap as best we can. We've got a bunch of rewards on offer, from the familiar (tickets to the cast and crew screening, set visits, the opportunity to see the movie early online) to the unusual (the chance to have Colin and Gregor come to your house and cook you dinner, or to have the Ribbons team shoot a short film written by and starring YOU).

And there's an invisible reward, too; which comes free with every contribution, no matter how small - the knowledge that you're helping us realise a life-long dream of actually making a goshdarnit FEATURE FILM,  on our own terms. 


Risks & Challenges

With any film production, there are risks, but Ribbons has been designed from the ground up to mitigate as many of those risks as possible - the cast and crew is limited, the locations are controllable and few (there's only two of them!), and the filmmaking gear is unfussy (no track or dolly shots, no special effects).

It may seem like our target budget is unrealistically slim, but every effort has been taken to make sure we can achieve what we need to with this figure. We wouldn't dream of beginning our climb up this mountain without being sure we're carrying what we need to reach the summit. 

Additionally, we've put in place a number of contingency plans in case we don't raise the full figure. We won't go into them here - and they will result in a compromised version of our original vision - but we'll still be able to deliver a finished product.


Other Ways You Can Help

Not everyone is in a financial position to contribute to a project like this - we understand that entirely - but you can still help us towards our goal by sharing this page on Facebook or Twitter (our handle on both is @ribbons2018). We'd really be incredibly grateful - the most important thing is that we get the word out about the movie to as many people as possible. 



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Choose your Perk


Background Radiation...

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
For just a fiver, the chance to see the film before anyone else! Also included, a juicy slice of our gratitude!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Online Screener
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

Thanks For The Memories!

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
You will receive a 'thank you' in the credit sequence of the finished movie. PLUS, you'll get a link to view the film online before anyone else. You'll also receive a decent chunk of the warm feeling of spiritual well-being that comes from supporting independent art.
Included Items
  • 'Thank You' Credit
  • 'Early Bird' Online Screener
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
13 claimed

Scor(ch)ed Earth!

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
You'll receive a 'Thank You' credit, an 'Early Bird' screener, and an exclusive download to the RIBBONS soundtrack, recorded by Glasgow band How to Swim.
Included Items
  • 'Thank You' Credit
  • 'Early Bird' Online Screener
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • Soundtrack Download
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
12 claimed

Free Digital Download!

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
You'll receive a free early-bird digital download of the movie before anyone else. You'll also get a 'thank you' credit at the end of the movie, and a special shout-out from the official Ribbons Facebook and Twitter accounts, not to mention our undying gratitude.
Included Items
  • 'Thank You' Credit
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
19 claimed

Show Off Your Support!

Currency Conversion $45 USD
£35 GBP
Wear your limited edition Ribbons badge with pride, you gallant supporter of Scottish art! If anyone asks why you're wearing it, you may proudly answer, "Because I am gorgeous and terrific." You'll also receive a 'thank you' credit, an early bird download of the movie and a shout-out on both Twitter and Facebook from the official Ribbons accounts.
Included Items
  • 'Thank You' Credit
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tote-al Annihilation!

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
Want to shop for groceries whilst sporting merch for an amazing new indie flick? Well now you can! With this perk you'll receive a limited edition Ribbons tote bag, emblazoned with the film's theatrical poster. You'll also receive a digital download and a 'special thanks' credit at the end of the movie. Why? Because you're special, that's why!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • 'Special Thanks' Credit
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
4 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sound And Fury!

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
You'll receive an Early-Bird download of the film before anyone else, a 'Special Thanks' credit, and a limited-edition badge, PLUS a digital copy of the film's unique soundtrack, written and performed by Glaswegian band How to Swim ON THE ACTUAL SET OF THE MOVIE.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • 'Special Thanks' Credit
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • Soundtrack Download
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Watch The Movie With Us!

Currency Conversion $129 USD
£100 GBP
You and a friend or loved one are invited to the cast and crew screening of Ribbons! See the movie with the folk who MADE the movie! We'll provide popcorn and a beverage of your choice, and we'll throw in a limited edition Ribbons badge and a movie poster signed by the directors. You have to be able to get to Glasgow for this one, of course!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • 'Special Thanks' Credit
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • 2 Tickets: Cast/Crew Screening
  • Limited Edition Poster
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
8 claimed

Breakfast of Champions!

