The Perks
Support Lively Wearable now, for the lowest pricing.
Know someone that might
like Lively Wearable?
The person who generates the highest value of referrals* to our campaign will win a trip to San Diego to meet the product team at GreatCall. Use Indiegogo's share tools while logged into your Indiegogo account to make sure your referrals count.
*Open to US residents age 18 or older who have purchased a Lively Wearable perk through Great Call’s Indiegogo Campaign Page. Internet access and Indiegogo account are required to participate. Void in MD and where prohibited. Starts noon PT on 2/8/16 and ends at 11:59:59pm PT on 3/22/16. Subject to Official Contest Rules.
Designed for Seniors
Every Step of the Way
Throughout our design process, we’ve continued to learn. We’ve reviewed research from reputable sources like AARP and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). We’ve taken our prototypes to local senior centers to get feedback from actual seniors on the wearable’s design and app experience.
We’ve talked to family caregivers about their needs, and designed a new version of our Link app that gives them peace of mind without oversharing their parent's details.
Manufacturing Has Begun!
We are proud to announce that we have begun manufacturing of this device.
Molds for Lively Wearable
At GreatCall, we marry the best technology with clean design and intuitive usability, because we believe that technology should be accessible to everyone. We started with the Jitterbug cell phone in 2007, and over the years we have improved our mobile phones, and expanded our offerings to include health and safety technology, like our innovative 5Star service.
When we ship in Spring of 2016, Lively Wearable will reflect the years of experience with thoughtful senior-focused product design that we pride ourselves on at GreatCall.
Lively Wearable is just the first step in this process. We plan to evolve the platform to add numerous more features like monitoring blood pressure and blood sugar. We are dedicated to continuing the learning process and we want to hear what excites our users, and their families.
Why We’re Here
Lively Wearable is a new category of product for GreatCall, and we believe in creating products for people. We’ve built our company by listening to the needs of our customers and Lively Wearable is no different.
At our core, we're a team of engineers and product developers. Every one of us knows someone that could benefit - today or in the near future - from a product that that helps them age actively and gives them access to support.
Lively Wearable might not be right for you, but if you've got a parent, or friend that wants to feel safe, or needs the confidence to be a little more active, it might be right for them.
We've launched this campaign because we want to reach people that get technology – people like you. We believe that you can help us make our product better by giving us your feedback, by trying our apps and by sharing Lively Wearable with someone you know that might find it helpful. Most of the user experience of this product lives within the App, which allows us to modify and evolve the product easily, so we can keep improving Lively Wearable, even once it's in your hands.
The Collaboration Behind Lively Wearable
We're proud Lively Wearable will be designed and assembled in the United States. We pride ourselves on working with as many local companies as possible, and many of our partners in the production of this device are located close by in Southern California.
Mindflow in Carlsbad, CA created all of the industrial design, including the appearance of jewel, pendant and strap. They’re the ones behind the sleek design that makes Lively Wearable different. They’ve been an essential partner to us since the beginning, and have helped keep the the manufacturing process moving.
BioSensics in Cambridge, MA provided the activity monitoring and fall detection algorithms that allow us to get Mom help – even when she can’t call for it – and they’ve helped us create the firmware and circuit board design, which are the guts of Lively Wearable.
Distinctive Plastics, in Vista California, created the pendant and the wristband using a two shot process called “multi-component molding”
Dutek in Vista, is the contract manufacturer who has fabricated the printed circuit board assembly, and who will ultimately assemble the Lively Wearable
Enstrom Mold & Engineering, San Marcos, CA created the plastics for the jewel (Lively Wearable) itself
Helping Seniors Age Actively
According to the National Institutes of Health, being physically active regularly is one of the healthiest things that seniors can do. Staying active daily has been shown to have positive effects many of the most common conditions that impact older adults, including high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes -- even cognitive function and depression.
Lively Wearable is different than other activity trackers. We tailored the unique set of features to fit the needs of older adults and help them stay active, live well and be safe. Daily challenges offer approachable tasks that are easy to complete, and virtual rewards to keep seniors motivated.
Designing Lively Wearable
We wanted a partner that was committed to understanding the specific needs of the older population, so we partnered with BioSensics, a Cambridge-based biomedical firm specialized in wearable technologies with clinically validated and peer-evaluated algorithmic detection of motion, falls and senior specific activities.
