Slimger™ Is An Ultra Slim Mobile Device Charger That Is Compatible With Android And iPhone Devices.
Slimger™ Has A Built-In Micro USB or Lightning Cable So You Never Have To Carry Around Any Extra Cables
Slimger™ Will Be Available In 2 Versions:
Slimger™-i - For iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus
,6s and 6s plus
Slimger™-u - For Android Devices [Samsung,Beats,GoPro or any device that charges with a micro USB]
Is Available In 5 Colors:
How To Charge Your Phone And Your Slimger™
Slimger™ Is Slim, Lightweight And Can Easily Fit In Your Wallet
Size: 92mm x 66mm x 4.8mm(0.17 inches)
Weight: 1.9oz (54gr)
Frame: Lightweight Anodized Aluminum
Battery: Grade A Lithium Polymer Battery
Capacity: 1400 mAh
Output: 750-1MA
Time to fully charge the Slimger™ - 70 minutes
Time to charge an iPhone 6 Device - 30 Minutes
Slimger™ Will Give You An Extra:
Initial Sketches Of Slimger™-u Model:
Risks and Challenges:
During the past year we have established close
relationship with our manufacturing partner in Shenzhen, China, who has
been manufacturing grade A quality products for us. We also have
another manufacturer in Beijing as a backup. They both have been proven with high production
capability, therefore manufacturing risk is at a minimum.
As for the challenge of delivery, we have already produced fully
functional prototypes and are already setup to complete production with
over six month of hard work behind us. Shipping to our contributors
outside of the USA may have a slight delay due to the restrictions of
worldwide carriers on products that contain batteries. We will do
everything to make sure your perks arrive on time.
If You Think Slimger™ Can Benefit Your Friends Or Family, Please Share This Campaign Page on:
- Those who contribute will have the option to choose color and version before we start shipping.
- Shipping is FREE to USA Addresses.
- If you are shipping the Slimger outside of the USA please add the $6 perk to help cover the cost of Shipping.
** We will send an email within 1 day after the contribution to select color and connector type. **
Email us at:
SALES@SLIMGER.COM with any questions