"Six Months of Winter" is a new original comedy by Cody Sanders about a young, queer couple and the first six months of them living together. They struggle through different hurdles and they have some less than helpful sources of advice: their meddling friends, self-involved family members and even the local god-like radio DJ. It is a tumultuous six months, but they learn at the end that spring always comes after winter.
We at CodAko Entertainment are producing this play as our first entry into the Capital Fringe Festival in July 2019. It is our largest and most ambitious project yet, with the opportunity to reach a wider audience than we've ever had. We will be performing in Capital Fringe's Plum Theatre in the Arena Stage building in SW DC.
Performance dates:
- July 12th @ 7:30pm
- July 14th @ 8:00pm
- July 21st @ 12:30pm
- July 25th @ 5:30pm
- July 28th @ 12:30pm
To put on a full production we are buying/building all set pieces, props and costumes. And with gods as characters we have some elaborate plans for these, therefore our budget is much bigger than usual. Also being a part of the Capital Fringe Festival comes with its own fees. We are hoping to raise about $2500 to cover these costs.
But we also want to give back and have several perks for those who donate:
- Those who donate $5 or more will have their names printed in the program
- Donate $10 or more and you'll get a shout-out on social media to any personal or professional page
- If you donate $25 or more you'll get invited to a special preview event with food and drink
- For $50 you will get a ticket to the show
We are very excited about this play and our premier in the Capital Fringe Festival. Since founding CodAko Entertainment we have been passionate about creating and showcasing important queer art. "Six Months of Winter" is a new kind of queer art: queer art that affirms identity while showcasing toxic behaviors within the community. We've been working on this story for years and are ready to bring it to a mainstream audience.
If you are not able to donate but still want to help out, there are plenty of ways you can participate. First, you can share this campaign to friends and family. You can also follow us on social media: CodAko Entertainment on Facebook and @codako_dc on Twitter and Instagram. You can also just come and see the show and enjoy it. We welcome all your support and are so appreciative of all donations we receive.