"Where words fail, music speaks."
~ Hans Christian Andersen
OUR GOAL: to give kids the chance to learn, play, and love music and musical instruments for as long as they want.
What We Need & What You Get
Here's why we are raising our goal of $5,000 through Indiegogo:
Ever see a group of kids just enjoying the day, making sounds and
harmonies you had no idea they could create? Does this melt your heart
as much as it does mine? My name is Dee Fretwell and I'm the founder of
the Modern Roots Foundation.
Here's what we do at the MRF:
We raise money, we spend money. Monthly fee payments go DIRECTLY to instructors providing music lessons and instruction to kids who couldn't afford it otherwise! It's that simple!
- A family who needs support applies to the Modern Roots Foundation.
- Application is approved.
- A kiddo and an instructor are matched together for upcoming lessons!
- The instructor is vetted and listed within the MRF system.
- The kiddo begins music lessons the very next available month!
In February 2015, we headed to Wintergrass Bluegrass Festival where we solidified our partnership with the WG Youth Academy so that in 2016 we can bring another team of kids to their acclaimed 2-day Academy. There, the kids work with Joe Craven and his crew of amazing talent for two days learning and playing, ending with an amazing afternoon of performances in front of hundreds!
WEST COAST COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVALOur annual awareness and fundraiser event, the 3rd annual West Coast Country Music Festival, kicks off next August 15th, 2014 at the Green Springs Inn in Ashland, Oregon! Check out our perks when you donate for some fun WCCMF '15 packages connected with this exciting event!
The ImpactIt's no secret, school music programs are being cut all over. We can no longer rely on the school system to give our children the musical exposure they once received. And let's be honest, there is no comparison to the real deal... an instrument they can call their own, a teacher who dedicates an entire lesson each week to just them, a chance to be with other kids who share the same dream of making music simply for the act of making music... together!
Even if we don't reach our goal, the funds will become
immediately available for our scholarship applicants for the next session. Evaluated on a per-need basis, lessons, instruments and more will be made available to
some very excited kids.
Join us in the Musical Movement to keep our kids connected!
Other Ways You Can Help
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Spread the word! Let your friends and relatives know you care and they should too!
Share this campaign with everyone you know!!! EVERY DOLLAR makes a difference.
Want more kids fun? Click here: IBMA Kids performance
Please direct inquiries to: info@modernrootsfoundation.org