FlagMate features
Crafted in the UK using environmentally friendly faux leather and solid metals, to ensure it can travel through all of your adventures. Each FlagMate holds up to 30 Flags.
Available with a clip to attach anywhere you like... (Length 13.5cm x 2.7cm width)
Also available without a clip to use as an elegant and stylish keyring (Length 8.5cm x 2.7cm width)
The Storyteller Flags are custom made and individually hand-painted, with an elegant smooth finish.
With the added option to personalise the back of each flag using up to 36 characters.
If you prefer not to personalise your Flag, we will simply add the name of the country on the back (if you're like us and can't remember each country flag this will be useful!)
Use it to share your travel stories with other travellers.
Changing the way travellers collect their special memories
We wanted to design a solution to address a major pain point for travellers around the world of how to best preserve their travel memories. We combined the longevity of a journal with the simplicity of a souvenir.
Why we started Storyteller
Storyteller was started with three main objectives:
1) To build the best travel accessories using environmentally friendly materials.
2) Inspire more people to travel the world (we LOVE to travel!)
3) Fund educational projects for individuals in underprivileged areas of the world.
Travelling allows us to witness some incredible sights, taste the most amazing food and create special memories that will always stay with us. It is also one of the best teachers outside of the classroom and helps so many of us grow as individuals.
Although travelling the world shows us so many positives, it also shows us the world’s biggest problems. Recent UNESCO figures show that there are 750 million youth and adults who are unable to read and write a simple sentence.
This not only has long-term consequences for those individuals affected, but also for the next generation, who become part of a repeat cycle of inequality and poverty.
At Storyteller, we are passionate about wanting to make a real change to this problem and to do this, we have partnered with like-minded charities to work with and help fund educational projects for both children and adults in less privileged areas of the world.
Our charity partners are The Barefoot College (work in 93 countries worldwide), Global Citizen (worldwide) and The Hope Foundation (work in India, Kolkata).
It is our vision at Storyteller to inspire people to travel more but also bring together passionate travellers from around the world in unity with a mission to do good.
We hope you will support and join us on this journey of empowerment as together, we can make a difference.
Learn more about how we do good and the full list of projects we want to deliver: https://www.storytellertravel.co.uk/do-good/our-projects/
The Storyteller Team
Now you have learned about Storyteller and FlagMate, we would like to take a moment to introduce you to the minds behind the company.
The founder of Storyteller is Bhav Patel. Having practiced as a Lawyer for many years, he has led many Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, which has allowed him to work closely with large charities and understand the technical details of how the sector operates. He has since put this knowledge into practice by becoming an integral member of the UNICEF, NextGen, London team.
When Bhav first had the idea about creating FlagMate, he wanted to ensure that the company stood for two values that he was most passionate about, his love for travel and giving back to those less fortunate. He wanted to showcase the positives of travel, but also use this platform to show the educational problems around the world and create a community of like-minded people to come together and help resolve these problems. He says:
“Travelling the world has allowed me to see and meet so many adults who are completely illiterate. That is when it clicked. It was a repeat cycle, children could not obtain a quality education, and they were then growing as adults who were completely illiterate. I wanted to make a change and so made a conscious decision to ensure that an integral part of Storyteller would be to focus on a mission to do good, and help fund and run educational workshops for both children and adults.”
The Storyteller team has since grown with like-minded individuals from backgrounds in law, branding, marketing, fashion and product design and the charity sector.
Although we all have our own expertise, we all have two things in common, the love of travel and the passion to do good.
Responsibly and Ethically Sourced
At Storyteller, we are passionate about using environmentally friendly and sustainable materials for our products. From the printing of our clothing to the materials used in our products and packaging, we use the best progressive and sustainable materials. Some of the materials we use include recycled card, plant-based materials, and non-PVC polyurethane microfibre.
Our Product and Development Story
The Storyteller FlagMate
Once we settled on the concept of FlagMate, we began to design and develop a product which was durable and able to go through all types of weather.
Together with our design team, we created the prototype of FlagMate and the Flags, and then gave them to 10 different individuals to test, for a period of three months.
The feedback was great, but the two issues raised were that the design wasn't very appealing and second, the flags were hitting against the faux leather at the bottom, causing wear and tear. To improve the design and strengthen the product, we added a nickel plated metal block to create an innovative design and importantly, separate the faux leather from the flags, reducing any wear and tear.
We rounded off the FlagMate by using cross coloured stitching and embossing our favourite, passport style stamped logo into the high-quality faux leather.
Finally, we added an option to have a clip, which was durable and able to hold a large number of flags.
Storyteller Flags
When we first created the Flags, they were computer printed. However, when we got the first look, there was something missing, it was the personal touch. We, therefore, enhanced the Flag in two different ways.
The flags were changed from computer print to each one individually created. The flag designs are drawn into a piece of metal after which they are each hand-painted one by one.
