SOS Onslaught is a 66 page graphic novel that chronicles characters James Werner known as the Brooklyn Vigilante and his war buddy “Carnage” as they take on Pumpkin Face, a disfigured mobster and his supernatural assassins!
This three-issue action packed spin-off takes place in 1995 Brooklyn, New York. The Vigilante has operated in Brooklyn, New York for decades taking down mobsters, human traffickers and even supernatural threats such as demons. His past comes back to haunt him as a mobster that Vigilante disfigured, puts a $3 million dollar hit on him.
Written by Chimera
Line Art by Rafael C.
Lettering by Eric Weathers
Cover Art by Simon Bisley
Pin-up by Ibai Canales
Stretch Goals
$7,000: Add colors to the graphic novel
$12,000: Every backer receives a print of the Simon Bisley cover
$15,000: All physical backers will receive a physical 22-paged preview of my next project Testament a Science-Fiction/Fantasy series!
Line art - 66/66 pages done
Lettering - 66/66 pages done
Risks & Challenges
With my last campaign, SOS Volume 1, I was able to get fully funded and fulfill the campaign. As the project is already half done, we are scheduled to fulfill on time. Although we may run into obstacles, I will update all backers if this occurs. I believe transparency is very important.
Other Ways You Can Help
Hey, if you can't contribute no worries! Just help spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, Minds.com, and Instagram. Just make sure to share that Indiegogo link!