I'm raising
£37,195 to pay for all fees and projected costs (Tuition
fee, Course fee, and living costs) associated with attending the
University of Oxford to study for MSc. Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation
1. University of Oxford Admission Letter
2. Wolfson College Offer
3. Oxford/Wolfson College Financial Declaration Form
About Me
I am Christiana Oluwatoyin Onabola from Nigeria. Remarkably enough, my life has been forged by
courage, adventure and hard work. I have a strong academic record and
have won laurels and left brilliant footprints in the sand of each stage
of my education. I graduated
magna cum laude from the University
of Lagos, in Nigeria, and bagged a cumulative grade point average of
4.11. Having secured a competitive place on
MSc. Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation program,
(OSS I.D 834642) , beginning in October 2015 at the University of Oxford, and accepted at Wolfson College of the University,
the probability of fulfilling
the requisite financial conditions sufficient for confirmation of my
offer and enrollment is, at the moment, nil.
Unfortunately, I do not currently hold a Scholarship to study at the University of
Oxford. Also, my department has been unable to help despite
describing my application as ‘excellent and of commendable standard.’ I am an ‘overseas’ student and
the cost of studying in Oxford is as exorbitant as invaluable. Neither
my family nor I can foot the bills. Your contributions towards
the fulfillment of this dream will give me a degree of financial
security and allow me make good progress with my studies.
Why am I Opting for this Course?
I currently work on the DFID-funded Partnership for Transforming Health
Systems II (PATHS2) program in Nigeria as a Monitoring and Evaluation/HMIS Consultant. My background in Pharmacy has helped to focus my passion
towards Public Health. I have two years of experience in research,
monitoring and evaluation of reproductive health programmes with
expertise in data management, research and gap analysis. I have overtime developed technical capacities in monitoring and evaluating grassroots performance of maternal health
program indicators for scale-up and quality improvement in program
decision to opt for the MSc. Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy
Evaluation was never a difficult one. Against the
background of my professional experiences in working on a program framework, I understand how a lack of evidence to
support an intervention can be a cog in the
wheel of arriving at what policies result in better development
outcomes. I also adhere to the school of thought that development aids donors
want their resources managed effectively for the good of a pre-conceived
impact, and the funds not invested in projects outside what was pre-programmed.
From comparative statistics of development indicators, there is no gainsaying
that big aid programs to Africa and, especially, Nigeria, are not delivering to
the letter. How then do we measure impact? How do we generate ethical evidence
to determine if an intervention is making any difference at all? What data will we collect? What
instruments will we use? The opportunity to
proffer answers to these pulsating evaluation questions and broaden my
knowledge attracts me to opting for this course in ‘MSc. Evidence-Based Social
Intervention and Policy Evaluation’ at the University of Oxford.
course has an interdisciplinary and international development prospective with
emphasis on evaluating interventions and policies, and how to make the
biggest possible impact that will make sense to development donors and
policymakers. I am interested in the advanced
study of evidence-based strengthening of health systems with an application to
social interventions and policy evaluation and challenges in applying and
disseminating research into practice and policy.
In the light of my voracious yearning for learning, a can-do
spirit, multitasking, time management and team work attitude, I am confident
that I am able to successfully complete my program of study. I am enthusiastic
about the challenge to attend the University of Oxford. I could think of no
better place to study. The institution, no exaggeration, has carved a name in
stone for itself as one offering cutting-edge research and a dynamic
educational experience.
How will I Apply Learning Outcomes from this Course?
Following the Evidence-Based Social Intervention pathway,
with a particular interest in randomized evaluation methodology in social
intervention research in the arena of population health, I believe I can
contribute significantly to healthcare interventions in Africa and help in
achieving desired outcomes and long-term impact in target
populations. My time on
this program at Oxford will provide a lens through which I can view and
systematically review development interventions and donor-aided programs, ask
better questions around challenges in improving program performance and
outcomes in specific settings or populations. This, I believe, is the
waterfront of constructing evidence to support policy change or scale up and
will greatly improve development aids to Africa as well as their overall impact
on targeted populations.
As an aspiring
Development Researcher and Technical Advisor in the arena of Impact Evaluation for
health sector interventions, my immediate plans are to study for a DPhil in Social Intervention at the University of
Oxford, work in collaboration with academia and consult for local or devolved
government and people in the third sector, including local charities and
international aids programs. My longer-term career
objective is to work in Nigeria, in the arena of health systems strengthening,
with focus on helping governments and
development aid donors improve the effectiveness of their programs and policies
by piloting and scaling up evidence-based monitoring and evaluation modalities
that deliver
Where will the Money Go?
University Fee (Tuition Fee)- £18220
Savings- £4000
College Fee (Wolfson College)- £2848
Living Cost - £17372
Expenses- £38440
Income- £4000
Overall Transaction and Bank Charges: local bank transactions charges: 8%
Money Being Raised: £38440- £4000 = £34,440 Plus 8% transaction charges= £37,195.2
- Updates on my study progress on this program will be provided to all my sponsors on a bi-weekly basis.
Rewards: Perks For You!
And, donors, I treasure you and the good donations! I have some fabulous
rewards to thank everyone who donates whatever the amount you might give. Kindly check them out!
£1 and above- You are Counted in!
I want to donate and am not expecting any reward from you.
£10 & above - A Special Thank you
a special digital thank-you card designed for just you and a BIG
SHOUT-OUT and recognition to you on my Wolfson College Facebook page
£50 & above
addition to the above, I will make a hand-written ‘thank-you’ on an
Oxford post card and send to you. You are a Community Helper!
£100 & above
addition to the above, I will proof-read any piece of your written
work, CV or academic application in English (3000 words maximum). You
understand team work!
£500 & above
I will proof-read any piece of your written work, CV or academic application, etc (8000 words maximum). You empower the Goal!
£1000 & above
the end of my program, I will volunteer 10 hours in your chosen
development organization and apply relevant learning outcomes from
my course of study in Oxford on a pertinent social program.
£2000 & above
will volunteer 20 hours in your chosen development organization as
above, and have your name engraved in Oxford annals of history as a SPONSOR' to a graduate student to attend Oxford.
£5000 & above (Superstar)
I will send you a bound copy of my MSc. Thesis.
£10000 & above - (Trend-setter)
addition to sending you a bound copy of my MSc. Thesis, I will dedicate
my project to you and your name goes into my project ‘hall of fame’ and
becomes engraved as a 'SPONSOR' to a Graduate student to attend Oxford.
Find me Here!
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/oonabola
Twitter- https://twitter.com/onabtoyin
Linkedin: https://ng.linkedin.com/pub/christiana-o-onabola/35/a51/a1
Website: newsle.com/oonabola
Help me Hit the Goal!
I need as many people as possible to SUPPORT ME. Everyone you can think of!
- You
may not need to give money to help me succeed! Please, share this page
with anyone you think would support me– on Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
- Kindly
share it with everyone you know and the more people who know about it,
the more likely I can make this work out brilliantly.
- And
I know I said you don't need to give money to help me, but I'd love it
if you do! Please sponsor me and help make my Oxford dream come