«Sister Hell» is a short film about a reclusive nun who is tempted to leave the monastery. Her dream is to become a curvy, voluptuous woman; to become how she really feels inside. With cautious steps, she ventures towards the sinful city... The short has already been described as a mixture between Ken Russell and John Waters, and sports a series of outrageous characters, practical FX and buckets of WTF! The short was written during last years visit to Fantastic Fest in Austin, and is inspired by the energy and sheer insanity of the experience.
The movie was shot in Stavanger, Norway, in the icy month of June. The shoot spanned about 9 days and consisted of a hefty amount of madness, everything from our DP breaking his ankle to extensive FX and make-up challenges. We finished up the shoot with our sanity intact, and we're pretty confident that we have something really special and entertaining - with a few "never before seen" moments, even for the most hardcore genre fans.
The director of «Sister Hell» is Fredrik S. Hana, who previously made the horror shorts «Autumn Harvest» (2014) and «Angst, Piss & Drid» (2013). Both of them got screened all over the world and gained a lot of praise from the genre audience. With his trusty team from the film-collective
Blæst, Hana has also made a series of music videos for bands like Kvelertak, Haust and Årabrot.
since Jorg Buttgereit’s NEKROMANTIK have we seen such a sordid,
uncompromising and blackly humorous tale of a killer romance gone
south." - Fantastic Fest
«Hauntingly shot, elegant and violent. (...) a Lovecraftian puzzle-box." - Brian Yuzna
dearest genre lovers, we need your help to finish the film properly. The editing is almost done, but we
need a little extra funding in order to finish up the music, sound
design, color grading, and VFX. All those things are critically
important to the final film and it's essential to us that it looks
and sounds as AWESOME and MIND-BLOWING and GUT-WRENCHING as possible
- and we hope you will agree!
We've gathered a bunch of tasteful perks for you to consider, so please check them out and (hopefully) support this colorful little horror/fantasy/comedy/nunsploitation film!
A LIMITED EDITION silk-screened "Sister Hell" poster!
(70cmx50cm, signed by the director)
... and more silk-screened posters!
(70cmx50cm, also signed by the director)
LIMITED EDITION silk-screened T-shirt
(designed by artist Patrick Bjørsrud! Available in all sizes)
... and more silk-screened T-shirts!
(also available in all sizes)
We also have lined up a few (*secret*) screen used props from FX-artist Marius K. Lunde, soundtrack compilation (containing selected tracks from all three short films) associate producer credits and this KICK ASS one of a kind leather jacket worn by actor Thomas Aske Berg!
For more information about "Sister Hell" please check out our facebook page!