Every dollar you give to this campaign will be generously matched by the Schusterman Foundation!
A year ago we read a troubling statistic:
Within the past 20 years the attendance at Passover Seders has decreased by 25-30% in the US.
This equals a million less people gathering around the Seder table each year.
Across the globe we have noticed the tragic loss of so many important casual and ceremonial gatherings in recent decades.
With that in mind we started down a very old path, to ignite a multi-generational inquiry into the Passover holiday. Working to combine the best in digital technology with this ancient dinner.
For 2000 years Rabbis and lay people have been questioning and re-forming the most quintessential Jewish tradition - Passover - such that it resonated with the people of the day.
For SEDER2015 - we have gathered an extraordinary group of scholars, universities, rabbis, artists, media outlets, activists, and Jewish leaders to embark on a several year journey to understand the importance of Passover - allowing the wisdom of this tradition to illuminate the current world we live in
With your help we will launch in mid March - and give you many tools; to bring new folks to the Seder table, deepen existing family traditions, and create one of if not the most extensive online resource for the Passover holiday.
Expect beautifully designed new Haggadot, a detailed history of Passover, brilliant recipes from leading chefs, profound and hilarious passover anecdotes, guidelines for hosting a modern seder, and new ways to understand the traditional Passover songs, all designed for a dynamic and responsive user experience for web and mobile.
The funds are going directly to our web designers and the artists we are working with to create SEDER 2015. Seder2015 is brought to you by the folks that created deathoverdinner.org and drugsoverdinng.org.
In Partnership with Jewish Journal we are collection Passover recipes and Anecdotes Recipes from: Spike and Micheline Mendelsohn, Modernist Cuisine, Ethan Stowell, Jeffrey Zurofsky, Bruce & Eric Bromberg, Lisa Schroeder, Mikaela Reuben, Ofer Vardi, Vitaly Paley, Eli and Max Sussman, Bryce Shuman, Ilan Hall, Ari Taymor, Akasha Richmond, Daniel Holzman, Shauna Ahern, Micah Wexler. P.S... this list grows every day.
We are fast at work with a variety of partners creating new Haggadot material. Including a Human Trafficking Haggadah with the Polaris Project, an expansive project with InterFaith Family. and an extensive collaboration with Haggadot.com
In Partnership with TABLET magazine we are gathering brilliant, hilarious and inspiring Passover anecdotes from folks like Susannah Heschel , Rabbi Joy Levitt, David Sable, Erica Brown , Aliza Kline, Elliott Bisnow...
And several secret things we will announce soon!
“Where ritual is absent, the young ones are restless or violent,
there are no real elders, and the grown-ups are bewildered. The
future is dim.”
Dr. Malidoma Patrice Some
“As late as the 1990s, most surveys indicated that some 90
percent of American Jewry attended a Seder. The numbers
have dropped since then. According to many national and
regional studies of the Jewish community, between 60 and
70 percent of American Jews now go to a Seder.”
The Jewish Week. 4/19/2014