A bit about me...
My name is Ryan Baptiste and I am a Certified Addictions Counsellor. Not only do I talk the talk, I have walked the walk, both through addiction and Mental Health Struggles, I have been down so low that I have seen only one way out, but I have battled my way out and am on a steady climb to the top. By writing this book I want to share the struggles and triumphs with the world. I have been to the bottom, I have been in the foster care system, I have almost taken my life, but each dip to the bottom I pick myself up, dust myself off and become stronger for having experienced that low. Your contributions mean so much to me, from $.01 to $100 and everything in between puts me one step closer to achieving this goal! If this story can help one person realize they are not alone, to me, it is worth it.
What I Need...
Publishing isn't cheap, and I am not perfect. ALL of the money raised is going directly to the publishing, editing and copyrighting of this book. ALL OF IT!
None of the money raised will be used for personal reasons, or squandered away.
Every perk offered, comes from my pocket, and my heart, Every contributor will get a sincere thank you.
If I do not reach my funding goal the funds will be put into a savings account where I will contribute my own money when I am able to complete the funding for the project. If I go over the funding goal, the excess money raised will be divided between Team in Training, a Cancer charity that strives to cure the Cancer that took my Foster Mother and Mood Disorder clinic at Toronto Western hospital.
Your Impact
Your contribution of your hard-earned money means the world to me. You are allowing me to share my story on a scale larger than I could have ever imagined. You contribute with the knowledge that you are allowing me to share this story with someone who may be struggling. Someone who may be going through a hard time and needs to know they are not alone.
Risks & Challenges
I work literally seven days a week to provide for my family. This manuscript is written once my daughter goes to bed at night or my wife falls asleep, there will be challenges some nights to work the manuscript, I have run into many obstacles in my life and have overcome them all, just as I will this one. This story will be shared with the world. I have vacation time coming up that will be dedicated solely to this project.
If you can't donate...
Some of you cannot contribute, but your help is still important to me, spread the word, share the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram even LinkedIn. Word of Mouth helps immensely