Can You Tell The Difference Between Your Dreams and Reality? Is There A Difference?
Take a trip from the insane asylum to a dream world so real it blurs reality.
Hello All! I'm Michael Siegenthaler, creator and illustrator for SKITS. A six book, graphic comic book on the next level of surreal dreams and reality. Come along on the journey with SKITS to read about a guy who can't tell the difference between his dreams and his reality. While all six books have been written, SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1 starts the adventure, that is colorfully illustrated and will lead you down an insane path for the rest of the books in the series. BOOK 1 can be read as a stand alone comic, but as the dreams become clearer, your reality gets blurred into not knowing where the series will take you without reading all six books completing the dreams of SKITS.
What's the story...?
Enter SKITS. He’s at an Insane Asylum. He's in front of his Doctor, telling his story why he went missing for a time. As the questions keep coming, SKITS keeps remembering more surreal stories to tell.
SKITS recounts a dream world blurring his physical reality in this present world. When he blinks his eyes, we are now caught in the dream world with SKITS. Other worldly planets, ships in the air, technology cut off by the native people and portal jumping are all part of SKITS' story. Will SKITS crack under the revelations he’s about to uncover or will the reader be trapped in a dream world blurring their own reality? Will SKITS wake up? Will You?
SKITS came from a series of sequential dreams I had while working the graveyard shift at a local T.V. station right after college graduation. My sleeping patterns blurred my dreams into a waking reality where my nights became my days and my days became my nights. The surrealism of waking up from this cycle blurred my days to where I dreamt my character SKITS exactly as you see him. All of the detail, his adventures walking or flying in my dream, even down to the medical scrubs, industrial sized boots, to the very straight jacket you see SKITS wearing on his journey.
Being a fresh new graduate in Art Design, I began to document my dreams with futuristic and forward thinking concept art, pencil and pen thumbnail sketches and oil based paintings to capture what I was dreaming. Fast forward to about twenty years or so later, I've been working in the Graphic Arts and Design industries building up an international reputation for my product development for the art and toy industries, and now the time has come to unlock those powerful images with the creation of SKITS as a graphic novel.
Not only will you get 3 VARIANT COVERS but for the first time ever you will also get 3 VARIANT STORIES.
•Choose one adventure•
•Choose two adventures•
with all three 60+ page Variant adventures.
Presented in this beautifully Signed and Numbered SKITS Band Edition.
Each book can be read as a stand alone, but only the brave of heart will get all 3 and COMPLETE THE JOURNEY
SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1 will be presented in a perfect bound, comic book style size format (6.625" in x 10.25 in”) offering readers an immersive 60+ page experience, with multiple pages of full color art and story that will literally keep you guessing at every turn. BOOK 1 will have 45 different panels and 12 different pages, spread across all three books to create the different journeys for the reader.
Photo Credit: Allan Amato
We are pleased to work with our friend, the LEGENDARY KENT WILLIAMS for our COVER B on SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1. Kent Williams has built up a formidable reputation as a powerful contemporary draftsman and painter. His is a bold realism with combined attributes of abstraction and neo-expressionistic sensibilities. His work is characterized by strong gestural forms combined with areas of layered and arresting detail, rendered with rich dynamic brushwork.
Williams’ approach to his subjects is often subjective and intense. Whether through multi-figured compositional complexity and suggestive narrative, or with the straight-forward lone human form, there is often autobiographical narrative at play. Favorite models, friends, and the artist himself all play a role in the human story of his paintings.
Williams lives in Los Angeles. He has two sons, Kerig Sun and Ian Kai.
–Peter Frank
From the exhibition catalog, Kent Williams: Native Bone and Far to Home, Davidson College, 2015
We're also excited to work with our friend PATRIC REYNOLDS for another special COVER C for SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1. Patric is one of the most sought after young professionals in the Comics industry today. Since 2009, Patric has worked with Patton Oswalt and Joss Whedon (Serenity: Float Out), Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, and John Arcudi on several "Mignolaverse" titles (Abe Sapien, Hellboy & the BPRD 1954, and Joe Golem), Marc Andreyko (Let Me In), David Lapham (Exile to Babylon), Steve Niles (The Thing), and Chris Roberson (Aliens) as comic book illustrator, all published by Dark Horse Comics. Patric's work can also be seen on (Halt & Catch Fire) with co-creator Christopher Cantwell (I Pledge Allegiance to The Mask). His extensive concept, character design as well as illustrated exclusive covers are also seen for several comic titles.
MICHAEL SIEGENTHALER- Creator and Illustrator for SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1.
CARSHÉNAH JEFFERSON SIEGENTHALER- Editor and co-writer of SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1. Carshénah has worked in the entertainment industry as an actress, director and producer in the T.V/Film industries and one of Carshénah's first jobs out of graduate school was model as a Barbie doll for Mattel Inc., then moving on to acting on Broadway with a NY touring company. She is owner of VERSE FILMS PRODUCTIONS, a Horror production company that has launched numerous films for the Horror genre. Carshénah's work spans from co-starring on TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX's "24," "SHAMELESS," Beyoncé's "LEMONADE," "WATCH ME: TRILOGY," "THE DEAD OF NIGHT," and most recently seen with "Malcolm in the Middle's" Frankie Muniz in a horror thriller called the "BLACK STRING." Carshénah is happy to edit this insanely wild dream ride.
SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1 will lead you deeper into your dreams with its fresh storyline that you as the reader won't be able to tell the difference of who's dream you're in blurring reality like never before. BOOKS 2-6 will defy what you know about dreaming schizophrenically.
The images captured on paper have been locked away for a time until I could script out the story from my dream journals. Now, I find myself creating a comic book through the powerful art of storytelling from those very exact dreams.
My designs uses a mixed media of traditional pencil, pen and paint, to images generated on the computer in order to create this fantastical world of SKITS. Myself, along with my co-writer and editor wife Carshénah Jefferson Siegenthaler, are creating the story of SKITS as a comic book for all ages. SKITS is now our reality for everyone to share.
Risks & Challenges
Every Indiegogo comes with risks. This isn't a store. You are a patron. You are helping artists to realize a creative goal that couldn't be achieved without your involvement. That being said, crowdfunding campaigns come with unforeseen circumstances due to delays, but we can minimize those risks with proper funding. All we can do is assure that if this Indiegogo campaign gets funded, you will get an Insane book as fast as we can get it to you.
Money earned by this Indiegogo will go to covering fees such as production, postage, and printing of the book. All additional funds will be used to go back into the book, period. The first goal of this campaign is to give our readers a high-quality product.
Independent comics not created by the "Big Two" companies are labors of love. But to make a high-quality comic, we need the support of our fans and Indiegogo to make SKITS: THE SON, BOOK 1 a reality!
Thank you for your support.
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