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RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

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RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

RideOn: The First True AR Goggles for Snow Sports!

The campaign has ended, but you can still pre-order at the link below!

The campaign has ended, but you can still pre-order at the link below!

The campaign has ended, but you can still pre-order at the link below!

The campaign has ended, but you can still pre-order at the link below!

Micha Brodoff
Micha Brodoff
Micha Brodoff
Micha Brodoff
1 Campaign |
Tel Aviv, Israel
$113,146 USD 370 backers
150% of $75,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal


❅Click Here to Pre-Order❅

Attention: The information on this page may be out-of-date. For current information on RideOn goggles, visit our website at or find us on Facbeook and Twitter @rideonvision. Stay social.

For these languages, scroll to the bottom of this page.


RideOn goggles are the world’s first true augmented reality (AR) ski goggles.

RideOn goggles use a see-­through display to project AR graphics and features on the snow, so they appear as if they’re floating 15+ feet in front of you.

Thanks to a method we invented, RideOn Goggles allow you to interact with the floating UI using head movements. No external devices like wrist watches or voice activation. To navigate the UI, just stare at icons fixed to the sky, your friends, or points of interest. With this type of interface, your hands stay gloved and warm, and your phone stays securely in your pocket.

With RideOn Goggles, you can:


Interact with your buddies. RideOn shows their locations highlighted around you with beautiful AR graphics. Select a friend to call them and send them pre-set text messages.

Navigate the slopes. See your location on a virtual map, and find lifts, lodges, and other points of interest highlighted seamlessly in your field of vision.

In addition to the above features, RideOn goggles let users:

  • Record POV clips of your ride with RideOn’s cam. Upload the masterpieces online. Friends back home? Jealous.

  • Listen to your favorite music. Operate a hands-free, AR music interface connected to your phone and say auf wiedersehen to frozen fingers.

  • Future RideOn features, delivered via software updates:

    • Play games and challenges (see clip below); activate turn-by-turn navigation, video chat, and various in-ride stats; create video clips with embedded in-ride stats; view live queue wait times of lifts, and much more!

Check out our Youtube channel for more clips like the ones above.

RideOn was built with safety in mind -- for the rider, and the other skiers on the slopes. When a user begins to ski, RideOn automatically detects motion and switches to an extremely minimal riding mode. Nothing will compete for the skier’s attention. All text messages, calls, and virtual snowballs are patiently waiting and are delivered when you are fully stopped and safe.

Games and highlighted friends and points of interest add minimal information embedded on the snow. They were designed to enhance your downhill experience, do not obstruct the view, and help focus your attention on skiing while you mind your surroundings.

RideOn’s display, although positioned right in front of the user’s eye, projects virtual layers and data focused to a distance of >15ft, thus creating an AR experience where graphics appear as if seamlessly integrated onto the real world.

The goggles use a combination of orientation sensors, a camera, and network connectivity to bring smart, real-time features to your eye using a see-through display.

Please see our Blog for current updates. In addition, you can check out the Backer Updates section here on Indiegogo, but we stopped updating there in autumn of 2015.


RideOn uses a see-through display that is 3x larger than Google Glass's for a true augmented reality experience. The display is lightweight, and features high transparency and super bright graphics -- even against the glare of the snow.


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The goggles contain a miniature, full fledged, stand-alone computer that handles sensors processing, computer graphics, and algorithms. The core software consists of three main modules:

General Info on RideOn - Full.jpg


In order to display graphics on top of the outside world, the rendering engines need to know the precise location and orientation of the see-through display. The GPS can deliver this position accurately enough, but calculating accurate, low-latency orientation is hard. In fact, this has challenged outdoor augmented reality applications for years, with little headway. Expensive professional solutions involve methods like magnetic beacons or tens of thousands of dollars worth of inertial sensors.

As veteran computer vision experts, we have invented a method that tackles this problem in an original way. Minding that a camera is mechanically fixed in a known location relative to the user’s line of sight, we can use the constant stream of images to find the relative direction of the see-through display (and thus our line of sight) in regard to the direction in which we are actually moving. This information is constantly updated and used to minimize the error caused by orientation sensors found in typical mobile phones.

The result is an affordable yet high performance orientation finding system that brings outdoor augmented reality to consumer products for the first time.

