- Rotten Plots was created to take the absurdity, vulgarity, and ridiculousness of card games to the next level. We are confident that this game will hurt people's feelings, and we're more than okay with that.
3-10 People can play this game. It's a perfect game for parties of all kinds.
30 - 60 Minutes is how long it will take you to decide to go do something else.
Must be 17+ to Play. Please don't show this game to your kids. Jesus Christ, please don't.
- By contributing to the Rotten Plots campaign, you are helping us achieve our dream of being able to manufacture a game that disrupts the industry and pisses off the world.
- You will be remembered as one of the original contributors to the success of Dead Ends Entertainment as a whole. You'll also be able to say that you were one of the first people to ever play the most ridiculous card game ever created.
1.) Each player grabs three cards of each option (PROTAGONIST, TRAIT/OBJECT, FIRST ACTION, ANTAGONIST, FINAL ACTION).
2.) The "Executive Producer" Chooses Genre Card.
3.) Players Create Plots in Selected Genre and Read Them Aloud.
4.) The Plot That the Executive Producer Deems Best Wins the Award for That Round.
5.) The First Person to Get Five Awards Wins the Game.
There are billions of potential ridiculous movie plots, and if you don't pledge, you're missing out on every single one of them.
Extremely Poor Person Pack ($5)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
Regular Person Pack ($15)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- A warm thank you from Dead Ends Entertainment on at least one social platform (if provided with username)
- A follow from Dead Ends Entertainment on at least one social platform (if provided with username)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- A physical copy of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- A sloppy, handwritten thank you note sent with physical game
- A full version .mp3 of "Here's to the Boys," an obscene original song created in support of Pride month
Extra Cool Person Pack ($50)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- TWO physical copies of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- A sloppy, handwritten thank you note sent with physical game
- A full version .mp3 of "Here's to the Boys," an obscene original song created in support of Pride month
Absolute Coolest Person Pack ($75)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- Two Physical Copies of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- All three Print & Play Extra Decks: The Sexpansion Pack, The Geriatric Attack Pack, and The More Violence Pack
- A 10% off coupon code for any purchase through www.deadends.co
The "We Like You" Pack ($100 Pledge)
What You Get:
- A personalized blog post on www.deadends.co in which we thank you to the point where it will definitely get pretty weird.
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- A physical Copy of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- All three Print & Play Extra Decks: The Sexpansion Pack, The Geriatric Attack Pack, and The More Violence Pack
The "We Really Like You" Pack ($150 Pledge)
What You Get:
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- A physical Copy of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- All three Print & Play Extra Decks: The Sexpansion Pack, The Geriatric Attack Pack, and The More Violence Pack
- A full version .mp3 of "Here's to the Boys," an obscene original song created in support of Pride month
- 20% off coupon code for www.deadends.co
- A short, personalized song written for you. It can be about whatever the hell you want. We really don't care.
The "We Love You" Pack ($300 Pledge)
What You Get:
- A blog post on www.deadends.co dedicated to us professing our undying love for you and everything you do. We'll get as weird as you'll let us.
- A download of the Rotten Plots Print & Play card game. It takes around thirty minutes to print, cut, and organize this game.
- All three Print & Play Extra Decks: The Sexpansion Pack, The Geriatric Attack Pack, and The More Violence Pack
- A physical Copy of the Rotten Plots card game upon release
- A 20% off coupon code for any purchase through www.deadends.co
- A short, personalized song written for you. It can be about whatever the hell you want. We really don't care.
- Opportunity to write your own card for one of the next Rotten Plots extra decks