What We Need & What You Get
We need at least $75,000 to pay all costs required to release SlashPixels Beta. Rest assured that every penny goes toward making SlashPixels a reality.
As a thank you, you will get exclusive limited edition custom t-shirts and hoodies designed for our IndieGoGo campaign. The garments will come in three different colors. We are partnering with Amplifier, an official IndieGoGo partner, which means that your apparel will have quality design and print, and available for fast worldwide shipping.
We have another special perk: a 24/7 access to desktop preview of SlashPixels Founder. You’ll have live access to how we work—prototype, design, and communicate—and everything else that happens on Founder computer.
Who is the SlashPixels Team?
The Impact
We are a small, brand new company. We cannot make it without your support. Every donation matters, as this campaign determines whether or not we can continue our project.
We have no other sources of funding. With your help, we can make SlashPixels a reality and the universe a much happier place.
Risks & Challenges
We are committed to bringing you a great product, and won't settle for anything less. We will work hard to make sure that everything is top notch, functional, and user friendly. We recognize that the coding process might have hiccups, but we’ll make sure that SlashPixels launches on time, won’t compromise quality, and addresses feedback from designers. We’ll keep you in the loop of our creative process so there won’t be any surprises.