Filmmaker Intro
Hello, I'm Toby Johansen and I am a writer/director/comic-creator in Cincinnati, OH. I've been making movies since I was a kid and finally got to make my first-ever feature film Hacksaw: Documentary of a Psycho Killer and went back to make a lengthy short film Backyard Vampire, both films which received mostly praise, which I'm proud of. I'm working on my next feature-length horror film and am here on IndieGogo to raise the budget for the film that I and my fellow filmmaker Sebastien Godin really want to make!
Here's the trailer for my first horror feature "Hacksaw: Documentary of a Psycho Killer": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65c3KN3i74
You want more? Here's my vampire short film just released last year, "Backyard Vampire": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_iQQMieklo
This campaign is vitally important to us because what we raise will give us the grand opportunity to make this masterpiece of horror the way we want to make it without having to drop the ball on certain areas. We LOVE the hell out of this script and we both know it's going to be the greatest movie to ever be made!
Also it should be on-record that this is the first horror film to ever use a Killer Horse! The possibilities to be done with this are crazy! Especially with what comes next...
Seriously, this movie is going to be VICIOUS! Tons of bloody gory deaths, political horror, atmospheric horror that give great praise to the good ol' 80s/70s horror, a revenge story that feels like that of "The Crow", the suspense of John Carpenter's Halloween, Equus and Red Dragon meets Call of Cthulhu, but it does have a heart beneath it that has something optimistic beneath the horrific carnage. If this sounds like it's going to be a mess of a horror movie it's only because it is, but an "Organized-Mess".
Also, it has an ending you will NEVER see coming, that is so unpredictably amazing we can't show you ALL the concept designs due to them spoiling the ending!
Synopsis Of Film
A bizarre slasher flick that tells the story of a man who will do
anything to protect what he loves the most.
It's 2026, "The Year of the Horse", Death is Legal and Free-Will is Abolished, with horses being
slaughtered to provide a substitute for the dwindling meat supply, a
mysterious psychopath goes on a journey of revenge against the parasites
behind this campaign of death.
Enduring this thread of slaughter, a
burned-out, hard, edgy, obsessive-compulsive xenophobic detective who
becomes obsessed with the case wanting there to be
dignity for true justice in a murderous and grim world.![]()
Meet The Cast!
Godin plays as "Salis Wayde"- Owner of Horsemen Industries, a sleazy,
horrific and dirty spoiled little brat who loves horse burgers!
Brandon Salkil plays as "Karl Kenneth Kansas"- A shit-kicking rancher
that sells shotguns, tobacco-chewing, shotgun-packer who lashes on a
black butler. "I wasn't born in Kansas...I AM KANSAS!"
Johny Walker plays as "Chainsaw Charlie"- A sleazy rocker/state senator, an advocate for legal death who carves up his heckler audiences with a chainsaw, hence his name!
Jenny Wallace plays as "Abigail White"- A disgusting news anchor who
prides on exploiting the deaths and misery to cease hope for America or
anyone that looks for truth and hope. What an evil bitch.
Johansen plays as "John Batosen aka Slaughter Horse"- An anti-hero who
is on a revenge mission for his Horse Gods to butcher those who butcher
their ideal race and to bring about a new Horse World.
Parker plays as "Detective Ted Dahmer"- A burned-out, hard, edgy,
obsessive-compulsive xenophobic detective who becomes obsessed with the
Slaughter Horse case and wants there to be dignity for true justice in a
murderous and grim world.
Dustin Wayde Mills plays as "Kevin White"- Abigail White's husband who is also a greedy sleazeball.
Shana Rae plays as "Chief "Mary" Adams"- A female chief of police who
tries to make due with her dying justice system and having something of
an odd friendship with Det. Ted Dahmer.
What We Need & What You Get
We are trying to raise
$3,200. Yep! Just that much! We're looking to make enough to pay mostly on:
-The awesome Prosthetic Makeup Effects & Gore Effects (Done by Me! With the additional insight of Dustin Wayde Mills!)
-SanDisk 8GB Camera Cards for filming
-1 Canon Vixia HF100 Camera (secondary)
-Traveling Expenses for Sebastian Godin to film his scenes in the USIf we can get more over the budget it could give us more opportunity to make bigger awesome things happen in it and especially with distribution costs later on! Also to pay for the Indiegogo fees.
If you contribute to this film, the rewards are great! Have your name in the credits for the world to know made this horror masterpiece a reality! Slaughter Horse T-Shirts! A DVD copy of the finished film! The Gory Pumpkin DVD collection! A prop from the film to show off to all your friends you own something that was part of the greatest event in the history of film! You want them signed? You can!
After the campaign is complete we will be sending out thank you e-mails and to confirm your addresses to send you your prizes!
The Impact
I grew up with horror movies, I breath horror movies, I love horror movies. Sebastian has so much horror in his collection that I still have yet to collect which covers his love for the genre. We both have something here that's very special, something so incredible and full of so much love and so much energy we would carve ourselves up to express our love for this horror film we really want to make!
I love all Equine animals, and hopefully this can be a positive tribute to all out Equine Friends and Equine Advocates around the world and beyond. I wanted to make this film as fun as I could make it, but to have a response to Equines becoming part of the food chain in America, to which I highly oppose, but carried with love in this film I hope it can contribute on a positive note, regardless how many heads will roll and how many limbs will be ripped!
It's a film that will be seen by many horror fans and genre fans, they will love this movie, they will hate this movie.(We hope you LOVE this movie as much if not more so as Me and Seb do! Not all surprises are terrible! Especially when it comes to making a familiar-but-fresh movie in a genre that needs more to it, and we love it for being different, atmospheric!)
Especially when it comes to you contributing to this project, while the plot may feel vaguely familiar with any other dime-a-dozen indie slasher, as the great John Carpenter once said to Moustapha Akkad, executive producer on Halloween, who asked him "Why should I trust you to make this film?" to which John replied, as I am quoting him to you awesome people, "You HAVE to trust me, you HAVE to trust the director, because there's no guarantees."
Some would say that's a risky thing to invest into, and you're right! This is a very risky horror film to make especially when it comes to the greatness of indie horror (regardless with how much junk it's saturated in) and trust me when I tell you this will be one for the ages of horror and beyond. The Horse Gods will look kindly upon you! (POSTER & T-SHIRT DESIGNS UNOFFICIAL)
Other Ways You Can Help
Every bit of help matters! Even if you can't contribute at this time, sharing this campaign is vital to gain more love from horror fans, genre fans, comic book fans, movie fans, horse-advocates, horse-lovers, your friends and family who love scary movies! Share this on Facebook! Tweet it! Text it to anyone who will listen and are hungry for something original! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! MAY THE HORSE-GODS LOOK KINDLY UPON YOU!
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