A Short Summary
CoffeeRing Entertainment (CRE) is an Award-Winning independent film production company that has entertained audiences worldwide. Over the last four years CRE has built a team — a family — of top industry professionals, and many of those with dozens of A-List film credits. She Will Be Loved is CoffeeRing's first long-format featurette, and with YOUR SUPPORT, we will finish strong, and deliver a powerful message of hope.
She Will Be Loved is a feature film that sheds light on many of the terrifying aspects surrounding wartime Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD). The film will take our viewing audiences on a hero's journey, as she picks up the fractured pieces of her life, after being the lone survivor of an IED explosion overseas.
- As many as 450,000 veterans suffer from PTSD.
- 15-20 veterans commit suicide each day. LET THAT SINK IN.
- 20% of women (recent war) veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD.
- 75% of vets with mental health issues fail to get help because of the stigma
- 50,000 vets are homeless, half of which suffer from health/physical disability
As filmmakers, we are given this platform (and privilege) to raise even a small degree of awareness for the men and women who serve, have served, and or given their lives for our country. To never forget the physical and mental challenges our veterans face as they return home, and understand that their struggle doesn't end when they leave the theater of war.
CRE has a number of veterans in our cast and crew, and this film is by far our most personal and purposeful project to date.
Chadwick Pelletier, Executive Producer
Andy Khawaja, Executive Producer
What We Have So Far
We have nearly half of our film completed! The footage looks amazing, and we're excited to see this project through. The She Will Be Loved story is also coming together, and our cast and crew are at the ready to wrap Principal Photography within the next few months. However, in order to do this, we need YOUR financial support to capture the remaining scenes and finance post-production.
Making a film is one thing. Making a QUALITY film is another, and they are largely separated by budget. We need $100k to finish strong, and even that will be cutting it close, but we're confident we can do it. This is where the money will be allocated:
- 10 scenes to wrap Principal Photography by July 2016
- Post-production, including: visual effects (VFX), color, and sound design.
- Score
- Print and Advertising (P&A)
CONTINGENCY PLAN: I don't like having a "Plan B", but here it is ... If we don't reach our entire goal, we will be faced with these two options:
Launch a second round of funding, which will push our production dates, or;
Look at our remaining shot list to see what can be omitted without hurting the story, and then cut back.
We would obviously prefer not to cut — all scenes are important in this film — there's no filler. But in order to get the message and film out there, we would consider what we could cut to obtain picture lock.
Why Contribute?
YOUR contribution will absolutely make a difference. EVERY PENNY COUNTS when it comes to making a movie — we know — we've mastered the run-and-gun independent filmmaking business; we've bartered, leveraged, asked for favors, and have done what was needed to get our projects made. Projects that went on to win "Best Picture" awards at major festivals — projects that get heads turning in the entertainment industry.
But now we're faced with a new challenge, and this is where YOU come in!
- This is more than a film, it's a mission. It's a borderline PSA about wartime PTSD with a goal to shed light on this debilitating disorder, and give back to our vets. YOU WILL PLAY A HUGE ROLE in achieving this.
- To produce an A-List quality film — this matters.
- And most important: To have a part in a project that will be showcased around the world, with a deep impact on raising awareness and giving back to this community of vets.
- Bottom line: Make a difference.
Exposure & Organizations:
Upon lock picture, we will be socialize the film in the Festival Circuit (2016-17) as well as supporting wounded warrior organizations — specifically the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation and the Shadow Warriors Project with the film's exposure other areas of support. Our goal is to get She Will Be Loved out there as much as possible to deliver a message of HOPE within this dramatic narrative.
Behind the Scenes:
She Will Be Loved officially entered pre-production in November 2015, and started Principal Photography late December in Las Vegas with our 2nd Unit production team to film the CIA Medal of Valor ceremony.
We were honored to have active and retired service men and women on set as extras in this scene. They helped make it authentic and an overall great filming experience. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SERVICE and being a part of this film.
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS did not apply here. We shot our CIA ceremony footage, and then left town to dig into our on-location shooting in and around Los Angeles.
This is when we engaged with our A-List film crew, including CRE's partner in crime, Director of Photography,
John T, Connor, and XS Camera to continue with the filming for
She Will Be Loved. Connor also shot our Award-Winning short,
Over the next few months, we filmed at six different locations and exhausted our budget down to pennies. Literally. I believe our last day of shooting — after cutting checks — we had maybe .10c in the film's bank account.
WHAT HAS BEEN AMAZING is the unyielding support we've received from others up to this point — people who can see the vision, understand our mission, and are proud to support this film. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Here are just a couple examples of how people are coming together to see this through ...
We needed a prosthetic leg for our lead actress. These are not cheap, and all we could find online was either VERY expensive or for a large male. Well, our lead actress is petite, and this caused a great deal of stress going in — after all, this film was centered around a woman who lost her leg in Afghanistan.
