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My name is Gareth Morgan and I'm an Independent film maker that has been making films for over a decade. You can view more of my work here, including the Opening 13 minutes of Silent Hill Requiem the prequel feature film to this project.
Zenithfilms Youtube channel
'Silent Hill Lazarus' is the sequel to my first feature film, Silent Hill Requiem. Set 16 years after the events of that film, SHLazarus follows Jessica, a British Psychology Student who has travelled to Silent Hill to work on her thesis, but she soon discovers a dark and sinister connection to the town. With the help of Silent Hill favourites, Cheryl, James and Henry, she must discover how to survive the Otherworld if she is to get out of Silent Hill alive. This of course will not be an easy task and will require her to learn the ancient history of Silent Hill to achieve this.
I have already had the unique opportunity to tell my first Silent Hill story with 'Silent Hill Requiem' and now I wish to continue that journey by creating more tales within the distinctive world of Silent Hill. I believe I can achieve this through the use of my film and story telling skills and through the use of my unique art style, which I believe compliments the aesthetic of Silent Hill perfectly.
I believe I have already proven my ability to capitulate the universe created by Team Silent with Silent Hill Requiem and a large part of the Silent Hill Community agree with me, in not only helping raise the budget for Requiem, but also helping me raise my profile as a film maker to heights I thought I could never meet. My work is generating a huge buzz within the community and leading to Silent Hill Requiem going viral within days of it's release announcement!
Unlike SHRequiem, Silent Hill Lazarus will not be another feature film, as this time I wish to create a running series of 12 episodes. There are two reasons for this. 1. In creating SHRequiem there were many ideas I had to leave by the wayside so as to keep the run time of the feature down to a decent length, a series of episodes would allow me to explore these ideas and develop them into a continuing narrative. & 2. SHRequiem took me 3 years to make and in that time it was very tough stopping myself from sharing what I was making, but to do so would have spoilt the final outcome. With a series I can get material out a faster rate, at least one episode every 2 months, that way my work gets to you faster and also allows me to take on feedback that can work into the creation of future episodes. This means that you will have a much larger role as a donator to Silent Hill Lazarus than was possible with SHRequiem.
To show how Silent Hill Lazarus will work I have already created a 7 minute Proof of Concept, with no financial assistance, that you can see at the end of the Pitch Video above. To turn this Proof of Concept into a full running show I am going to need a budget and to achieve this I am going to need your help.
By donating, you will be helping me make a new moment in Silent Hill history that you have always wanted to see and that myself and my team are incredibly passionate about making!
A Silent Hill Show that you get to be apart of! What's more exciting than that?!
The Cast
Over my years of being a film maker I have developed the perfect team of actors that believe in my work and have shown undying commit towards my style, characters and stories. They are an incredibly talented team that can produce unparalleled and believable characters within the worlds that I create.
Olwen Davies Jessica
Gareth Morgan James Sunderland
Della Day Anne Cunningham
Sam Swainsbury Henry Townshend
Olwen Davies Cheryl Mason
The Crew
I have the unique experience that I write, direct, edit and do all the visual effects on my work. These skills I have developed over my entire career as an artist from when I was a writer, actor, dancer and photographer. I of course can not do everything and I work with an exceptional crew in all other aspects of film making
Gareth Morgan Writer, Director, Editor & Visual effects
Louise Marsh Costume designer, Wardrobe & Fabricator
Isserley Sound Design, Composer
What We Need & What You Get
To turn Silent Hill Lazarus into a 12 part web series I have calculated that the minimum I can do it for is $8,000! This may seem like a small amount but this is because I already have access to all my own equipment and a studio to make my films.
By donating to this film you will receive some awesome rewards, along with the knowledge that you have helped the creation of a brilliant Silent Hill Show.
So where do your donations go?
• Actors (The most important part of the film.)
• Props (Specific items that have appeared within the games.)
• Transportation (To get to and from the studio)
• Wardrobe (Costumes for the actors and the monsters)
• Make up (Practical FX make up for the monsters and the actors)
The Impact
Your contributions will make this project a reality.
In the past I have relied upon the free time of my team to help me create my work, that's fine for making proof of concepts but isn't possible for making an entire 12 part series, which is a far more in depth procedure and requires constant dedication.
With having a budget means we can work solidly on the project until its completion.
You don't have to donate to help
I appreciate that not everyone has the ability to donate to this project, but if it's still something that is of interest to you there are ways you can help!
Why not share this project on your social media pages like Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr and Twitter?
Just by getting the word out there and helping this campaign go viral is payment enough
Thank you so much
Thank you for taking a look at this page and project. I am so thankful for your contributions, interest, but most of all your support! This project wouldn't have the opportunity to exist if it wasn't for you!
To follow our progress join us on Facebook!
Let's make an awesome project together!