It’s here! Welcome to the first WCBs Indiegogo project, Stealing Solo: A Captain’s Parody. Stealing Solo . The story is simple a group of men, after the utter disappointment that was Episode VII, decide to kidnap Harrison Ford and force him to remake the movie in their basement. Stealing Solo started out as a joke on the podcast and now it is going to become a full fledged comic book, but the ambition doesn’t stop there. Ultimately, Stealing Solo is destined to become a film that embraces the absurdity of the situation and celebrates the true spirit of Star Wars, but that’s only possible if we work together as a community.
There are many perks for you choose from, but no matter what level you choose to join, you will have in your hands what someone has called the best Star Wars parody since Spaceballs…..just ignore that that person was me…
Release date: February of 2019.
Since we've blown past our goal, let's talk stretch goals. These stretch goals will be given to all backers, no matter what tier your backed the project at.
$30,000 - Early Bird Certificate. Stealing Solo doesn't hit your doorstep until Feb. 2019, but once we reach this stretch goal, all backers will receive an Early Bird Certificate, reminiscent of what Kenner did for Christmas 1977. Basically, it's something by the holidays to hold you over until the book comes out.
$50,000 - Anthology: Ashcan Edition. My first comic can be yours once this goal is reached. It's a 32 page bonus book titled, "Anthology" Anthology is a series of 3 stories that cover the darker side of life. Tales of suspense, intrigue and science fiction. A can't miss of fans of the classic EC Comics of yesteryear.
$100,000 - Anthology: Special Edition. My first comic with a twist. At this level, I'm going to have this re-colored professionally, re-lettered, and printed to the same stellar quality of Stealing Solo.