Mobile App

When RideOn is shipped, we will release RideOn’s phone application to download for free on Google Play and the App Store. Using the goggles along with the mobile app is not mandatory -- the goggles are designed from the ground up to work independently -- but it adds a whole new dimension to the experience by allowing interaction with riders in your vicinity, your social network friends back home, and furthermore, it allows you to receive data from our online servers and uploading your stats and videos online.

We’ve brought RideOn from a mere idea to a fully functional prototype. But this is as far as we can manage on our own. If you’ve read this far, we are overjoyed! Your interest in our project means more than we can express.

Now it’s up to you. Every dollar, share, tweet, and mention regarding #RideOn tells us that you, our audience, believe like we do that RideOn goggles can rock the ski world in an amazing and revolutionary way. Please consider backing our project and spreading the word. Thanks so much!

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                            Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 6.18.28 PM.png

Won't I get distracted by all of this information while skiing?

No. The user experience is optimized for minimum distraction. RideOn automatically detects motion and switches to an extremely minimal riding mode when skiing downhill. This means no virtual snowballs to the face while shredding that black diamond. The full information and interaction features are only displayed while standing still.

What happens if I crash?

You’ll probably feel pain and embarrassment as usual. But RideOn won’t contribute to this. RideOn’s outer lens is made of polycarbonate. It provides impact protection, and it upholds CE and FDA requirements. The goggles are EN 174:2001 certified, which is a standard for personal eye-protection for downhill ski goggles. This means they’re as safe as any regular goggles.

How long will the battery last?

We have invested a lot of effort to bring as much battery power as possible to the goggles while minimizing power consumption. While standard industry AR products like Google Glass feature ~500mAh battery, we've managed to pack 2200mAh capacity into the battery compartment. It’s more than enough for a full day of skiing.

Will I get new software updates?

Yes. New features and algorithms will be added constantly. RideOn Indiegogo supporters will receive all software updates for free!

Is the information displayed on the entire surface of the goggles?

No. The information is displayed on a see-through display that projects light into your right eye. Within a few minutes of use, the brain adjusts and it feels that the information resides on the real world.

In what way is RideOn different than existing goggles like Oakley AirWave, Zeal Z3, or Recon Snow2 products?

These goggles show a small opaque display in the user's peripheral vision, like a floating smartphone in the corner of your line of sight. Instead of this, RideOn delivers true augmented reality, derived from the see-through display which projects data onto the center of your field of view, not on the side. In addition, RideOn's UI is controlled completely hands-free, without wristwatches, remotes, or voice activation.

Will I be able to see the display clearly on a sunny day?

Yes. The lighting of our display is strong enough (~3000 Nits) so that unless you're staring directly at the sun, the entire display will be clear, crisp and readable.

To what distance is the display focused?

We use a set of lenses located in the see-through display to focus the displayed graphics at 15ft and onward into the distance. These graphics will appear merged in the same perceived distance as the outside world. This way, your eyes won't switch back and forth from the world to the display.

I have ideas for you guys.

Fantastic! In preparing for the launch of our campaign, we came into contact with many of you skiers, snowboarders, and tech geeks who had awesome ideas, some of which we've implemented. Many thanks to all of you!

We want more people to get involved. If you have ideas, write us in our campaign's comments section, or tweet us @rideonvision.

Will it work on slopes without 3G reception?

Yes. The features that requires 3G -- like messaging your friends -- will be disabled, but many of the features are self-contained in the memory of the goggles, including ski resort navigation and orientation, games & challenges, and video recording.

Will it work if I ski without my mobile phone?

Yes. But the features that requires 3G connection will be disabled.

Découvrez la nouvelle vision du ski à travers les lunettes protectrices RideOn!

La nouvelle invention des lunettes protectrices RideOn est la première version de réalité augmentée pour le ski et le snowboard.

Avec ces lunettes adaptées qui projettent les caractéristiques du paysage, de la neige, des pistes, vivez votre passion de manière encore plus intense.

Grace à une nouvelle méthode, les lunettes RideOn vous permettent d’interagir avec l’interface utilisateur volante en utilisant uniquement votre vue.

Pas de besoin ni de périphériques externes, ni d’applications mobiles, ou activation vocale, pour l'utiliser, il suffit de regarder les icônes fixes vers le ciel, ou vos amis, ou les autres points d'intérêt.

Vous êtes comme dans un jeu vidéo mais cette fois ci dans la vraie vie pour des sensations encore plus intenses!

Les caractéristiques des lunettes protectrices RideOn?


