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"Creating our own Change"~ STAG VETS INC.

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"Creating our own Change"~ STAG VETS INC.

"Creating our own Change"~ STAG VETS INC.

"Creating our own Change"~ STAG VETS INC.

"Creating our own Change"~ STAG VETS INC.

Jon Jackson
Jon Jackson
Jon Jackson
Jon Jackson
2 Campaigns |
Columbus, United States
$625 USD 12 backers
0% of $3,500,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

My name is Jon Jackson and I am a veteran with invisible wounds sustained in combat. I served as a United States Army Ranger with the 75th Ranger Regiment. I have a total of six combat deployments equivalent to forty months overseas in the combat zone, in my first eight years of service. 

I have seen first hand how the war has been brought back from the battlefields into our homes. I have witnessed the devastating effects of PTSD left untreated which has caused many of my brothers in arms to lose everything they have worked hard for; with many ending their lives tragically by suicide. I created STAG VETS INC because I could not find an organization to help someone like myself.

*I need your help*

The current treatment plan for veterans is the multi-billion dollar pill industry. Where veterans are treated more like cattle rather than individuals. Veterans are taking prescription medication at a rate never seen before. Often times these prescriptions create other issues like high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, weight gain, impotence, suicidal ideations and in some cases, death. The question we all need to ask ourselves is; Who is benefiting from this? 

Its certainly not the veterans.

 So while the PHDs and politicians sit around trying to figure out how to stop suicide and homelessness amongst our veterans, we are asking the Nation to roll their sleeves up with us to solve this problem by "Creating our own Change!"
I have recruited a dynamic team of professionals who have endured the last year with me volunteering their services and professionalism because they believe in this mission. We have now reached the point where our concept needs to breath life and by doing so it will save thousands of lives. 

*Heres my plan*

In our initial phase we are going to take 10 homeless and displaced veterans both men and women from off the street and give them a transformation that the VA has only dreamt about 

Using our philosophy ‪#‎plantsnotpills4vets‬

They will get their medical treatment and a flight to Rochester NY where they will be immersed in grounding therapy. Led by former NFL line backer Keith Mitchell and his team, grounding their hearts, soul, and mind. With mediation, clean eating, yoga, deep breathing and a staff that will treat them as individuals deserving of dignity, honor and respect and not like cattle. 

Listen to Keith 

After our chosen 10 have completed their grounding therapy with Keith and his team, they will fly back to Georgia and and we will split them up into two teams.. one team will go to a Chef who owns a farm and receive culinary training and the other team will go to a Farm that grows in the agricultural principles that are good for the environment and great for the community. 

They will undergo an amazing training course learning everything from making compost, growing organically, veterinary science, butchering, bread making, charcuterie, culinary skills, marketing, distribution and teaching.

Our veterans will also get a $500 monthly spending allowance while they are going through this training and technology. The training would give them round the clock access to tele-therapy, they will also be asked to keep a journal of their journey.

While all of this is going on. My staff will be working around the clock to purchase land for the nation's first Warrior Healing Center, Culinary arts and sustainable Farming campus.


The campus will be named after US Army Ranger SFC Donavan Hernandez. He was one of my mentors who lost the fight to his personal war demons.

The land will be prepped and ready for phase I of our operation. 

Our team will also be creating a smaller concept of our bigger plan to pre-asess veterans before immersing them into our program. 

We currently have 20 acres with 5 homes. This Farm will also serve as a Veteran Crisis center for veterans who need a place to decompress and get refocused, they will be immersed into Natural Therapy with access to an amazing PTSD Therapist and an awesome Yoga instructor. 

This farm will have a small agribusiness component attached to it. It will include a butcher shop, A small bistro in a college town, a farmers market and a furniture repurpose shop. 

This farm is named Comfort Farms in honor of US Army Ranger Kyle A Comfort who was killed in action on May 8th 2010 in Afghanistan.

