Why You Should Get a Sombra:
Here is why you should own a Sombra and consider contributing to this campaign:
Sombra will keep you safe, by making you visible from all directions.
Sombra will look awesome on any bike, city or mountain
Sombra is so easy to install, you can do it in the dark
Sombra will make you a friendly cyclist, to other cyclists as well as car drivers
Sombra is made of natural Polypropylene, it's 100% recyclable
Sombra will be locally made and we will ship it worldwide for free
How Sombra Came To Light:
One night, I was cruising the bicycle lanes in central London, when another cyclist flew by me. He had one of those blinking, bright-red taillights, and in the dark it played some nasty tricks on my eyes.
The light was so intense that even as the cyclist pushed further away, I kept feeling disoriented. With cars on my right and the sidewalk to my left, I was forced to stop so I would avoid diving head first into the curb.Needless to say I was annoyed, but my annoyance quickly turned to irony when I realized I had the exact same type of taillight, and that I was probably annoying other cyclists too.
The next day, I went online to look for an alternative, non-blinding taillight. However, all I could find were lousy, cheap-looking things that could barely be seen from ten meters away. I admit, I would rather blind someone than have them not see me at all.
That evening, before going to bed, I turned my reading lamp on to catch up on some reading, and then it hit me. A lampshade! Not only will it eliminate the blinding effect of my taillight, it will also make others see me from directions they never could before!
Months and hundreds of iterations later, this "lampshade" turned from an idea to a product I now call Sombra, which I will make generally available as soon as this campaign meets its goal.
Technical Information:
Please note, Sombra is a tail-light diffuser and requires an existing tail-light (not included). Please read below to make sure Sombra fits your bicycle and tail-light.
Important Notes:
As with all products, moving to the production phase reveals new challenges, we will do everything to make sure Sombra is ready in time and made with attention to detail and to the highest quality possible.
I have personally brought many complex products to market over the past twelve years, be sure that if any set-backs arise I will meet the challenges and make sure Sombra is ready and on its way to you!
Safety Disclaimer:
Cycling on roads is dangerous, as long as we share our route with motorists we are more vulnerable then they are; be safe! wear a helmet, wear high visibility gear and use bicycle lights. Sombra alone cannot keep you safe, you need to ride safe and use the appropriate safety gear always!
Thank you for supporting us!
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