Hi, fellow rockers. This is Jeff from St. Elmo’s Fire. As a teenager, I started this band with a good friend of mine and vocalist lyricist, Tim Allwein. It was a long time ago in a garage far, far away (actually in Sacramento, CA). What did we do? We formed this band, we wrote, we rehearsed, we played crappy clubs, we opened for major artists, we played more crappy clubs, we moved to Hollywood in the ‘80s, we partied and mingled, we wrote more, we put out a successful single titled "Really in Love", we signed record contracts with CBS, BMG and more, we toured, we made videos, we toured some more, we released four albums, and well, you get the picture!
So what is this all about? We need your help with our new record. We want this to be a joint venture between the band and our fans who want to be part of something exciting. Something that will outlive us all! Just imagine a brand new St. Elmo’s Fire album. A melodic, ass kicking, big gang chorus, solo shredding, drum pounding, fist pumping, in your face, heavy metal tour de force! Exactly the way we used to do it. The songs are written. the demos are recorded and the record label is just waiting to release it.
Why? Because we feel it is the right time. Most of our fans know that last year, one of heavy metal’s biggest labels, Germany's Pure Steel Records honored us by re-releasing our four previous studio albums as numbered collectable limited editions. ![]()
They included holograms for authenticity, bonus tracks and 12-page CD booklets. Not only that, but they wanted a new album, which brings us to our current project. You are probably wondering why we need funding if we have already signed with a record label. The answer is simple. As professional musicians, it is important that we maintain control of the finished musical product. The label takes care of the artwork, graphics, manufacturing, distribution and promotion. What you will be doing is helping us fund the most important part of the project, the MUSIC
By having you help fund the project, instead of leaving the important creative decisions up to the record label, we get to do what we do without limitations. Call it artistic freedom, if you will, but there is actually much more to it than that. We want our fans involved this time around from the very beginning. You will have exclusive access to us while we are in the studio. We want to hear your opinions and you are welcome to ask questions and offer your feedback. In a very real way, you will be making this record with us!
Our Campaign is Getting Worldwide Press. Click the Links Below
Since we live in Northern California, we will record here in order to keep quality high and costs low. Consequently YOU WILL NOT help fund travelling expenses, hotels or anythinfg else other than recording, mixing and editing, plus shipping the perks. And since I will be producing again, like I did with our other albums, we can control even more. But most importantly, the music will sound killer.
At the conclusion of the campaign funding, we will start the preproduction phase and then transition to the studio sessions. You will receive constant updaftes on our timeline, expenditures and progress. Also you will be able to see the whole process as it’s happening.
And when the album is finished, we will be release it worldwide, just like our previous albums! Pure Steel Records is distributed by “Soulfood”, one of the world’s largest media distributors. The album you help make will be everywhere, including in record stores, on the internet, downloaded on websites like Amazon and iTunes or streamed on Pandora, Spotify, Rhapsody and other music sites. This album will be reviewed and talked about in the rock music press all over the world. This is the big time and you get to be a part of it.
In appreciation for your help and belief in our music, we want to go the extra mile. We are offering signed equipment we actually used to record, original framed handwritten lyric sheets, album credits, Skype guitar lessons, personalized pictures, video thank yous, free downloads, autographed albums, shirts, remixes, demos and even alternate versions not on the album. The list goes on and on.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can’t contribute right now? No sweat! You can still help us out by spreading the word about our campaign. Please tell your friends, and share to Facebook, Twitter and any other social media.
But above all..THANK YOU for whatever you can do!