Short Summary
Ever hear a song or an album and wonder "What was happening in that person's life when they wrote this?" Exploring that idea was the inspiration for writing team Amber Cassell &
Kristy Hanson's passion project SING ME HOME.
A brand new, contemporary original musical, SING ME HOME tells the story of singer/songwriter Lexi Angel, a former teen idol who vanished mysteriously from the spotlight at the peak of her career, with no explanation as to why. Almost a decade later, Lexi resurfaces and steps back onto the stage, much to the media's delight and curiosity. But on the eve of Lexi's auspicious comeback concert, a face from her past appears in her dressing room in need of help. As Lexi embarks on this new phase of her career, the demands of her
future and shadows of her past collide, taking Lexi on a hilarious and
heartfelt journey to a place she’s never been before… home.
SING ME HOME has the honor of being selected to participate in the renowned
New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) this July, and will be offering TWO concert performances at the Laurie Beechman Theatre on July 20th & 21st. The remarkably talented singer/songwriter Kristy Hanson has written 13 fantastic songs for this piece, and the team is so humbled and thrilled to announce that Broadway stars
MANDY GONZALEZ (Wicked, In the Heights, Aida...) and
TELLY LEUNG (Godspell, Wicked, Rent...) will be performing them.
Participating in this festival is a tremendous honor and opportunity. NYMF is where Broadway favorites like [title of show] and the Pulitzer-Prize and Tony-winning NEXT TO NORMAL got their start. We are also so fortunate to have two of Broadway's finest lending their talents to this project, and our hope is that the exposure from these NYMF concerts will lead to full productions of SING ME HOME in the near future.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for all of your support and for helping us achieve what is absolutely a dream come true!
Kristy & Amber
What We Need
Unfortunately, as we all know, dreams aren't cheap and for a team of California girls putting on a show in the Big Apple, we are at a slight disadvantage compared to some of the other NYMF teams, who are based on the east coast.
Your contributions will help us with:
- Festival entrance and production fees
- Musicians
- Cast
- Travel and board
- Rehearsal studio rentals
- Playbills and printing
The Impact
**Please note that absolutely ZERO of your contributions will go
towards a salary for the creative team, incidental expenditures, or with the intent of making a profit. This fundraising campaign is strictly to
cover production costs.**
The exposure from this opportunity
is our sole objective with these concerts and the hope that it will lead
to future productions with reputable theater companies.
Risks & Challenges
Producing new musicals is a risky endeavor for any theatrical company,
and companies are taking less and less chances on new musicals that
aren't derived from stories with a familiar and popular track record
(i.e. the latest batch of [insert popular movie title] the Musicals). Our challenge is to prove that something completely new and original is worth taking a chance on and can gain traction with audiences.
Part of our goal with these concerts is to present a catalog of songs that are versatile, contemporary, and stand on their own. These are songs you might hear on the radio and never know that they were written within the context of a book musical. It's just good music...sung by some of the most impressive voices you'll hear ANYWHERE.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us spread the word! Follow us at @SingMeHomeShow on Twitter, and like our FB page! Retweets, shares, emails, town criers and carrier pigeons are all very much appreciated!
Check out our cast, they're amazing! Give a listen to Kristy Hanson &
Angela Parrish (our remarkable Musical Director & singer/songwriter extraordinare!) and go see them live!
Speaking of seeing things live, obviously you should come see us at NYMF on July 20th & 21st! Tickets go onsale here on June 16th:
Can't make it to New York? Don't feel left out! We'll be doing a preview concert here in Los Angeles at
Rockwell Table & Stage on July 13th, featuring a lineup of our favorite talents from the Broadway & L.A. music and theater scene!
And please, continue to support live music and live theater! There's truly nothing better.