The „SÓLYOM NEMZET-S-ÉG” is a Hungarian society of tradition preservers, which has set the goal of the creation of love. It believes that the road to the ascension and liberation of humanity leads to the proclamation of love and the creation of love-based societies and nations.
The night of December 20-21. is the longest night of the year, so in the morning at the peep of dawn we celebrate the birth of Light. In this era we need the birth and the proclamation of Light on the whole planet, more than ever during the history of mankind.
On this day, we call into unity, from all the nations of the world, the souls that have already existed in love and that have desired love, to contribute together with meditation and prayer, so that Light, endless Love and Peace might spread on the Earth, from East to West, from North to South.
This is a rousing, inward, ceremonial event, that the Civil MultiMédia (CMM) is broadcasting online, live, bringing these wonderful moments into the homes of those people and families, who aren’t able to attend personally. We will be accompanied with live images from different countries, so that everybody might welcome others and the birth of Light.
It’s on this day at, at 07:30 AM CET. At that time, a bonfirewill be lit, according to Hungarian ancient tradition. Afterwards we will start the meditation together and connect the participants from other countries through the world wide web.
Then the the soul will let its voice be heard via music. We’ll talk to all the participants, who will be with us in love, wherever they are in the world, through the language of music and singing. Folk-music bands and singers will give performances to transmit the message of powerful ancient folk-songs with taltos drums.
Central-Europe, Hungary. Twenty kms. from the capital city, Budapest, at a sacral place at the foot of the Pilis and Budai mountains.
It’s easy to get to the venue from the highway and from the Budapest Airport.
The music performances will take place on a big stage; the improvised ones will be held on a smaller stage. According to our plans we will provide dining tents and outside cooking possibilities. The live broadcasts will be shown on a screen.
The event is free of charge!
We’re turning to the the power of public funding, because the execution of the event requires not only partners and supporters, but also technical accessories, and the safety of the event also demands security duties. The stage techniques, the lighting, the amplification, the security staff, and the traffic-controllers ensuring the arrivals all involve serious costs.
The success of the program depends on how much media publicity we can ensure, so we need to have ads in numerous countries, in as many platforms as possible. TV, radio ads, billboards, social platform advertisements also increase the cost of the event.
We have to ensure on the venue free social and medical blocks for the growing number of participants.
We could make the event even more memorable if we were to invite more bands and singers. This would also involve higher costs.
We’ll show the whole list of our supporters during the live broadcast, and highlighted movies of the event.
We’ll share with you more details and photos about the preparations, so it’s important to visit frequentally the site of our campaign, and the facebook page of the event.
Get further involved through registration at the CMM website:
We believe that with the help of public funding, we can create an event that can bring closer all the habitants of Earth to Love, Peace, and to each other.
Let’s create together a more loveable World!