Imaginez-vous sur une piste de slalom virtuelle que vous seul pouvez voir, ou de poursuivre l’ombre de votre athlète favori de ski en bas de la montagne.

Affrontez vos amis ! Donnez des défis de temps, de compétences.


Avec les lunettes protectrices RideOn, il est facile de se connecter avec vos amis. Vous pouvez voir leurs positions, les appeler ou leur envoyer un message, et même leur jeter une boule de neige virtuelle pour les embêter. Et quand vous voulez les rencontrer dans un bar ou autre, les lunettes RideOn vous permettent de partager votre destination. Vous pouvez également prendre des vidéos haute définition en utilisant l’option RideOn Cam et partager vos exploits sur les réseaux sociaux.


Affichez votre position sur la carte de la station et trouver les chalets, les remontées mécaniques mis en évidence pour vous faciliter la vie. Même voir le temps de la file d'attente en regardant de loin les remontées mécaniques, de sorte que vous pouvez éviter d'attendre et optimiser ainsi votre temps sur les pistes !

Quelle est la technologie des lunettes RideOn?

RideOn utilise la technologie d'affichage Clear-Vu brevet français de la société Optinvent. Cette technologie permet un affichage 3 fois plus grand que Google Glass pour permettre à l’utilisateur une véritable expérience de la réalité augmentée. L'affichage de Optinvent dispose d’une grande transparence et de graphiques extrêmement brillants qui permet malgré la lueur de la neige, une visibilité optimale.

En plus de cet affichage exceptionnel, les lunettes protectrices utilisent une combinaison de capteurs d'orientation, d’un appareil photo, et d’une connectivité réseau. Ce matériel, alimenté par nos algorithmes et nos logiciels, offre ainsi des fonctionnalités de réalité augmentée comparable aux jeux vidéo.

RideOn est passé d’une simple idée à un prototype complètement fonctionnel.

Maintenant l'avenir des lunettes RideOn est entre vos mains. Chaque euro, partage, tweet, ou mention concernant #RideOn nous dit que vous, notre public, croyez comme nous que les lunettes RideOn peuvent transformer le monde du ski d'une manière étonnante et révolutionnaire.

Soutenez notre projet et passer le mot. A bientôt sur les pistes!

Merci beaucoup!

Was ist die RideOn Skibrille?

(Pssst! Während Sie über RideOn in Ihrer Sprache lesen, entdecken Sie sowohl die .gifs und Videos, die es im englischen Teil gibt. Diese werden Ihnen zeigen, warum  RideOn Skibrillen so einzigartig sind!)

Die RideOn Skribrille ist weltweit die erste Brille mit erweiterter Realität für das Skifahren und Snowboarden. Die Brille hat ein durchsichtiges Display, welches Auflagen und Merkmal vor Ihnen auf den Schnee projeziert. Dank einer Methode, die wir entwickelt haben, können Sie die Funktionen nur durch Ihre Sicht betätigen. Es sind keine zusätzlichen Geräte, Applikationen oder Stimmenaktivierung benötigt. Zur Benutzung schauen Sie einfach auf am Himmel fixierte Symbole, Ihre Freunde oder ein interessantes Detail.

Was kann ich mit der RideOn Skibrille machen?

Spielen Sie! Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie fahren durch ein virtuelles Slalom, welches nur Sie sehen können, oder jagen den Schatten Ihres geliebten Skiathleten durch die Berge. Wetteifern Sie gegen sich selber oder gegen Ihre Freunde auf Zeit und Geschick.

Interagieren Sie! RideOn ermöglicht eine leichte Verbindung mit Freunden. Sie können deren Standort sehen, sie anrufen oder eine Nachricht schicken und sogar einen virtuellen Schneeball auf sie werfen, um sie ein bisschen aufzuregen. Und wenn Sie sich an einer Bar oder Hütte treffen wollen, dann können Sie durch RideOn Ihren Standort teilen. Sie können des weiteren auch Videos mit der RideOn HD-Kamera aufnehmen und Ihre Kreation auf sozialen Medien veröffentlichen.

Navigieren Sie! Sehen Sie Ihren Standort auf der Resortkarte und finden Sie in der Ferne gezeichnete Hütten oder Skilifte. Sie können sogar die Wartezeit an einem Skilift von Ferne erkunden und so langes Warten vermeiden.

Wie funktioniert RideOn?

