I create fantasy and science fiction art in gouache, watercolor, and ink. In the last year, my artwork has gained an online fanbase of over 20,000 and I've created some of the most rewarding work of my career. In this body of work, I’ve painted kaiju, giant gorillas, Komodo dragons, robots, dinosaurs, and characters in fantasy and science fiction scenarios. With your help, I'm going to publish these works in a high-quality artbook for you to enjoy!
The Artbook
With your help, I plan to produce “Autonimus Trex Book One,” an art book collecting 20 works as well as additional pages of close-ups offering a closer look the level of detail and texture of the paintings. The finished book will include approximately 40, full-color pages.
The art book will be a signed, full-color, 8.5in x 11in, beautifully printed softcover with a crisp square spine. The high-resolution scans will preserve the texture of the watercolor paper and the look of the originals. If we meet certain stretch goals, additional pages with material like sketches will be included.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise a minimum of $3500 in order to make this project viable. We have a printer, the art, and the technical skills to produce the finished files.
As a supporter of this campaign, you will receive a copy of a very limited edition artbook. You will also have the opportunity to receive additional perks at higher levels of support including sketches and original art.
The Impact
This project started with creating the artwork and led to the building of an online community of fans. Now we have the opportunity to turn this support into an artbook that can become a part of your personal library. A book that will inspire your imagination and bring you joy as you flip through its pages.
The degree to which you support this project will determine the extent of the possibilities for my artwork going forward. I want to have the opportunity to spend more of my time making art and publishing art books. I can't overstate the impact that a massive wave of support for this project will have on my family.
Our Team
My wife and I are both artists and designers. We've self-published, illustrated, lettered, and designed for our own projects and those of others. I’ve worked as an artist creating comics, trading card art, and concept art.
We are organized, driven, and committed to delivering you a book that we hope will be the start of an ongoing publisher/customer relationship. We humbly ask for your support and we value your hard-earned money.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us get the word out about this project and thank you for taking the time to consider supporting this artbook.
$8500 STRETCH GOAL - EVERY backer will receive access to an exclusive hour-long instructional video showing how I use opaque watercolors and gouache, as well as the process that I teach my students!
UNLOCKED! $5000 STRETCH GOAL - Everyone’s book will include 10 additional pages and a new section showing my process and materials. This will include new art and increase the book’s page count to 50 pages!