SLASHER HOUSE 2 IS NOW FULLY FUNDED!!!Thank you so much to all our backers, we couldn't do what we do without you. You guys are all amazing :)
You can continue to contribute to the campaign, every donation helps us make a bigger, better, bloodier film. ![]()
UPDATE - OCT 2017With the film almost finished we need to lock off the films credits. This means that all further stretch goals are now on hold permanently, once the film is locked the campaign will be closed, which means that we will no longer be offering further stretch goals perks. All other perks (including the Comic Book) are not affected.
STRETCH GOAL £4000 - REACHED!!!We've added a new stretch goal. If we hit £4000, then EVERY backer will receive a Special Edition, 16 Page Slasher House Issue 1 Comic book featuring an all new story based on Slasher House and its psychotic characters. This will be an edition exclusive to Campaign backers :)
My name is MJ Dixon, I started Mycho Entertainment about 10 years ago with a pretty simple intention. I just wanted to tell stories through the medium of film and eventually, after several years of producing shorts found myself making my first real feature 'Slasher House' which was released a few years ago and that really started my journey.
Slasher House was the beginnings of an idea I'd had since I was a teenager. The idea of my favourite movie monsters, 'Michael, Freddy, Jason, Candyman, The Cenobites,' all inhabiting the same universe. Being lover of comic books since I can remember, I loved the idea of these characters crossing paths every now and then. Obviously, not having the rights to any of these characters I sat down a drew out a plan, the Mycho Universe was born out that idea.
I wrote the first draft in 2005 and spent the next 7 years seeing it through to completion in 2012 and then finally scoring a worldwide release in 2013. Probably the single most important day of my life.
In the time after writing that first draft, I had spent a large amount of time plotting out a bigger story that would take place over several movies and soon films like Legacy of Thorn, Hollower and Cleaver : Killer Clown went into production, some with the help of people like you, a group of films Mycho Entertainment have dubbed 'Stage 1'.
Slasher House 2 is our first step into '
Stage 2'. The film is set to serve as, not only a springboard for new and exciting characters to enter the Mycho Universe, but Slasher House 2 is absolutely the best script we have ever had for one of our movies and we need your help to bring it to life.
In the original Slasher House we met 'Red' as an amnesiac trapped in a house full of serial killers with no memory of how she got there. Fighting to survive and regain her memory, our heroine soon realises who she truly is, a slasher hunting vigilante known as '
The Red Angel'.
For Slasher House 2, we knew we wanted to take the story somewhere different, whilst keeping the same concept and spirit of the first film. So we took our favourite elements of the original and worked them into a story that is action packed, whilst maintaining cool, iconic villains and genuine horror. Slasher House 2 is a combination of The Raid meets Saw via 80's Slashers.
Red arrives in London to find that serial killers have been disappearing for days. Along with computer genius Luse and a stripper named Amber, Red finds herself caught in the crossfire when they investigate a series of murders at a private hospital, where Amber and a young girl named Molly are kidnapped. Red tracks them to a factory on the outskirts of town and begins an assault as she tries to save the two girls before its too late. But the factory holds a dark secret that will lead her to a much greater nightmare.
Slasher House 2 is part Spy thriller, part Slasher horror, part Martial Arts action film with a wicked sense of humour. Everything we love about movies has been poured into this epic tale of a one girl's quest for revenge. It's gonna be funny, it's gonna be scary, it's gonna be gory and, most of all, it's gonna be fun.
The most important element of Slasher House were its 'killer' characters, characters that have since gone on to star in their own solo movies, so it stands to reason that we spent the last 3 years developing a brand new line up of brand new Serial Slashers that drive the plot of Slasher House 2.
As we hit milestones in our Campaign we'll unlock our brand new Kill-happy Characters and the actors who will be playing them. With each character unlocked we'll reveal key parts of Slasher House 2's in-depth design.
We've spent the last year searching for exactly the right cast for Slasher House 2. It was important that we really nailed these characters and we collected the very best actors and performers in our network to bring them to life. As the Campaign unfolds we'll be unveiling our extremely talented cast and how they fit into the the film and the bigger universe.
Find out more at
Slasher House 2 is probably the most ambitious and exciting film that we've ever attempted to make. It's bigger, bolder and better than the original in every way, this is our 'Evil Dead II'.
Since the release of Slasher House we've constantly been asked when we'd be doing a 'Red' solo film, but to us the Slasher House series has always been Red's story and so it made sense to follow her into this brand new adventure.
The film has been in active development for the last 3 years, but we wanted to make sure that we had all our pieces in place before we moved into production. Those pieces have now come together and now we just need your help to jump our final hurdle.