It seemed like the 11th Hour when a private company contacted us, and said they'd like to loan a custom prosthetic leg for our production. WOW! The custom prothetic was valued at $60k, and they solved our problem overnight. THANK YOU "
A Step Ahead Prosthetics".
Then there was CADIE ...
In order to make a film about a woman who had lost her leg, we had to consider one of three options:
- Green screen the actor's leg out of the entire film
- Never show the leg and imply that it's missing
Find a body double
All three options are tricky and potentially very expensive.
We couldn't afford to green screen, not only due to the challenges in post-production, but also the time it would take to set up each shot needed. We simply did not have it [time]. And an implied missing leg was out of the question — it just wouldn't have the same effect. That's when we met Cadie, our body double.
This beautiful woman has been nothing short of an angel for this production. She has inspired this film, and all those who came to know her in such a short period of time. Cadie donated her time, and even at one point, offered to fly herself in from out of state to be apart of this film. It literally brought our Producers to tears.
Making this film has been the most humbling and amazing filmmaking experience we've had to date, because of this type of support. And now YOU can also be a part of our film family!
The Challenge
The challenge is making a film that looks like a million dollars for less than a fraction of that. Let's be honest, people want to see a good looking (professional) movie, and that is what we aim to produce. Whether our films are 10 minutes long or 2 hours, we want to deliver a studio-quality picture for our viewers. OUR MESSAGE will be delivered either way, but we are most interested in appealing to the masses with a studio QUALITY PRODUCTION.
So what does that mean exactly? Well, here are some of the more expensive line items, but far from the only ones:
- We've been shooting on the Arri Alexa and RED cameras. These units are VERY EXPENSIVE, but offer the industry's best in production quality.
- Cameras also need lenses, and we've been working with a number of different lenses to capture different shots.
- Grip & Electric (G&E) packages. This supports the look and feel of every scene you're watching — helps control the lighting to give a specific feel to a scene.
- Sound. Most professionals will tell you that the first 'thing' to be compromised is sound. It's also not the easiest thing to capture all the time, and 'bad' sound is a true give-away that some corners were cut. NEVER compromise your sound. So a qualified mixer on set is key, as well as a sound designer for post.
- Score. We have a 4-time Grammy Nominated musician excited and ready to score this film. And although he's offered us a reduced rate, because of our mission statement, he still comes at a fee that we can not yet afford. His participation with this film will not only skyrocket our production quality, but more importantly, help deliver the feel and emotion of She Will Be Loved.
- Print and Advertising (P&A). You can have an amazing, multi-gazillion dollar production, but if no one sees it then ... Well, no one sees it. A strong P&A campaign is crucial for independent films especially. Toward this end, we work with one of LA's top Creative Development Companies as a co-branded partner on CRE productions, Veritas Film & Television for all of our Key Art and promos.
These are just a few of the expenses. If you know anything about filmmaking, you know the list is long and very pricey. This list doesn't even touch on-location expenses, permits and certificates, etc. CRE is only interested in putting out professional work — films that are visceral, compelling, but also look like a studio produced them. And although we know how to stretch a dollar, we still need the dollar to stretch.
With the filmmaking talent we have attached to She Will Be Loved, there is no reason for us to produce anything less than a studio quality movie.
Our Actors
Chadwick Pelletier is not only the Writer-Director and one of our Executive Producers for She Will Be Loved, but also one of the lead actors. He gives a new meaning to the word "multi-hyphenate", and sat with Constance Brenneman early 2015 to discuss this project — an actress he had worked with before in two other CRE films, and knew this role was for her. "Constance is a brilliant talent, and this role was always hers..." Chadwick said.
Chadwick on the other hand is uniquely qualified in a different way (other than as a filmmaker). In addition to his work in the entertainment industry, he is a DoD Contractor, and co-owner of PMC, Miramar Logistics International. He has a huge heart for the military and Intelligence Communities, and making this film has been one of his greatest endeavors so far.
So Now What? How Can I Get Involved?
If we can raise $100k, we can finish this film and get it out there. We can shoot the remaining scenes, pick up shots, afford post production, and P&A. We can get the word out about wartime PTSD within this dramatic narrative, and send a message of HOPE to those who desperately need it. And to do all this ... WE NEED YOU. Like I said early on, every penny counts ...
DONATE and receive one of our Perk Packages!
SOCIALIZE this project and get others to join in and support!
We're here to answer any questions you might have. Here's some contact and company information:
Contact & Company Info:
Official Movie Website: shewillbelovedmovie.com
Production Company: coffeeringent.com
Creative Development Company (P&A): veritas.tv
Writer-Director: chadwickpelletier.com