Currency Conversion $323 USD
£250 GBP
By way of thanks for your incredible generosity and warm support for Scottish indie film, directors Colin and Gregor would like to take you out for breakfast at their favourite greasy spoon. Don't worry, they're footing the bill! They'll also bring you a mystery gift! And you'll be listed as an 'Associate Producer' in Ribbons' credit sequence.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • Breakfast With The Directors
  • 'Associate Producer' Credit
  • Mystery Gift
  • 2 Tickets: Cast/Crew Screening
  • Limited Edition Poster
  • Soundtrack Download
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

Jesus Mode: Associate Producer

Currency Conversion $323 USD
£250 GBP
So you want to help us make Ribbons, but you don't want anything in return?! Jesus mode: ENGAGED! It's better to give than to receive, so you get nothing but our thanks (in this world...and the next), an 'Associate Producer' credit, an Early-Bird Download, and the knowledge that you played a vital part in the creation of original Scottish art!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • 'Associate Producer' Credit
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

Visit The Set! Meet Everyone!

Currency Conversion $323 USD
£250 GBP
Want to peek behind the curtain and see what really goes on on a low-budget film set? Come and visit us on set, watch us work for a bit, then join the cast and crew for lunch. On top of your 'Associate Producer' credit, we'll also throw in a limited edition tote bag, badge, film and soundtrack downloads, and Twitter and Facebook shout-outs.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • 'Associate Producer' Credit
  • Soundtrack Download
  • Set Visit
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 out of 10 of claimed

My Dinner With...Those Guys

Currency Conversion $646 USD
£500 GBP
As a prestigious 'Executive Producer', you've earned the right to have directors Colin and Gregor come to your home and cook you a full meal. That's right, a full meal made by their own fair hands. (If you live abroad, you'll have to make do with Skype and takeaway.) They'll bring the ingredients, plus a mystery gift and a bunch of other goodies.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • Mystery Gift
  • 'Executive Producer' Credit
  • Dinner Cooked By The Directors
  • 2 Tickets: Cast/Crew Screening
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

Jesus Mode: Executive Producer

Currency Conversion $646 USD
£500 GBP
So you want to help us make Ribbons, but you don't want anything in return?! Jesus mode: ENGAGED! It's better to give than to receive, so you get nothing but our thanks (in this world...and the next), an 'Executive Producer' credit, an Early-Bird Download, and the knowledge that you played a vital part in the creation of original Scottish art!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • 'Executive Producer' Credit
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

Jesus Mode: Senior Producer

Currency Conversion $1,292 USD
£1,000 GBP
So you want to help us make Ribbons, but you don't want anything in return?! Jesus mode: ENGAGED! It's better to give than to receive, so you get nothing but our thanks (in this world...and the next), a sought-after 'Senior Producer' credit, digital download, and the knowledge that you played a key part in the creation of original Scottish art!
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • 'Senior Producer' Credit
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 claimed

We Make YOU A Movie!

Currency Conversion $1,292 USD
£1,000 GBP
Ever wanted to be the star of your own movie? We can help. The Ribbons directors will come to you (if you live in central Scotland...) and make a short film of your design, starring YOU and anyone you like. Your friends, your kids - it's up to you. The only catch: we have to shoot it in one day, in a location you have access to.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • 'Senior Producer' Credit
  • 2 Tickets: Cast/Crew Screening
  • Limited Edition Poster
  • We Make You A Short Film
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed

The Nuclear Option

Currency Conversion $6,460 USD
£5,000 GBP
Well, that's it. It's all over! This extraordinary guy or gal just bought the whole darn zoo. It's their movie now, maybe not legally, but IN SPIRIT. They bankrolled the whole movie, right from under us, and with it earned a place in our fluttering hearts forever. We salute you, kind and noble sir/madam. Your choice of credit awaits you.
Included Items
  • 'Early Bird' Digital Download
  • Limited Edition Tote Bag
  • Limited Edition Badge
  • Shout Outs: Twitter + Facebook
  • Dinner Cooked By The Directors
  • 2 Tickets: Cast/Crew Screening
  • Credit Of Your Choice
Estimated Shipping
June 2018
0 out of 1 of claimed
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