As the 10 Homeless veterans complete their training we will send them back to Rochester NY for a post evaluation to see how their quality of life has improved.

This project will take a year and these 10 formerly homeless veterans will create the foundation for STAGS training team. 

STAG will have a headquarters (Comfort Farms) to house and take care of veterans in need, conduct strategic planning, and implement practical solutions in honor of all vets who have served.

A film crew will document their transformational journey from Displaced veteran to Men and Women bringing back their Dignity, Honor, and Respect. This can only be possible with a team of of caring people like you to fund this project to completion. 

Currently the fastest record for Crowd Funding is 1 million dollars in approximately 40 mins for a smart watch and the most supported projects are for video games.

If you believe in creating positive lasting change for veterans and their families and would like to help STAG break some records,


We are a registered 501 (c) 3 so your donation is tax deductable.


Your contribution  will send shock waves to DC and a message that #hopeisontheway because collectively we have all decided that, we will start #creatingourownchange  

What We Need & What You Get

(1) Management Team

$450k- (8) Personnel

$50k- Physician Assistant/Registered Nurse/ VA Benefits Specialist

$50k-PTSD Therapist

$50k-Restaurant Manager/Instructor

$40k-Female Veteran and Family case management

$40k- Carpentry and Cabinetry Instructor

$7k-Grant writers---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Purpose for this expense-

  • STAG VETS INC.  Management Team will consist of business development, Human Resources, marketing and strategy, education and training, Holistic therapy, case management, product development, product labeling and product sales. The management team will use Comfort Farms as its Headquarters to develop and Implement STAGS Program

(2) STAG VETS Headquarters In Honor of Cpt Kyle A Comfort (Comfort Farms)

$100k-20 acre Farm with 5 Homes Upgrade (STAG HQ)

$200k-Restaurant and Market/ Training

$20k-Furniture repurpose Material and tools

$150k-Farm Equipment, Fencing, irrigation, Grading, livestock

$50K-Class Room/Conference

$25k- Food

$75k-Utilities and Solar upgrades------------------------------------------------


Purpose for this expense-

  • STAG VETS INC has received a Gift of 20 Acres with 5 homes on the site to use as an acute Crisis center for veterans who are Homeless and in need. STAG plans to build a small agri-business on the site in Honor of Kyle A Comfort and rename the site to  (Comfort Farms). Veterans who come to Comfort Farms will have a team of professionals to aid in their Healing and training. STAG will have an Official Conference room to conduct meetings, classes and intake of personnel. Comfort Farms has the ability to take in 20 Veterans who are homeless and in need. Comfort Farms will serve as a Pre-assessment making sure the Veterans are good to go before sending them onto STAGS Campus for Healing, Training and Employment

(3) Operations

$5kPre-Assessment Package, Drug test, Med Board Review

$20k-Furniture repurpose Material and tools

$30k-Office Supplies/Record Keeping/Printers/Network/PCs

$20k-Legal Fees

$40k-Accountant, Licenses, Insurance, Bank hosting fees

$80k-Travel and conventions


$60k- Marketing, Printed material,

$15K- Website, Design, Maintenance and Hosting----------------------


Purpose for this expense-

  • STAG VETS INC. will incur operation costs to create and implement the program.  These cost include but are not limited to Medical board reviews, Processing Veterans affairs benefits, HUD Housing programs, Materials and tools to repurpose Furniture for sale to the public that will earn extra revenue that will train and teach veterans. Office supplies and equipment for accountability and transparency. Re-do STAGS website to make it more user friendly so that veterans in need can find the resources and tools STAG provides. To become effective STAG needs to travel to State and Regional Government as well as the Federal government. STAG will also make a documentary for its unique and revolutionary program.

