Important information: You can make your donation by clicking "Contribute now" where you can choose how much money you wish to donate. It doesn't have to be the same amount as shown in the "Perks" sidebar.
The story behind Sound Report
On 27th December 2013 two friends decided to
start a music blog. After having given it some thought and after some preparation,
Sound Report was created on 15th January 2014. Although it was initially intended
to be a hobby, after getting positive feedback from our audience, musicians and even some experienced music journalists, we have decided to start transforming Sound Report into a full-time job. Its founders started working on the project very seriously reaching
out to friends and acquaintances that then joined the team. Through this, it has
become more than just a blog.
Sound Report is mostly dedicated to
new/indie/underground Croatian and regional bands and artists who we cover
mostly by writing reviews of their gigs, but also by doing interviews with them
and posting various news regarding them. Sound Report also covers popular
Croatian, as well as international bands, but to a smaller extent because we
want to make room for newer generations of musicians who can be the future of
Croatian music and, with some luck, the worldwide music scene.
Sound Report offers all artists well intended
criticism from the point of view of a member of the audience rather than a
know-it-all music critic.
Apart from being a music news website, Sound
Report wishes and plans to become a widely recognized platform for the promotion of
new bands and musicians and hopes to offer them some other opportunities rather
than just write about them. To be able to help new musicians, first we need
your help to make this project grow.
Who we are
Sound Report was founded by two friends who are
passionate about all kind of music. Filip Bušić has been working as a sound engineer and DJ in smaller clubs and is also a photographer. Ana Hotko comes from a
musical family, she studied Croatian language and literature and had been
working as a volunteer in a concert agency for two years. They combined their strengths
and also successfully gathered 10 people, mostly students, who are also
passionate about music and writing, to make this project even bigger and better.
What we have done so
This would be best explained by
offering some statistics. We
have gathered a team that consists of 12 people in total who, for now, all work
for free, this includes the founders of Sound Report.
In 4 months (from 15th January to 15th May) we
have covered 70 solo and group concerts, which means we wrote reviews of 144 music
acts’ gigs, more than 90% of which are domestic and regional music acts.
One third of our total views was in May, which explains how much the number of our monthly page views is going up. Please, bear in mind that we have no funds to advertise Sound Report,
so all the promotion goes through social media and by the word of mouth.
All concert organizers and promoters have been taking us seriously from the start and have been giving us press passes to gigs, smaller and bigger ones, even inviting us to some concerts.
We are also one of few Croatian media sponsors of
Sziget festival, one of the biggest music festivals in Europe.
What we need
As a new independent online music news media,
we require a decent website. For now, we are operating at the free Wordpress
blog which has become too constricted for our needs. We want to provide our fast growing audience a better page viewing experience than this current platform provides and add some other features which are not available at Wordpress, so that we can cover even more news, concerts, etc.
We also need professional photo equipment to cover
gigs. For now, we have been asking other photographers to let us use their
photos and borrowing equipment from friends.
The amount of money we need is $4.440 and this
will be divided as shown in the graph.
(Please note that the photo equipment in
Croatia costs more than in USA or some other countries.)
What you get
Depending on how much money you donate, we will
send you some perks exclusively designed for this campaign.
The compilation
We are very proud and happy to be able to send our donors
a CD compilation with songs of some of the best Croatian emerging artists. The artists featured on this compilation have generously allowed us to use their songs for the compilation, which we are very grateful for. After all, Sound Report is all about new music. This compilation presents only a
fraction of truly great Croatian bands and music artists, with songs ranging from pop to metal, and it is exclusive to
this campaign. Only those who donate $25 or $30 will receive this CD. It will
not be offered for free download at anytime nor will it be reprinted again.
This is your only chance to get it. The CD will include unique cover art and booklet with basic information about the bands and songs on it.
The artists whose songs (in English) are a part
of this compilation are (in alphabetical order): Andrea Qubrick, Dino, Dora Maar, Elephant And The Moon, FOR, Jonathan, Joy Jester, Kevlar Bikini, Luka Belani, Muscle Tribe of Danger And Excellence, Rolin Humes, Sage, Seven Mouldy Figs, Viktor Fogg, Vinyl Slang.
Good Vibrations
We are very grateful that the team behind Good
Vibrations, one of the most popular weekly concert programs in Zagreb, have decided to support us by providing 10 of our donors
with 5 free entrances to their program. Since mainly young bands and artists
perform at Good Vibrations gigs, Sound Report and Good Vibrations share a
similar cause. We have been covering Good Vibrations gigs almost since the
beginning of our project and will continue to do so.
What Sound Report will do if the campaign is successful
Firstly, send the perks to all our donors as soon as possible (estimated: September 2014).
1 month upon completion - design and launch the new website with a special section intended to promote new music artists; purchase the needed photo equipment; start publishing a bi-weekly Email newsletter in both Croatian and English.
6 months upon completion - launch Sound Report vlog
up to 1 year upon completion - turn Sound Report into a company; start advertising on our website (depending on monthly views); start organizing Sound Report gigs and events on a regular basis, which would further promote and help emerging music acts.
Other ways you can help
If you're not sure about donating to our campaign, you can help us by spreading the word about it. Tell your friends who are interested in discovering new music about our campaign and our blog site. Share it on Facebook, Twitter and other social media!
Sound Report