About "Season of Hope"
"Season of Hope" is a dramatic short film that will be shot this winter in central Massachusetts. It will be the directorial debut for writer and producer Jason Whittier, who recently wrote and produced feature films "Waterfront Nightmare" and "The Secret Village".
Production is slated for this February. It will be a 3-day shoot in Marlborough and Northborough, Massachusetts. After the film is completed, it will be submitted to festivals around the world.
Madeline O'Brien Andrew Roth Nicole Trychon
Rick Montgomery Jr. Alexa Reddy
Support Our Film!
We need your help to make this film possible. We need to raise $4,000, which will cover equipment, production insurance, location permits, transportation, lodging, food and drinks, and various other production costs. Any level of support is greatly appreciated and we all thank you for your generosity.
Help Spread the Word
Help us promote the film and our funding campaign for "Season of Hope". Please help in any way you can by twittering, emailing, and sharing on facebook about how people can contribute to this project and receive some cool perks.
Thank you!