Our dream is big….to bring "SERRANO" to Broadway. Our goal (and this is where we need YOUR help) is to first put on a 12-week production of SERRANO in Los Angeles, in January. We are on track to do just that with your help to date!
The road to Broadway starts out-of-town. We have secured The Matrix Theatre in Los Angeles, whose artistic director saw the play and loved it and offered up their space to us. It's a terrific theatre with a great reputation for spotlighting new work. Now all we need is a budget! We need to raise $60,000+ to pull this off and with your help, we KNOW we can do it…..
…wouldn't it be great to say you played a pivotal part in launching SERRANO, the musical - BEFORE it hit Broadway? Any perk level you purchase will give you these bragging rights, no amount too small (or too large!)
Just think somewhere out there, there are people still talking about how they supported "Jersey Boys" and "Wicked" long before those great shows hit a Broadway stage!
Here's part of our team today…..
Left to right, producers Mark Wolper & Spencer Proffer, director Joel Zwick and producer, Phillipa Sledge
….and part of our team back then! Our producer, Mark Wolper, was dreaming of Broadway as a boy - here he is above, after "producing" a staged production of "Goldilocks"- (that's his sister as "Goldilocks", and his dad as "Papa Bear"!)
We love theatre and we love this play. We’re totally committed to getting SERRANO into The Matrix in January - and we know if enough people feel as strongly about musical theatre as we do, that we can do it. Yes, people have told us we're crazy to aim for Broadway without Broadway experience…. but if you think about it, if we listened to negative nellies, we wouldn't have a man on the moon, or electricity or … running water for that matter! Nothing GREAT is accomplished by listening to naysayers, right? So here we are … after multiple staged readings and workshops in New York and Los Angeles … so close that we can smell the grease paint! We are asking you, the philanthropic crowdfunders, lovers and dreamers, defender of of the arts - because you truly do understand what it is we are taking on, and what we want to accomplish - and you want to join us anyway! Dream with us, help us turn this dream into a reality. Because with your help, we know that we CAN mount SERRANO at The Matrix in L.A........and then it's on to Broadway!
Above is Serrano's beloved director, Joel Zwick - (he directed Mork & Mindy, Laverne & Shirley, Full House, Busom Buddies … oh yes, and he directed one of the most successful films of all time "My Big Fat Greek Wedding")
We've workshopped and showcased "Serrano" A LOT! It's part of the process and although we've still to stage it - we have had extremely good feedback from audiences who have attended these staged readings. We've posted a few below o you can see that it's not just us who LOVE "Serrano."
Ernest Dickerson, director of the iconic TV show, "The Walking Dead," was an early supporter of "Serrano" - here he is with Rose Geddes, from an undisclosed location, safe from Zombies, and sharing their "Serrano" experience:
Joel Zwick & producer, Steve Sunshine, being interviewed on "Innovation Crush" a popular online show with over 600,000 subscribers!
Just listening to Joel Zwick, and our producer, Steve Sunshine, talk about starting out in the industry is entertaining! The interview is more anecdotal and humorous than it is serious - but the gems just kept on coming - it's a really fun interview by
Chris Denson, of Innovation Crush who clearly did his homework. Our boys tell tales from the sets of iconic TV shows and they even "throw down" in a duel we could call "the battle of the name drop"! From Gary Marshall to Tom Hanks, & Jon Stewart to Emmanuel Lewis…listen here for the entire interview….
Above: Chris Denson (left), Steve Sunshine (middle) Joel Zwick (right) being interviewed about their careers and the road to here on SERRANO! (we learned so much - like did you know that Steven Spielberg shadowed Joel on the set of Laverne & Shirley to learn how to direct comedy? And we are offering a week to shadow Joel on a set of a TV show as a perk - could you be the next Spielberg?!
Take a listen - gems!
Jerry Penicoli live from the Emmy's LOVES Serrano - and like us, believes we can make it to Broadway!
Our Staged Readings and Workshops...
Our multiple staged readings in NY and LA have been met with great enthusiasm, even standing ovations (even actors, Greg Kinnear and Mario Lopez have seen it and loved it! See below under "Testimonials")
Helmed by our Tony nominee Joel Zwick, we've put together a talented creative team, that includes Broadway actors who LOVE this show, and are so PASSIONATE about being in SERRANO in January that they are helping us think up perks to give away in return for your support! "SERRANO" himself has offered to serenade a limited number of donors (or their loved ones!) with one song from "SERRANO" over Skype! And he's a Broadway actor no less! Now that's serious brownie points in ANY relationship!
