The book is done, all the supplies are here, and I'm shipping orders as soon as they come in. The Build a Pack tier is the only one available, but there are add ons available. The Build a pack tier comes with the book (signed), a 4 pack of trading cards, a bookmark, and a button pin. You can add on the Print 4 pack, and/or a piece of original concept art. Also, after a vote among the backers, it was decided that both issues are combined into one Deluxe Edition book rather than 2 floppies. The vote was won with a 72% majority.
In a galaxy at risk, a young samurai will prove their greatest hope.
Star Wars meets Skyrim and Seven Samurai with a bit of Rocketeer mixed in. The angel, Azrekal, served the Seven Legions for 2000 years, until he uncovered a plot to destroy them from within, but before he could warn the others, he vanished, leaving only his memories behind in the mind of Hiko, an orphan born in feudal Japan's chaotic Sengoku era. As Hiko finds himself caught in the middle of the mystery of Azrekal's disappearance he must choose between fighting the war that threatens the clan that took him in, or the war that threatens the galaxy itself.
Issue 1 is 20 pages, issue 2 is 30 pages.
Set in a universe where the races of fantasy exist on other worlds in an alliance protected by the Seven Legions. Where several human empires betrayed the alliance and the descendants of those humans live on Earth, where they have long forgotten the other races, beyond stories that have become myth and legend. There are three histories in this universe: History as we know it, history as it is known in the galaxy, and the history long forgotten. A fantasy universe grounded in science where Earth history is identical to our own but part of a much larger story.
All backer tiers include a physical copy of issue 1 and 2, guaranteed. All copies will be signed and all backers will be listed by name (default is indiegogo user name, but if it's the same as your real name, you'll be mentioned by first name and last initial, unless you wish to be listed by full name). The book comes with a 4 pack of trading cards, a bookmark, and a button pin. The print add on comes with 4 11x17 prints by talented artists.
This is a series 13 years in the making, a carefully woven story in a vast universe, and I aim to create a story where not one issue goes by without action, carefully placed humor, and heart. It's a story about belonging and the value of the individual.
Art Team
Each issue is split in two parts with different styles to separate the memories of Azrekal from the continued adventures of Hiko.
Issue 1:
Maksis Zabers: Line art on Azrekal's memory. Unfortunately, he was not able to continue his work but he provided an interesting art style and many of the gun designs in this series before handing off to...
Henry Ponciano: Best known for his work on Tinsel Town, published through Alterna, Henry took over Maksis' side of the story and put out pages at a rapid pace with a clean style he continues to improve on as he goes.
Federico Guillen: Federico provided the entirety of the artwork on the last four pages of issue 1 in a stunning realistic style. Unfortunately things did not work out.
Issue 2:
Henry Ponciano: Henry's speed and skill continues to impress as he continues to work on issue 2, and hopefully, on through the series as a whole as he draws the memories of Azrekal in a western comic style.
Pablo Romero: the moment I saw Pablo's anime style I knew it had to be done. Contrasting the western style provided by Henry and separating the two halves of the story, Pablo draws his pages with speed matching Henry's and accuracy to the setting. On occasion, he has provided reference for things that I haven't found in my research.
Issue 2 art
This story has been carefully built over years, with every thread connected in ways that will amaze readers as they discover the secrets of this universe. It's a universe with the potential to be expanded into other stories. To learn more about the lore, go to
The races of the Seven Legions Universe
The Humans: Like you and me, on Earth, humans have no knowledge of the other races outside of what we remember through myth and legend. The other races are cloaked by a mysterious force from human eyes. Beyond the Earth, some humans live among the other empires of the alliance and beyond.
The Angels: Large feathery wings, a glowing aura halo that changes color and shape with emotion. The angels have a telekinetic blast ability and pyrokinesis. The angels don't age past maturity and have accelerated healing. There are 3 variations of the angels: The Cherubim, the average angel. The Thrones, 4-winged angels genetically altered with enhanced physical and psionic abilities. The Seraphim, 6-winged angels with one of seven powers, chosen as leaders of the Seven legions.
The Eldrian/elves: Long, pointed ears. A small, diamond-shaped bump on their foreheads. The Eldrian have telepathy, with varients in this ability. The High eldrian have telepathic communication only and human range of skin tones, the wood eldrian have illusion telepathy and golden skin, the blood eldrian can control others and have red skin, the polar eldrian can use the magnetic poles to amplify their telepathy and have pale skin, and the dark eldrian have a telepathic EMP ability and have blue skin. The Eldrian have plant-based technology, adapting the plant life of their world to serve them.
The Darvosi/dwarves: Short, stout, and strong. The Darvosi are proud warriors from the world of Asgard, where they live in underground cities to escape their violent wildlife. They settle wars in the virtual world of Valhalla and hunt in mech suits and jet packs.
The Undine: An aquatic race with long, finned tails and nostrils on their foreheads. Essentially, they look like dolphin people. Their tech is adapted from the rapidly-evolving fauna of their homeworld. Most prominent among them is their starships, gigantic space krackens.
The Faer: Tall and lanky with chitinous wings and pointed ears. The Faer come from the same world as the Undine but live primarily on the islands.
The Cobrin/Goblins: short and slender with long, pointed ears and long canine teeth. Their skin is green from a symbiotic moss that grows on their skin.
The Orac/Orcs: The tall and bulky cousins of the Cobrin. They're similar to the Cobrin in every way but their size and lack of intelligence.
The Daemons: Large, leathery wings, long horns, pointed ears and red skin. The daemons are brutal and hate the other races. They have access to technology far ahead of any other race, but they have fortunately kept to themselves aside from supply raids, as they wait for the return of their creators to lead them on a crusade across the galaxy.