Imagine being so distraught by a movie that it ruins your life, only for your friends to make things worse, by kidnapping your favorite actor and remaking that movie in your basement. This is the story of Stealing Solo: A Captain's Parody
Stealing Solo is back, one last time, with an all new cover from Anna(ThatStarWarsGirl) featuring all of the classic Fandom Menace members! This 110 page graphic novel was written and illustrated by JEFF HICKS (WorldClassBullshitters) and features all new content created exclusively for this release!
(WCBs "Action Figures" created exclusively for this release)
For this release, I wanted something special, so I teamed up with Anna to create the definitive image of the Fandom Menace.
Our "Kidnappers"
Our "Hostage"
Filmmaking is easy
Caught in the act!
Quiet on the set!
The Trading Cards
The High Council Rides Again Cover By JEFF HICKS ! (Available for today only)
This campaign has multiple stretch goals and perks for everyone who backs the project.
*For every 100 backers, a new Fandom Menace magnet will be added for everyone*
More Stretch Goals!
$40K: Sticker (Holographic of Poster) - 140% COMPLETE!
$53K: Stealing Solo Audio Drama - Produced by the cast of WCBs COMPLETE!
$150K: High Council Trading Card
$250K: Stealing Solo 2: The Sequel (out this year with another Fandom Menace Campaign)
$500K: A WCBs Short Film.