"Serrano" pining for the love of his life, "Rosanna"
The photo below is from an earlier SERRANO workshop. "SERRANO" tries to give "Vinnie" some education - no easy job! "Vinnie" is a handful, and a very "bad boy".
"Serrano" & "Vinnie" in rehearsal
Our Perks…...
In return for your pledges, we created some really exciting higher level Indiegogo rewards -- but it can't be stated strongly enough that your support for us at every level is equally important to us, whether purchasing "early bird" or "advanced tickets," or venturing into the larger perks, such as a whole week shadowing director, Joel Zwick on a popular TV show, or a week with him in rehearsals on "Serrano". Would you like to "feel" like a producer on our L.A. production? We have Associate Producer and Executive Producer titles on offer that will make you feel like royalty! Although they are only what we call, "vanity credits," (meaning you won't be burdened with any financial, legal, creative or business attachments etc), you'll still get a taste of what it "feels" like to be a producer on a successful show - and in Los Angeles no less! Additionally, we have an amazing opportunity for a meet and greet with award winning producer, Mark Wolper from the Wolper Organization and, if you’ve dreamed of acting, a chance to audition for the Wolper Organization's shows for three years! We have sold out all our tickets to "Dancing with the Stars," "The Voice," "American Idol," and "So You Think You Can Dance" - but we still have GREAT perks available for anyone interested in the entertainment industry! FOR A FULL LISTING AND THE "DISCLAIMERS" FOR OUR PERKS, PLEASE VISIT OUR SERRANO WEBSITE
You can proudly say you received all of these perks back before "Serrano" was a huge success on Broadway! (There are more incentives but we have a limited amount of space here - the entire list is posted to the right!) And
our rewards start as low as $5 because every contribution moves us towards our goal of Broadway. For a complete description of pledges,
please click here.
Our Website…...
Here's a link to our website, it tells you who we are, how far we've come, and what's still ahead. We know you have a lot of choices when choosing to support a project - we hope you feel our passion for "Serrano" and our unwavering belief that we will get it to "Broadway" by way of a 12-week run in Los Angeles - starting this January!
Please join the SERRANO movement! Become our cheerleaders and be a part of something great! Below are some candid photos of our cast & creative team:
Producer David Geha with Paula Abdul and Extra's, Terri Seymour
Emmy winning producer Steve Sunshine on the red carpet
Other Ways You Can Help.....
We understand that you may not be able to donate, but there are other ways you can help us. Our website tells our story: how far we've come and what's still left to do. Please share the link to this Indigogo page & "like" us on our Facebook Fan Page and you can now follow us on Twitter too @SerranoBroadway. Indigogo makes it easy - just use the share tools!
Thank you for your support, we can't do this without you!
Our Author & Lyricist,
Madeline Sunshine - with Maizie Sunshine!
Our composer,
Robert Tepper![]()
Jeff Rizzo our Musical Director
The beautiful 'Rosanna"
"The Dishy Tarts" - in rehearsal
Sing it Mama! Mama gives Rosanna a pep talk about "Bad Boys"
"Vinnie Pepperini" - The Bad Boy
Some Testimonials…...
"I was invited to see a very early staged reading of Serrano in Los Angeles and I loved it. I knew leaving the theater that night that I had seen something very special. The story is hilarious, the music is wonderful and the talented Joel Zwick has put together an amazing cast. I can't wait to see it again."
Greg Kinnear, Actor
"I was fortunate enough to see a staged reading of "Serrano." I love musical theater and my wife and I left that night singing the songs and laughing at the lines! It’s a sure fire hit.”
Mario Lopez - "Extra" Host, Actor
Live from the Emmys - "Extra" Producer, Omar Lugones, on
why you will love "Serrano" .....
"It's the most fun you'll have with your clothes on!"
Terri Seymour, TV Correspondent and Host of "Extra" shares her
love of "Serrano"
"I had the great fortune of watching a staged reading of Serrano and, wow, I am so happy I was invited to do so…the writing was entertaining and very funny, but also very sweet, with lots of great music and songs. I am a person who likes to sit down whenever possible, especially since I am on my feet most of the day, but this was standing room only for me and I enjoyed every minute of it!" Christine Norton, RN
Below, we asked an audience member leaving "Serrano" what she thought of the staged reading and she was happy to tell us!
Why writer/director, Brian Herzlinger wants to support "Serrano"
Risk: There are always risks and challenges with any project. However, we can't foresee any that would prevent SERRANO, the new musical comedy, from playing at The Matrix Theatre in Los Angeles in January if we raise our goal!