Dojo Kun Comics has been publishing comic books for over 4 years now and we've released 12 comics ( This super-hero trade paperback is the compilation of Dojo Kun Comics' four-issue mini-series, Siamese, which were the first comics we released in our connected super-hero universe.
This is a completed book! Fulfillment will only be waiting for the swag to be produced! We will make sure to bring something special to our backers and load this TPB will extras, including new covers, behind-the-scenes sketches and concept work and over 100 pages.
Digital Copy of the Siamese TPB - Regular Cover $15
Digital copy of the The Siamese Trade Paperback – collecting Siamese #01 through #04, with additional behind-the-scenes original character concept art and an art gallery
Siamese Trade Paperback – Reg Cover $35 - SOLD OUT - THANK YOU!
The Siamese Trade Paperback – collecting Siamese #01 through #04, with additional behind-the-scenes original character concept art and an art gallery.
Siamese TPB – Ariez Hernandez Variant Cover $35 - SOLD OUT - THANK YOU!
Siamese TPB – Isiah Xavier Bradley Variant Cover $35 - SOLD OUT - THANK YOU!
Siamese TPB – Bruno Hatano Variant Cover $35 - SOLD OUT - THANK YOU!
Siamese TPB - Interior Artist Zilson Costa Variant $35 - SOLD OUT - THANK YOU!
No Longer Available
Set of four 6x9 mini prints of the original covers – $5,000
Set of six 6x9 mini prints of the TPB Regular and Variant covers – $6,000
Siamese Challenge Coin – $7,000
"Meanwhile ..." AshCan - $7,500
8-page Ashcan with Three New Super-Villains, Two New Super-Heroes and a super with direct ties to Siamese, and a cover by José Garcia!
Risks & Challenges
The current environment may lead to some delays in printing and shipping, but the fulfillment of this campaign should be reasonably quick. Much of the work is done already, so there's little to organize and arrange to get this trade paperback and the perks out to our backers.