Slasher House 2 might be large in scope, but the Mycho team have become very skilled at making a little go a long way and so we're not looking raise more than we need, we're only asking for what we need to make the film at its lowest possible cost. We're not looking for luxury, our budget, as always, goes up there on the screen and not on expensive hotel rooms and gourmet catering. Obviously, the more money we raise the better the film can be and the more money we can put into costumes, props, locations and SFX.
We really can't do this without your help. Your contribution to the project means the world to us and with your support we can pull together this epic indie action horror. Our budget may be no bigger than Hasslehoff's daily hair budget, but it's enough to take us through 7 days of principal photography and 4 weekends of pick ups.
To fund Slasher House 2 we need £3000. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but if you've seen our previous stuff you'll know that we can make a great deal out of very little. To give you some perspective, the original film cost £5000 and we had to take the cast and crew to another country.
Of course we wouldn't ask for anything without offering you something in return, So in return for your contributions we've put together a HUGE range of packages that you'll receive in return for helping us bring this film to life. Almost every perk here is EXCLUSIVE to this Campaign and won't be available anywhere else once the campaign is over.
Here is what we have on offer :
*Please note that travel and accommodation are not paid for on any perks.
With the film almost finished we need to lock off the films credits. This means that all further stretch goals are now on hold permanently, once the film is locked the campaign will be closed, which means that we will no longer be offering further stretch goals perks. All other perks (including the Comic Book) are not affected.
No matter how large or small your contribution, we couldn't make these films without your support. We're not famous, even by low budget filmmaking standards, we're not a big studio with large spaces and offices and we're not rich, every penny we make goes back into making these movies as good as they can be with what we have. By supporting our movies you really are supporting actual, true, independent movie making.
Funding the film this way allows us to keep creative control and carry on making unique, interesting and provoking films using everything you guys love about the genre and using it to treat you to something different. We've come along way since we started shooting Slasher House in summer 2010 and now we need your help to start down the next road of our journey.
As usual, we feel its important for us to be transparent so that you can see where your money is going and how it helps the film directly. Our budgets never go on thing like luxury hotels or gourmet food, its goes right where it matters, right up there on the screen. Here is a break down of where the money will go.
COSTUMES & PROPSSlasher House 2 probably has the biggest prop and costume list of any films we've ever made. Many of these props have to be built or ordered specially. We build as much as we can in house to keep costs down, but we still need raw supplies to begin the bigger builds, including a very cool 7ft monster puppet :)
Our generous and talented cast are giving up their time for free because they believe in the project. But we still want to make sure that that time doesn't cost them and arm and leg (although that would save money on props) so the least we can do is cover travel and food throughout shooting.
People have to eat and although we don't dine on steak and wine every evening (or ever for that matter) we do make sure that our cast and crew have enough decent food to give them the energy to face the challenges of the filmmaking day.
We always endeavour to find locations for free, however most of the time there are fees and charges involved in using production spaces and private buildings. We know that finding the right locations for a movie like this is paramount.
This is the first of our films to be shot in 4K Ultra HD, this means that we need things like extra storage, back ups and any extra hard drives we may need.
We need to fulfil our perks, including producing DVDs, Blurays, USBs, Posters and various other things. Part of your contribution goes into creating these items for yourselves.
Sometimes things go wrong, sometimes we need to do reshoots or pick ups to just tighten the film up just that little bit, sometimes we have to replace a hard-drive or a mouse or a keyboard and this is here to save us from the worst.
This will be our 5th Feature film set in the Mycho Universe, we've done this 4 times before and 3 times with the same team working on Slasher House 2. Our team have faced some of the biggest challenges you can imagine in the world of indie film and we've always come out in top. This shoot will be no different.
Our biggest challenge here is that this is the biggest film we've ever undertaken, as well as a martial arts, stunt heavy, VFX nightmare with more action and special effects than we've ever had in any other movie. However, our team is made up of a professional, hard working crew who understand how to make this a reality on such a limited budget.
This Campaign is only a portion of the budget, we have already taken on a great deal of Pre Production and equipment costs to make this film a real step up from our previous productions. We're counting on your donations for us to make this film possible and should we fail to raise the budget the film will most likely be delayed for a couple of years, at least, which would create a serious knock on effect to our overall Universe and the company. This is why it's important that we meet our target and why we need your help.
Every single penny helps and pushes us one step closer to our goal. But thats not the only way you can help. Help us by pushing the campaign out there in the world and letting others know about it, IndieGoGo has a range of tools that make sharing our campaign a piece of cake :)
Also, if you are based in Milton Keynes or the surrounding area and can help us with anything from locations, sponsorship or anything else or if you have any questions at all then please contact us at mycho@live.co.uk.