None of us can imagine the horror of being told your child has cancer, or an illness that is terminal. Can you imagine putting that child back in the car and driving home? What does life look like in that moment?
My name is Erica Jones and I am going to make a difference, one story at a time. Im going to give these grieving families something the cannot do for their little one...a room of their dreams. A place where they are not sick, but are knights, princesses, fighter jet pilots or horse riders. A place where they long to come home to and feel at peace in. A place that brings them joy, even if its just for their last few months or weeks. A place, once they are gone that their parents can smile through the tears and remember some of the good times in the darkness...some of the joy in the sorrow.
In order to do these room makeovers, I need to get awareness and fundraising going. I have a three-step plan to do this with the funds I can raise here.
1) Create T-shirts and bumper stickers and sell them through facebook, social media and local companies. This will not only bring awareness but also generate sponsorship and volunteers to be part of our database of workers
2) Create a website that will allow requests for room makeovers to be submitted, merchandise to be purchased and volunteers to register and begin background checks etc. A facebook page will be run in conjunction with this website to allow followers to keep abreast of developments with makeovers.
3) Create a fundraising network of "Hope Makers" that hold fundraisers for "Room For Hope" across the country. It can be as small as a lemonade stand that raises $20 or a concert someone puts together that raises $20,000. By creating a challenge that people can get involved in and generate support in their areas, it goes far beyond Dallas/Fort Worth area. Requests for rooms outside of this vicinity will be considered too.
4) Create a database of constant supporters by simple methods. "$2 for Tuesday" or $5 for Friday" where people can contribute to our cause via direct debit in small amounts. Every bit adds up and as we will be a not-for-profit, every donation will go directly to the families we support in the way of room makeovers.
If we do not reach the initial $10,000 goal, we will take what we have and create T-shirts, sell them through the various places that have pledged help already and use that money to generate more until we reach our goal to do a room makeover.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute at this time, thats okay...please get on our mailing list, join our website when we have one and simply spread the word. Even if you share a link to our fundraisers or our page, someone you know may be able to help.
As long we choose it, there is always "Room for HOPE"!