(4) (Hope is on the way) care program 

$160k-(10) homeless and displaced Veterans to Keith Mitchells Just Breathe for vets grounding therapy

$260k-(10) homeless and veterans 1 year all expense paid Job skills and employment Teach the Teacher program includes $500 a month Spending allowance 

$30k-Van Purchase x (2)

$25k-Vehicle Maintenance and Insurance,



Purpose for this expense-

  • STAG VETS INC. will find 10 Homeless Veterans and insert them through a Transformational Healing program that will give them the individual therapy they need. These veterans will then be immersed into a robust Culinary arts and sustainable farming program conducted with two participating farms. STAG will provide Oversight and Management. The Cost of their transportation, food, lodging and personal allowance are all taken into account. Veterans will have availability to use telephonic Therapy as well a personal PTSD Therapist working in the Region   


$500k-Land Purchase (500-1,000 acres) Prime Agriculture land

$500k-Land Prep, fencing, irrigation,-----------------------------------------à

$1 Million

Purpose for this expense-

  • STAG VETS INC. needs land to build the Warrior Healing Center Culinary arts and Sustainable Farming Campus. In honor of SFC Donavan Hernandez (Donavan Campus). In addition the land will need to be prepped to operate a small agribusiness that will provide training and sustainable Funding.

Total cost to fund  Pre-Phase of STAG VETS INC Program


The Impact

Executing this pre-phase plan will create the foundation for STAG VETS INC to start building its  infrastructure which will create the foundation for phase one. 

Phase one of our project requires 10 Million Dollars 

STAG VETS INC has a unique Non-Profit Model that actually 

works like a corporation. 

We will provide our homeless and displaced veterans the healing, training and tools for employment to work for STAG VETS INC by creating products that will go to market which will give consumers across America access to our locally grown, whole and natural food products. The purchase of these products will allow us to expand state by state and provide the necessary funding that 

STAG VETS INC needs for the continued care and healing of our veterans.

We will empower veterans and create an environment where they will rekindle the pride they felt in service by giving our nations heroes a new mission; 

which is our nations food security. 

We live in a time where our nations aging farmers are not being replaced by the younger generation and foreign countries are seizing the opportunity to purchase large amounts of farmland to grow food here in the US to ship overseas.

It doesn't make sense that in a world full of choices we do not have the right to choose whether our food is GMO or NON-GMO or whether our food was produced in America or in another country. STAG VETS INC will proudly grow food in America and label its products as such. 

Our farming enterprise will give STAG the unique ability to create it's own funding, scale up and give consumers a socially responsible reason to 

purchase quality products. 

Our model ensures that veterans care will never be compromised. 

Our veterans fought with grit and determination. Giving their lives and also lost precious time while securing the freedoms of every AMERICAN. Our veterans deserve the best care and not the-watered-down-one-shoe-fits-all approach that many are receiving.

Risks & Challenges

We understand that veterans who are homeless and displaced may have several issues which cause them to not be functioning members of society. Every step will be taken to identify veterans that will be able to receive maximum benefits from our program. When we come across a veteran that is not able to fit our program we will find the resources for that veteran so that they are taken care of. 

Our challenge is to create an organization that benefits veterans and the community. We have a monumental task at hand, which we are committed to! Our mission is to solve the problem and we won't stop until every veteran is accounted for.

Veterans at large have lost faith and trust in the system. 

It will be a challenge for us to regain that trust that has been lost.

We will be successful because our organization is not leading from the top looking down. We are leading at eye level; because veterans like myself are facing the same challenges everyday  and I am literally building the help I need to recover. 

Although this project is not about me, 

it is about the men and women who serve this country. At some point I will go through this as an attendee rather than the founder. 

I am extremely humbled to be serving my fellow veterans in this capacity. 

I often look back at my many years of combat and think with the extreme circumstances that I should have been killed in action. 

I remember saying to myself several times that God has bigger plans for me. 

I was right.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't donate please help us get the word out. Help us make some noise and like us on Face Book to follow our progress. 

Please use the share tools on Indiegogo

Thank you for your time and your support.

