Slate Roof Press
is a member-run, not-for-profit poetry press based in Western Massachusetts that publishes limited edition, hand-sewn and -assembled chapbooks with letterpress covers and art paper. Our poems and the pages they are printed on are art. The photos in the gallery don't do the books justice; you have to see and hold the books to know how beautiful they are. We believe that poetry is essential to our collective well-being and that poetry (its creation and its enjoyment) should be accessible to all, regardless of income.
Since 2004 we have been publishing regional poets; our members work together to oversee every step in the book creation process. No one gets paid; we all donate our time to the press.
Help Us Pay Our Contest Winner and Lower Submission Fees
No one expects to get rich writing or publishing poetry. However, we believe that poetry has value and want to be able to pay poets for their work.
We currently operate on a contest model: contest entry fees and book sales cover the bulk of the cost of printing our books (the rest gets covered by small local grants). There is no money left over to offer a purse to our contest winner, and our entry fees are higher than they should be.
We want the number and quality of our submissions to be determined by the enthusiasm people feel for the work of our press, not by their ability to afford contest fees. And we want the winner of our contest to be rewarded with a small cash prize, in addition to the author copies we normally give.
Funds raised in this campaign will allow us to lower our contest submission fees as well as offer a small prize to next year's contest winner.
Please Help Us Spread the Word!
We are grateful for any and all forms of assistance, whether in the form of donations or spreading the word far and wide. Check out and share our website and Facebook page (links below). Thank you!