RideOn benutzt die patentierte Clear-Vu Display Technologie des französischen Startup Optinvent. Diese wegweisende Technologie, welche eine wirklich erstaunliche Erfahrung an erweiterter Realität anbietet, ist durch ein 3-fach größeres Display als das von Google Glass möglich. Das Display von Optinvent hat ein hohes Maß an Transparenz, eine klare Grafik, sogar bei schimmerndem Schnee, und ist sehr leichtgewichtig.

In Verbindung mit dem durchsichtigen Display, ist diese Brille eine Kombination von Orientierungssensoren, einer Kamera und einer Netzwerdverbindung. Dieses Gerät, welches durch unsere Algorithmen und Softwaremodule angetrieben wird, bringt schlaue, erweiterter Realität in Echtzeit auf die Pisten. RideOn wurde aus einer Idee zu einem voll funktionstüchtigen Prototype. Wir sind kurz davor, unsere eigene Brille herzustellen. Die Zukunft von RideOn liegt in Ihren Händen. Jeder Euro, jeder Share, jeder Tweet und jede Bemerkung von #RideOn zeigt uns, dass Sie genauso wie wir glauben, dass die RideOn Skibrille die Skiwelt auf einen einzigartigen und revolutionären Weg beeinflußen kann. Bitte überlegen Sie sich, unser Projekt zu unterstützen und verbreiten Sie es.

Vielen Dank!

Lesen Sie mehr über die RideOn Skibrille in der Presse:

Che cosa sono gli occhiali RideOn?

(Pssst! Insieme alla lettura di RideOn nella vostra lingua, controllare il ".gif" ed il video nella sezione inglese. Ti aiuteranno a capire perché gli occhiali RideOn sono incredibili!)

Gli occhiali RideOn sono i primi goggles di vera realtà aumentata (RA) per lo sci e lo snowboard, con uno schermo trasparente che visualizza immagini e funzionalità di RA sulla neve davanti a te. Grazie al metodo che abbiamo creato, gli occhiali RideOn consentono di interagire con una interfaccia utente flottante (interface dell’utente) utilizzando solo la tua vista. Non servono dispositivi esterni, applicazioni sul telefonino, ne’ attivazione vocale. Per utilizzarli, è sufficiente osservare le icone fissate al cielo, i tuoi amici od i punti di interesse.

Che cosa si può fare con gli occhiali RideOn?

Giocare! Immagina di sciare  attraverso un percorso di slalom virtuale che solo tu puoi vedere, o di seguire l’ombra del tuo sciatore preferito giù per la montagna. Competere contro te stesso e con gli amici per tempo ed abilità.

Interagire! RideOn rende facile il collegamento con gli amici. È possibile vedere le loro posizioni, chiamarli o inviargli un messaggio, e anche lanciargli una palla di neve virtuale per disturbarli…E quando si desidera incontrarli in un bar o in un ristorante, RideOn consente di condividere la tua destinazione.

Puoi anche girare un video utilizzando the high definition camera della  RideOn ed inviare la tua creazione ai social media.

Navigare! Puoi vedere la tua posizione sulla mappa delle piste e trovare rifugi e impianti di risalita in base alla distanza. Puoi anche vedere il tempo di attesa in coda in ogni impianto, in modo da poter evitare di attendere e tornare a sciare.

Cosa c'è dentro RideOn?

RideOn utilizza il programma start-up Optinvent, una tecnologia francese con il brevetto Clear-Vu di tecnologia di visualizzazione. Questa tecnologia che cambia le regole del gioco consente una visualizzazione tre volte maggiore degli occhiali di Google, con una vera esperienza di realtà aumentata. Lo schermo Optinvent è caratterizzato da un’alta trasparenza e da immagini luminose, anche contro il bagliore della neve ed è anche molto leggero.

In unione a questo schermo, gli occhiali utilizzano una combinazione di sensori di orientamento, una fotocamera ed una connettività di rete.Questo hardware, alimentato con i nostri algoritmi originali e moduli software, creano una realtà aumentata (RA) per le piste molto intelligente ed in tempo reale, come solo RideOn è riuscito a realizzare.

Abbiamo portato RideOn da una semplice idea ad un prototipo completamente funzionante. Siamo al punto di fabbricazione dei nostri occhiali. Ora il futuro di RideOn è nelle vostre mani. Ogni euro, quota, tweet, menzione su "RideOn" ci dice che tu, nostro pubblico, crede, come noi,  che gli occhiali  RideOn possano impattare il mondo dello sci in una forma rivoluzionaria ed  incredibile.

