The Action Director - BRANNIGAN CARTER
I've spent 12 years in the military and been on combat deployments. I'm an Eagle Scout and I am now a writer, director and cinematographer living in Wilmington, NC. I wrote RUN on a whim to just try one single shot out...but that turned into something much bigger. Realizing I wanted to focus on the visual style of the film the most, I brought in a second director for the actors.
The Actor Director - Joseph A. Covas
Joseph spent years working in the news industry and has tons of experience on stage as an improv comedian in Fayetteville, NC. He directed many short comedies in his day, but decided to go for something more serious recently. He co-wrote a film called Two-Eleven and brought in me to shoot it. It was there I realized he had a knack for directing actors-so it was only right that he be my actor director on RUN.
If there's any doubts about what we can achieve together - watch this...
We made that film for only $3,000. Believe it or not. And if we made a feature like THAT for $3,000...imagine the kind of short we can make for $4,000...
What We Need & What You Get
The Break Down:
- By our calculations, we need around 4000 dollars for the special FX, craft services to feed cast and crew on our long shoot days, equipment rental, gas money and makeup/wardrobe funds; with an extra 500 in padding for the fees IndieGogo takes and the occasional failed contribution.
- Want to be entered for a $100 Visa Gift Card for donating $10? Are you an actor and need a reel made from SCRATCH? For a certain donation we will put you IN THE FILM and KILL YOU. Then we will make you a full reel complete with original music scoring tailored JUST FOR YOU-and you get brought back on as the same character in the feature. Actor and need headshots? Boom, you got it. We've got some crazy perks in store for you just like that. And here's the cool part, the more money we raise, the better they get...check them out on the perks list. Also we have a video explaining them in more detail. Here's a sample of what the "aspiring actor" would get:
- Also, for EVERY $1000 we raise, we add ANOTHER Visa Gift Card to the mix, just to keep the odds from slowly drifting out of your favor. So the more you share and get people to contribute, the better your chances of winning are.
- Every single contributor will get an invite to our private screening and wrap party, which is estimated to be in January 2015.
What will this film do to help you or the rest of the world?
- This short film is the prequel to something MUCH larger that we hope will redefine intense, raw and terrifying horror for a complacent generation plagued with boring CGI and dumbed down effects.
- If you help us make this short...we use it to get the feature made. If we get the feature made...and it gets into theaters or distribution...every contributor gets a cut of the profits based on your original donation. So be sure to keep up with the project after you donate!
- One more point here - the last film I saw that literally had my heart pumping out of its chest in anxiety was Gravity. And we're going that-minus the space part. And with werewolves.
Risks & Challenges
What if something goes wrong? Do yo have to worry about losing money?
NO!!!! You are not wasting your hard-earned money. Not with us. We're too determined to help those who help us.
- I grew up as a Boy Scout and earned Eagle Rank in 2004. I spent over 10 years so far in the military. I already have 2 feature films under my belt and garnered a lot of attention as a "GET IT DONE" film maker. Basically...I know how to make things work and work WELL, and every time on a very low budget that looked way more expensive than it was.
- Plan? We will just do what we always do. Make an independent film. There is no formula when you're working outside the studio system. We do it how we want, how we NEED, to give YOU the film YOU ask for. And we throw a little extra awesome on top.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't contribute? Broke like us? Not sold yet? You can still help!!
- Not only can you share our campaign on social media like Twitter and Facebook, but you can also just tell people at work that you know of a group making an awesome film and if they'd like to donate they can! It's the same as selling Girl Scout pay a little bit for something SOOOO SWEET......
Lastly, THANK YOU for taking the time out of your busy day to look over our campaign. Hopefully it was enough to convince you or your friends to help us out. In the end, everyone wins.
Except the victims in the film. They won't be okay.