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A video gaming web series showcasing old school gamers battling it out for Gaming superiority.

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A video gaming web series showcasing old school gamers battling it out for Gaming superiority.

A video gaming web series showcasing old school gamers battling it out for Gaming superiority.

A video gaming web series showcasing old school gamers battling it out for Gaming superiority.

A video gaming web series showcasing old school gamers battling it out for Gaming superiority.

Speed Stars
Speed Stars
Speed Stars
Speed Stars
1 Campaign |
Raleigh, United States
$250 USD 4 backers
5% of $4,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

About the Creator

Welcome to SpeedStars!

Hello, my name is Antonio and I've been a gamer all my life. From the days of old school Nintendo all the way up the technological advances of Microsoft and Sony, gaming has been a part of my life. Ever since watching Nick Arcade in my youth, the idea of producing a gaming themed show has always appealed to me. It mixes the passion I have of producing media and my love of gaming. 

And then came SpeedStars.


SpeedStars showcases avid gamers duking it out for gaming superiority in the games of yesteryear. Remember the days of debating who can beat Super Mario Bros. in the fastest time? Who has the fastest hedgehog in Sonic 3? Can you really beat Glass Joe in under a minute? We put the gamers in a head to head face-off to see who is really Player One! You'll see the thrill of victory and the pain of defeat in the more popular games of yesterday…and possibly some not so popular. *Evil cackle*

We want to make his show as professional looking as possible. High quality, clean, and sharp. We love the games, but we want you to love the show. This is for you. This show is created and produced by gamers, for gamers. 

What We Need & What You Get

What do we need from you? YOU! . By just contributing a few dollars, you can help produce a better show to watch with to your friends! The funding from this campaign goes exclusively towards equipment such as: green screens, lighting, cameras, monitors, and recording hardware.

The perks are lined with some sweet stuff like a producers credit, a chance to see the show before it drops, a character model based off of you, and other cool things! Check it out!

The Impact

There is no other way to express how much I want to unleash this project onto the world. This has been about 2 years in the making and with your help; we can finish this project and make something awesome crash the Internet. We like awesome stuff. You do too. Let's Co-op! 

Other Ways You Can Help

Can't find it in your heart to share some rupees? That's fine, we understand.

Share this link! Tell your friends! Parents! ScrewAttack! :-) The more you share this link, the more people that we can reach. Let's do this! 


Overall, if nothing else, thank you for taking the time to read this little slice on the Internet. It means a lot to me and to the SpeedStars crew. We appreciate every little bit!

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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
You'll get a special thank you from the SpeedStars Cast and a shout out on the upcoming web-page!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 claimed


$30 USD
You'll get the above perk as well as a shout out on the very first episode of SpeedStars!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 claimed


$50 USD
You'll get the above perks as well as get as you'll get a chance to vote on a game that you'd like to see the SpeedStars play during the season!
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
1 claimed

Burning Rubber

$100 USD
All the above perks plus access to the first episode when it's completed BEFORE we officially release it to the internet.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
0 claimed

Forever Memorialized!

$160 USD
All the above perks INCLUDING yourself drawn as a character in a old school game of your choice! This is extremely limited! Want to get a glimpse of the artwork? Check out the Artist!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 out of 5 of claimed


$250 USD
-Thank you on page -Thank you on first episode. -Voter's Choice -Early Screening A full HD download of the entire first season as soon as the season wraps up online.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

Sonic Boom

$300 USD
-Thank you on page -Thank you on first episode. -Voter's Choice -Early Screening A full HD download of the entire first season as soon as the season wraps up online as well as a DVD of season one shipped straight to your house! (U.S Residents only, please.)
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 25 of claimed
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