Vi prego di considerare l'appoggio al nostro progetto e di diffonderlo.

Grazie mille!



¿Qué son las gafas RideOn?

(Psst! Aparte de poder leer acerca de RideOn en tu propio idioma, chequea los ".gifs" y videos en la sección en inglés. Te ayudarán a entender por qué las gafas RideOn son tan espectaculares).

Las gafas RideOn son las primeras antiparras de realidad aumentada (RA) para esquiar y snowbordear, con una pantalla que te permite ver a-través-de mientras proyecta capas de RA sobre la nieve enfrente de ti. Gracias al método que hemos creado, gafas RideOn te permiten interactuar con una interfase del flotante, utilizando solo tu vista. Sin aparatos adicionales, aplicaciones de teléfono, o activación de voz. Para usarlo solamente mira a los iconos fijos en el cielo, tus amigos o puntos de interés.

¿Qué puedes hacer con las gafas RideOn?

¡Jugar! Imagina que estas sobre una pista de slalom virtual que solamente tu puedes ver, o perseguir la sombra de tu esquiador favorito bajando la montaña. Compite contra ti mismo y contra tus amigos por tiempo y habilidad.

¡Interactúa! con RideOn es muy fácil conectarte con amigos. Puedes ver su ubicación, llamarles o mandarles un mensaje, inclusive tirarles una bola de nieve virtual para molestarlos. Y cuando quieras verlos en el bar o las cabañas, RideOn te permitirá compartir tu ubicación. También podrás tomar videos usando la cámara de alta definición de tus RideOn y compartirlos en tus redes sociales.

¡Navega! Ve tu ubicación en el mapa de la estación de esquí, encuentra las cabañas y los telesquí destacados a la distancia. Puedes ver hasta el tiempo de espera en la fila, para que lo evites y sigas esquiando.

¿Qué hay dentro de los lentes RideOn?

RideOn utiliza el programa Optinvent, una tecnología francesa patentada en su pantalla de Clear-Vu. Ésta tecnología de cambios de juego, permite una pantalla tres veces más grande que los de Google Glass para una verdadera experiencia de realidad aumentada.

La pantalla de Optinvent tiene características como una mayor transparencia y gráficos súper brillantes -- incluso contra la nieve resplandeciente -- y es muy liviana.

En conjunto con la pantalla a-través-de, las antiparras usan una combinación de sensores orientados, cámara, y conectividad de redes.

El hardware, alimentado con nuestros algoritmos originales y módulos de software, dan como resultado una realidad aumentada a las pistas de forma mui inteligente, en tiempo real, que solamente RideOn ha logrado crear.

Hemos traído RideOn de una simple idea a un prototipo funcional. Estamos a punto de fabricar nuestras gafas. Ahora el futuro de RideOn está en tus manos. Cada euro, compartir, tweet, mención referente a #RideOn nos dice que tu, nuestro publico, cree como nosotros, que las gafas RideOn pueden impactar al mundo de esquí de una forma revolucionaria y extraordinaria. Por favor considera apoyar nuestro proyecto y pasa la voz. 

¡Muchas gracias!

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Choose your Perk


RideOn Fan Club + Neck Warmer

$25 USD
Be a part of RideOn’s Fan Club! Show off your support with a handsome limited-edition RideOn Neck warmer, detailed with our logo, that will keep you toasty on your next trip to the slopes. Receive special updates from Team RideOn. Looking good! (Bonus: Our thanks!)
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
62 claimed

Thank You!

$1 USD
Thank you for helping us bring augmented reality to the slopes! You will receive project updates and our eternal gratitude for helping us realize our vision.
31 claimed

Early Bird RideOn

$519 USD
Get a great discount on your own RideOn goggles. Limited supply and great value, retail price expected at $899. Free Shipping worldwide!
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
81 out of 100 of claimed

Super RideOn Combo

$899 USD
You get: RideOn, the world’s first AR ski goggles + extra lens + bluetooth headphones + bluetooth heart rate monitor + neck warmer, and a personalized thank you from our team. Free Shipping worldwide!
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
14 claimed

Ski with Team RideOn!

$5,000 USD
This contribution is for those of you who want to do more and help us realize RideOn faster and better. You will meet the RideOn founders and staff at a major ski resort, ski with our earliest prototypes, and of course, your own pair of RideOn goggles and beers included!
0 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Super Early Bird RideOn!

$499 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
100 out of 100 of claimed
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