Edge Fall Detection
Lively Wearable is equipped with fall detection technology utilizing a triaxial accelerometer with patented algorithms developed by BioSensics, a company specializing in wearable sensors for health care. The algorithm evaluates sudden changes in body movement in relation to the user’s physical activity and posture to identify falls. Fall detection is only available when the Lively Wearable is worn around the neck, with the provided lanyard.
GPS for Precision Location Tracking
GreatCall Lively Wearable uses enhanced GPS with patented locating technology, to allow agents to quickly and accurately pinpoint Mom’s location to dispatch emergency personnel and to notify you.
Communication Between Devices
The Lively Wearable uses MQTT using IBM MessageSight, the technology powering the Internet of Things, to securely send data between mobile apps and the cloud and Bluetooth LE (4.0) to power secure communications with minimal power drain and maximum range. We selected IBM MessageSight because they offered a scalable solution, with enterprise grade support and security, which are essential when creating an emergency device. Their solution will allow Lively Wearable to communicate with the Lively and Link apps, as well as the GreatCall Cloud, securely and efficiently.
GreatCall Cloud is our cloud-based server for collecting, processing and analyzing data directly from your Mom’s Lively app that can then be shared with designated family, emergency responders and medical personnel.
The Result
Lively Wearable works with Mom’s smartphone to keep her safe. The ongoing $14.99/month plan means she gets:
- A beautiful activity tracker with a battery that that lasts up to six months without charging
- An easily replaceable battery
- The option to wear on wrist or around the neck
- Clear, personalized response through her smartphone when Mom presses the button
- Unlimited access to GreatCall’s award winning 5Star Service
- Peace of mind that highly trained professionals are ready to respond and assist your family.
The perks above each include a set number of months of service. After the promotional service has ended, the Lively Wearable requires a service plan at $14.99 per month.
Lively Wearable Product Specs
What’s in the Box?
The Lively Wearable box includes the Lively Wearable Device, matching wristband, lanyard for use around the neck, and coin cell battery.
Project Timeline
We have begun manufacturing and testing. Our IndieGoGo backers will receive their products before any other orders are fulfilled.
- Q: Does the Lively Wearable need to be linked with a smartphone?
- A: Yes. The Lively Wearable is not a cellphone, so it needs to be linked to a smartphone to contact 5Star and complete daily challenges.
- Q: Can you speak through the Lively Wearable?
- A: No. The smartphone is used for all conversations.
- Q: How far can the Lively Wearable be from a smartphone?
- A: The Lively Wearable counts steps whenever you’re wearing it. It uses Bluetooth to connect to your smartphone, to call 5Star, upload your step count or share your location in case of an emergency. The typical range for Bluetooth technology is 150 feet line of sight.
- Q: What happens if you can’t hear the phone when you attempt an emergency call?
- A: Emergency services are automatically contacted if the user does not respond in 5 minutes.
- Q. How does fall detection work?
- A: The Lively Wearable detects falls when worn around the neck with the lanyard that accompanies the device. In case of a fall, the Lively Wearable will alert 5Star agents, who will initiate an emergency response protocol.
- Q: How long does the battery last? Can I get new batteries?
- A: The battery lasts up to six months without charging. It’s easy to replace with a coin cell battery, which can be found in stores nationwide.
- Q: Does the Lively Wearable require a monthly service plan?
- A: Yes. The Lively Wearable plan costs $14.99 per month. You will need to continue your smartphone service plan with your current provider. If you purchase a perk with service included, when you activate your device, you'll provide a credit card number, and you will be billed once your pre-purchased service has been used up.
- Q: When using the Link app, will I be able to see my Mom’s location at all times?
- A: No. The Link app only transmits a user’s location in case of emergency - if a fall is detected or a 5Star call is initiated.
Risks & Challenges
Lively Wearable is nearly complete. All images shown on this page and in the video were built or developed by our teams in the United States. We’re currently ramping up at our factory and are ready to meet the estimated delivery times.
Forecasting Risk
We’ve done our very best to forecast demand and create a solid production plan. We’ve learned a lot from the past nine years, but sometimes forecasts don’t always hit the mark. Should we miss projections, we’ll let you know why and make it right as quickly as possible.
Supply Chain Risk
If this happens, we’ll be sure to keep you informed and work to quickly solve the problem.