Support New Comedy Writing
After the success of last years 'Brick Lane Rabbit Hole' Barnaby, Ewa and Co. are back with a surreal new comedy 'Rimbaud Delinquent'. Working at the Rag Factory again, with no budget, but a group of talented enthusiastic young people Barnaby is presenting his wildest comedic vision yet.
With your help we can raise the small amount of money needed to bring Barnaby's insane characters, Olivia's inventive costumes and all the wonderful actor's performances to life,
It is always difficult to get your writing up and being performed, and it is the modest contributions of people like you that make it a reality. Within the harsh commercial realities of the theater industry it is loopholes like crowdfunding that breathe life into new projects that might otherwise not have found their feet.
Where will the money go?
Mostly to cover rehearsal room hire, but also towards buying the materials to create the unique props and costumes required for this surreal story.
We appreciate every penny that you can spare and we want to thank you. As well as an enthusiastic online thanks from the creative team, we have a variety of original concept art by Chris Hallam, Olivia Rowe and others that will be sent to you as thanks.
Come see the show
As well as contributing to the fundraising campaign please come and see the show. It is on June 12 8pm, June 13 8pm and June 14 at 6:30pm. at the Rag Factory 16 - 18 Heneage st, E1 5LJ.
Please help spread the word, contribute, use the Indiegogo share tools and hopefully we can see you on the night!
Eternal thanks,