"Six-Gun Gorilla: Long Days of Vengeance" is the rip-snortin’, bone-crushing, brain-blasting story of a pistol-packing Gorilla and his epic quest for revenge on the cut-throats who murdered the circus owner who raised him like a son. Prepare yourself for the strangest, most startling Old West legend of them all!
144 pages of brain-blasting, bone-crunching, nerve-snapping old-school escapist Pulp adventure with heart. The art for this volume has already been completed, so delivery is guaranteed.
"Cartoonish by only a pinch, the story does a great job of walking that line of being too fantastical, yet has just enough realism to make you understand that this is a story with heft and emotion… (an) indie powerhouse of a book.” - AIN'T IT COOL NEWS
Read the entire first issue FREE to see what you're backing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfyxvgid1l9ej5b/Issue...
East Congo, 1849: A baby gorilla is orphaned when a big-game hunter slaughters his entire tribe. Placed aboard a boat to Europe, a kindly circus owner, Malloy, wins him in a card game and raises him like a son next to his daughter, Abigail, who names the tiny simian Kumba (an African word for "roar"),
Texas, 1866. Kumba has grown to maturity and become the star attraction of Professor Malloy's Traveling Circus, putting on a spectacular show as the most novel trick shot artist West of the Pecos, the Six-Gun Gorilla! Abigail and Kumba yearn to see the big cities in the East, but Malloy wants to put as much space as possible between them and the Civil War.
The war, however, comes to them in the form of Giuliano Schmidt, a Union spy wounded and on the run from hired gun Gravesend and his gang of cut-throats. When Gravesend discovers that Malloy and his circus family have been helping Schmidt, he exacts a terrible revenge. Now Kumba takes up his guns and sets out on the vengeance trail, a journey that will lead him to unexpected places, old friends and a conspiracy that could change the course of history.
144 pages of brain-blasting, bone-crunching, nerve-snapping old-school escapist Pulp adventure with heart! SIX-GUN GORILLA: LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE is exactly what you think it is: epic gun-fights, saloon brawls, horse chases, and righteous payback. If seeing an enraged 800 pound gorilla unleashing a hailstorm of blazing death with pistols the size of Howitzer cannons gets your heart all aflutter, this is the book for you!
Let's have us a look-see at some of that sweet art by super-artist Adrián Sibar, whose stylish artwork has graced titles like Batgirl for DC and Planet Of The Apes and Star Wars. He has been a joy to work with, a great visual storyteller who invests every panel with style and emotion.
And check out this killer cover art by a variety of amazing talents:
Caanan White
Wes Huffor
Chadwick Haverland
Matt Slay
Nate Bellegarde
Oo-WEE! Tell me those ain't hotter than habanero salsa served up in an active volcano!
We at Team Six-Gun have been immensely grateful to all the people who have supported us till now - all the fine folks who have bought the book, given us their feedback at conventions, the over 2,000 people who follow us on Facebook. Now, we're looking to swell the ranks of the Six-Gun Gorilla Army. You ready to join this posse and ride with us, hoss?
One of the true unexpected pleasures of this project has been the response of the critics. I had a feeling that some of them would really get a kick out of the book, but I didn't expect this level of love:
"It don't get much better than this, Pal. A rootin--tootin' six-gun shootin', Western adventure that makes me run off at the adjectives. Wonderful stuff." - JOE R. LANSDALE (author of Bubba Ho-Tep , Hap and Leonard and Cold In July)
“...it has real weight and emotion… a well-crafted western that just happens to have a gun-toting gorilla as the main character. If you like westerns, gorillas, crazy concepts, or just plain ol’ good comics, then this is one worth checking out.” - COMIC BOOK THERAPY
“Hats off to creators Brian Christgau and Adrian Sibar (whose art on this book is just magnificent!) because they have created a very compelling world.” - CRUSTULA.COM
"Who can say no to a well-executed western starring a ferocious six-gun wielding simian? ...a really good comic-book." - THE COMIC AGE
“Christgau’s story is setting itself up to be a fantastic reimagining of a lost classic, and one worth keeping an eye on.” - SUPER ATOMICA
“Together with artist Adrian Sibar, writer Brian Christgau has revised and changed-up the classic Six-Gun Gorilla pulp tale, blending it with beloved old school western cinematic tropes that make it an ingenious cross between Clint Eastwood’s Pale Rider and a wild Twilight Zone episode.” - NERDVANA
“Read this comic book. I’m dead serious. Find it, buy it, and enjoy how Six-Gun Gorilla: Long Days of Vengeance succeeds as any good comic book should.” - COMIC BASTARDS
“…a well-crafted western that just happens to have a gun-toting gorilla as the main character. If you like westerns, gorillas, crazy concepts, or just plain ol’ good comics, then this is one worth checking out.” - COMIC BOOK THERAPY
"...a work of art that pushes the classic notions of a true western with modern ideals and updated storytelling providing a cohesive product that is a ride to read and pleasure to look at." - - PULP CULTURED
“…an indie book that deserves to play with the big boys.” - GEEKASM
The immediate goal is to publish a quality 144 page trade paperback of Vol. 1, . If you folks invest in it and get as big of a kick out of the book as I expect you will, we'll be able to do a follow up with Vol. 2 that will complete the first ten issue arc.
I'm hoping to raise $3,000 to make this book a physical reality. If the campaign makes it into the $15,000 range like I'm hoping, I'll have the funds to make Vol. 2 a reality.
We at Team Six-Gun believe in this project and its potential to blow up into something much bigger. Won't you join us on the journey?
If this thing really takes off and Six-Gun Gorilla-a-Mania goes running wild like I'm hoping it will, I see a bunch of possibilities.
$10.000 - Go hardcover with a book you will be proud to put on your shelf.
$20,000 - Include a special boxed edition with a collectible limited edition print suitable for framing.
$30,000 - Finish the last three issues and release the entire epic saga in a single 240+ page TPB.
$40,000 - Release a collectible action figure and/or sculpture to accompany the book.
$50,000 - Honestly, I can't think that far! Cross that river when I get to it and hope it ain't crawlin' with water moccasins! (That scene in Lonesome Dove still gives me the willies!)
I've already been offered a movie deal from an established Indie animation studio, but they wanted total rights to the comic for $0.00 dollars, so I politely declined. I see animation, a retro side-scroller video game, action figures, sculptures, lunch boxes, etc., but first and foremost my greatest ambition is to make a awesome, memorable and thoroughly enjoyable comic book. Something you're not just going to read once and put on your bookshelf to collect dust, but something that you will return to again and again to revisit the characters and relive the adventure.
It's just a custom modded Gorilla Grod figure, but it gives you a good idea of the what I'd love to see adorning your shelves and kicking the crap out of your Funco Pop bobble heads.
The follow-up series, Six-Gun Gorilla: Any Gun Can Play, would be a Magnificent Seven style adventure teaming our gunslinging simian with other wild and wonderful characters from the Weird West world he inhabits.
But that's a story for another day.
To call Six-Gun Gorilla obscure is an understatement. The original story was serialized in "Wizard" magazine in 1939, with no author credited. The only reason anyone even knows about it is thanks to a 1948 book about British Pulp literature called Boys Will Be Boys. Scholars and other interested parties couldn’t help but be captivated by the author’s description of that story and so it took on a mythic, Holy Grail status the way lost films like London After Midnight often do. There are literally two copies in existence, both of which are under lock and key at a museum in England.