A practical and modern solution for radio amateurs with a homebrew SDR.
SDR4NET contains the functionality required for operating your homebrew SDR transceiver over an ethernet network.
It has ADC & DAC for capturing and producing high performance IQ streams, codecs for providing audio input and output for the user, connectivity to ethernet network, control ports and a LCD for visual bandscope/panadapter inspection.
Includes a high dynamic range and linearity ADC, the AK5394A which is utilised in top performing SDRs for IQ stream capture having bandscope bandwidth of 192KHz.
With SDR4NET you have the necessary component ports at high specifications for receive and transmit on your homebrew SDR and operate in a modern way through your ethernet network.
Well known SDR applications, PowerSDR-IQ on Windows and QtRadio or PiHPSDR on Linux are working with SDR4NET having hassle-free configuration and operation.
Device specifications:
- 100-Mbit Ethernet 100Base-TX
- SDR IQ Rx with AK5394A, 192KHz, 24bit.
- SDR IQ Tx with CS4344, 192KHz, 24bit.
- Headphones or Active Speaker Stereo Audio Out
- Microphone Audio In
- USB Host connection for homebrew transceiver control
- PTT/CW/Paddles input
- PA PTT isolated output
- UART connection for alternative homebrew transceiver control
- Color LCD 4.3 inch
- Dim. 9cm X 14cm X 5cm
- Power Requirement 5VDC/3A
- Network Requirement 100Base-Tx RJ45
How it works
SDR4NET is a device that handles all the SDR connections to your homebrew transceiver.
Itself is controlled from an SDR application, eg PowerSDR-IQ via the ethernet connection.
SDR4NET adheres to amended/modified Metis ethernet SDR protocol, effectively making available your homebrew SDR over the network.
Many homebrew SDR transceivers can be operated with the use of SDR4NET, mainly Softrock Ensemble RxTx or any compatible e.g. UHFSDR, FA-SDR, Lima-SDR etc.
Also the KX3 commercial rig is supported and can be operated via SDR4NET with PowerSDR-IQ and other SDR applications.
Simply install the new PowerSDR-IQ version to your networked PC, plug the cables from your homebrew transceiver to SDR4NET and you are ready to go, everything is already configured for you.
The main features of setup are:
- Single connection to your PC workstation via ethernet.
- Driverless setup, absence of driver issues & seamless operation on all Windows versions.
- Windows or Linux SDR applications.
As explained above, SDR4NET contains all the connections required for your homebrew SDR transceiver.
Thus you are free from any audio cards selection and configuration headache, any driver issue or any specific operating system version issue. All these are no more a problem to the SDR homebrew community.
Here is a video showing the working of SDR4NET prototype with PowerSDR-IQ application on a KX3 in 40meters radio amateur band.
And here is a video showing the working of SDR4NET prototype with PowerSDR-IQ application on a Ensemble RxTx in 20meters radio amateur band.
Work in progress
The SDR4NET is a new high technology offering to radio amateur community. So far PowerSDR-IQ Windows application via a new version is fully supporting the device.
SDR4NET firmware is actively developed and effort is given for the best results in as many environments and supported transceivers as possible. Though it is an experimental device and as such it should be regarded. Also, end results are pertinent to local environment or electrical conditions and may differ.
PowerSDR-IQ is fully supporting it with a newly developed version, yet since SDR4NET firmware adheres to a modified Metis SDR network protocol, other applications as QtRadio and PiHPSDR on Linux are natively, without modifications, supporting the device to a good extend.
Also, other homebrew SDR rigs can be added, provided they have IQ Rx, IQ Tx ports and a USB or RS232 port with a documented protocol to control them.