According to
the U.S. Department of Justice September 2013 Special Report, “Police Behavior
during Traffic and Street Stops, 2011,” in 2011, over 62.9 million U.S.
residents age 16 or older, or 26% of the population, had one or more contacts
with police during the prior 12 months. For about half (49%) of persons
experiencing contact with police, the most recent contact was involuntary or police-initiated.
1 in 10 believed the police had not behaved properly. Regardless of the reason
for the stop, less than 5% of persons who believed the police had not behaved
properly filed a complaint.
In a world of
increasing potential dangers, Global Justice seeks to increase personal
security for the everyday drive to work, the grocery store, and the road trip.
The Company also seeks to protect ordinary citizens from the public safety
issues that arise during common traffic stops. Global Justice was birthed to
help increase both public and officer safety by documenting traffic stops as
thoroughly as possible. The goal is to minimize potential dangers by improving
human behavior (both officer and vehicle occupants) and preventing situation
escalation. Well-documented scientific research has found that human behavior
is improved when people realize that they are being observed or are otherwise
under surveillance. Global Justice will utilize this knowledge combined with
the latest technological advancements to design products that promote peaceful
encounters between law enforcement and civilians while protecting customers
from other potentially dangerous situations, including theft and
Large and
Growing Market Opportunity
· 16.5
million new vehicles were sold in the U.S. in 2014
· There
are 210 million licensed drivers in the U.S.
· One
in every 10 American drivers was pulled over for a traffic violation in 2011
· There
were 699,594 vehicles stolen in the U.S. in 2013
· Pending
· Native
platform installment with global auto manufacturers
· Wireless
device integration
· Voice
command and automated capabilities
· Comprehensive
customer service and link to legal counsel
· Addressing
growing public safety and civil justice concerns
Protect Your
Liberties with Global Justice!
The Impact
This will impact traffic stops and forever change them as we know them. This is a disruptive technology to the police force, the justice system, and society as a whole.
Global Justice will Secure Your Liberties with safe and clear video footage that will no longer suddenly disappear (prevents destroying evidence).
Global Justice will provide legal counsel as needed during traffic stops.
Global Justice will provide clear video footage for insurance claims.
Global Justice will probably result in new traffic laws.
Global Justice will help create thousands of much needed jobs.
How many times have you been in a dire situation and needed an extra set of eyes to watch your back? How many times have you walked to your car with great concern for your safety? Perhaps you or a loved one has been pulled over for unknown reasons (The inventors of Global Justice have and it was quite concerning for them). At times unlawful or questionable orders are given-What do you do? Because you are under duress and in fear of the repercussions for not complying or "Disorderly Conduct", you comply and give up your rights and liberties as a free American.
Global Justice will be there for you and your loved ones.
Secure Your Liberties with Global Justice!
Risks & Challenges
The risks with Global Justice will be ensuring we don't overstep our boundaries. Once we hire our Chief Legal Officer and legal team, we will ensure the laws of our land are not ignored. This includes Global Justice staff as well as police officers and our clients, we believe no one is above the law.
Just as we witness police "abuse of power" we also witness bad elements of society fatally injure our good and innocent police officers during traffic stops. We cannot prevent every bad outcome but we will assess and reassess what is working, and what is not working and implement the proper necessary changes.
What we mean by that is, we plan to employ psychologists to study events and help bring a safe answer to implementing new, and future policies. We will make our studies available to the Department of Justice so that police departments throughout the country can have evidence-based data. Right now, much of their data regarding police abuse and traffic stops are collected via surveys. This is a subjective-type data collection. With our clear video footage we will provide clear objective data.
As a military veteran, electrician, Navy Corpsman, Lab tech and Nurse, Tom's practice has always included assessing and reassessing. These same traits have been long instilled within his daughter Samantha. This same practice of assessing and reassessing to stay ahead of the curve will be implemented throughout Global Justice to ensure we stay sharp while we forge through these exciting times of Securing Your Liberties.
Secure Your Liberties with Global Justice!
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that times are tough for so many out there. Even if you cannot afford to donate, please take the time to call the corporate offices of the auto manufactures and request our Global Justice technology in their new vehicles.
With your emails and calls, the CEO's and board members will
take notice. Remember, they too want sales, and more importantly, they want
their vehicles to be a safe place for you, their consumers. Recently, many of
the auto manufactures were named in a major lawsuit regarding carbon monoxide
poisoning. Our Global Justice patent pending system and service properly and safely
addresses that issue as well.
So please take the time to share our link, as well as email and call the auto manufactures to request our Global Justice technology.
Secure Your Liberties with Global Justice!