Jon Jackson 

Founder of STAG VETS INC



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Choose your Perk

Thank you for your support

$5 USD
High Five!! Thanks for supporting our mission!! Please share this post with your family and friends and encourage them to support this mission also.
0 out of 700000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bumper Sticker

$25 USD
Your very own bumper sticker with logo and our Signature Slogan "Creating Our Own Change and a High Five!!
2 out of 140000 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

T-shirt and Dog Tags

$50 USD
T-shirt with our signature #plantsnotpills4vets on the front and the scientific name of a plant we have identified as having long lasting benefits. Also includes a set of dog tags stamped with the STAG Logo and High Five!!!
3 out of 70000 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

Coffee mug

$100 USD
STAG VETS Logo Coffee Mug, T-shirt, Dog Tags, Bumper sticker and a High Five!
0 out of 35000 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

Bronze Sponsor

$500 USD
You will recieve a Plaque and be sponsored on our Wall of Appreciation. A Coffee Mug with STAG VETS Logo, T-shirt, Dog Tags, a personal thank you letter from one of the members of our staff and instead of a high five we are going to give you a fist bump and BLOW IT UP!!(((BOOOOM)))
0 out of 7000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bronze-Appreciation Plaque

$1,000 USD
We will send you a STAG VETS appreciation Plaque and Hang a Plaque on Our Wall of Appreciation for Bronze Level Sponors, Your name in the credits and all of STAG SWAG.. and you get the fist bump and lets Blow it up(((BOOOM)))
0 out of 3500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sliver Plaque Sponsor

$5,000 USD
All the above STAG SWAG along with a Plaque hung on our wall of Appreciation for Silver Sponsors. An invitation to our farm to table Dinner Banquet, A Post card from Team STAG, notable mention on our Website and Silver Sponsor Credits on our Documentary.You get the bro man handshake with the bro man Hug!
0 out of 700 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor a Diary Silver Sponsor

$10,000 USD
Your Personal name or Companies name will be inscribed on one of ten diaries given to the Homeless vets that are chosen in this program. You will receive a picture of the veteran you are sponsoring, a thank you letter, all of the above STAG SWAG, and Hang a Plaque on Our Wall of Appreciation for Silver Level Sponsors and instead of the fist bump, You get the bro man handshake with the bro man Hug!
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Gold Van Sponsor

$50,000 USD
Your name or Companies name will appear on one of our 10 Passenger vans that the veterans will use to be transported across the state and country. The Van will be wrapped in the banner that is on the STAG VETS Facebook Page with your Name dedicated By and all the Above STAG SWAG along with being featured on our website and a Plaque hung up on our wall For Gold Sponsors. You don't get a Bro Man Hung and hand shake we are giving you a Jumping Chest Bump!!
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Gold-Sponsor the documentary

$100,000 USD
Your a Gold Sponsor and it earns you the right to be the official sponsor for the Documentary of the ten homeless and displaced vets journey. You will also get a plaque hung on our wall of appreciation for Gold level sponsorships, all the STAG SWAG and a running Chest Bump with a tiger woods Fist Pump!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Platinum Level Sponsor

$500,000 USD
As a Platinum level Sponsor your name will sand blasted in stone dedicated the land that Donavon Campus will be built on. You will recieve a logo and link on our website, a table at our dinner banquet, opening introduction, lifetime subscription for all published articles, Five all Access passes for 2 at upcoming events, Employee discounts to all future products, STAG SWAG, a personal handshake from TEAM STAG, its members, volunteers and Family of the fallen and Platinum sponsor wall plaque
0 out of 7 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor the Fallen

$1,000,000 USD
Your name sand blasted on the memorial (Dedicated by you) honoring one of our three fallen heroes, a personal invite for you and a guest to a dinner banquet prepared by STAGS Personal Chef featuring seasonal food from the farm, a tour of our farm, your personal Yoga session, a picture with the staff and a picture with the 10 veterans going through our program. A personal letter from the widow of the fallen and a Personal HandShake from all the Members and volunteers of TEAM STAG
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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