The other enhancement we made was to laser add the option to laser engrave a special message to the back of each Storyteller Flag. The perfect way to capture your special memories.
Bamboo Tees
After sampling hundreds of tees, we finally found the perfect material, a mix of organic cotton and bamboo which is quick dry, wind resistant, comfortable and long-lasting in both material and style.
The bamboo is ethically sourced from China where it is pressed and crushed mechanically before being sent to India where it is produced sustainably creating the perfect tee for every traveller!
We even tested them to make sure they were very very wind resistant…
Storyteller Bamboo Tee Size Chart
Hand-Made Camo Jumper
Hand-Made, designed and produced by our team member, as a thank you for our special backers we are offering a LIMITED quantity of 25 Camoflouge cotton jumpers with our special white logo! As it is hand-made we can craft this to be the perfect fit for you!
These jumpers are soft, comfortable and visually beautiful!
Our Manufacturers
Our chosen manufacturers have produced the best prototypes throughout this project. Given their years of experience in materials and product design, we have obtained high-quality advice on the quality and durability of the materials we use, allowing us to ensure the products are of the highest quality possible.
How the funds will be used
We will be announcing stretch goals very soon, but if we hit our target of £5,000.00 we will be able to this FlagMate variation:
Our manufacturers are able to deliver within 4 months of this crowdfunding campaign ending and therefore at the latest, we aim to start shipping orders by 30 August 2018. If we surpass our funding goals substantially, we may need some extra time to fulfill orders. If this is the case we will update each and every single one of you with a new time frame.
Risks and challenges
Over the last eight months, we have continuously developed our products and are super proud of the results. As with any product going into production, there are risks, but we have worked hard to minimise these. For example, production delays, which we have allowed for in our timeline.
We will be as open as possible with you throughout the rest of the project and beyond, posting regular updates (here and on facebook and twitter) every step of the way.
Other Ways You Can Support us!
We need your help to spread the word about us and ensure that people are aware of our mission to do good around the world.
Share our campaign page and tag us on social media!
Stay updated with everything Storyteller and follow our travels on social:
Like Us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/storytellerteam/
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storytellerteam/
Send us a tweet: https://twitter.com/storytellertrav
Thanks again for your support of everything we're doing at Storyteller.
You've heard from us and now we'd love to hear from you.
Please note that our team will try as hard as possible to answer any and all questions and comments that are left on the comments page as soon as possible but the easiest way to get immediate assistance is to email us at hello@storytellertravel.co.uk
We love hearing from backers with any feedback, requests or just to say hi, so please do drop us an email or contact us on social media (tags above) where you can also see the latest information an all things Storyteller.
For inquiries regarding Distribution, Retail, and Partnerships please visit: https://www.storytellertravel.co.uk/wholesale/
Media enquiries: hello@storytellertravel.co.uk
Recognizing your generosity. Thank you!
Your support is going to allow us to start our journey, and help us make an impact in the world we live in. We are all very thankful for your support.
1) Refunds and Exchanges
Although we cannot offer refunds on the Storyteller FlagMate or Storyteller World Flags, we are able to offer an exchange on our bamboo tees for customers in the UK only.
Please note that all international sale are final, i.e. we can not accept returns or exchanges for any items.
For refunds during the campaign, this can be processed, through Indiegogo provided the campaign is live and not ended, the perk claimed has not been fulfilled, and the funds have not been transferred to Storyteller.
2) Who is responsible for international import, duties, VAT, and customs fees?
You are responsible for any extra fees that may be applied when shipped to/arriving in your country. This includes international import, duties, VAT, and customs fees.
3) Are you a charity or a full profit company?
We are a full profit company with a positive conscience. We give from our profits as we believe doing good is integral. We do, however, partner with registered charities who we fund to run educational programmes around the world. We are just doing our bit and hope you will join us in doing yours too.
4) How do I tell you which Storyteller Flags and Engraving I require?
Get your list ready and we will be in contact after the campaign has ended with a questionnaire for you to send this information across to us. That way if you have any trips between now and April you can get those flags in advance too!
5) I want to buy individual additional flags in addition to these perks, can I do this?
As our prices are based on an overall discounted bundle, the prices for individual Storyteller Flags are slightly higher (but still discounted from our RRP price of £6.99) at a cost of £4.99 each.
If you have purchased a bundle with over 25 Storyteller Flags, we will discount each additional Flag to £3.49 each.
To purchase, simply work out the price and contribute this through the "Make a Contribution" part in the perk box and send us an email at hello@storytellertravel.co.uk advising of your purchase.
6) What size Storyteller Bamboo T-shirts do I need?
They are unisex t-shirts and they come in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.
We do however advise that you buy a size which is slightly smaller than your normal size as these t-shirts are comfort fit and therefore are slightly bigger than normal UK/EU size t-shirts. For men, if you are a medium fit, and you want a slightly fitted look, we recommend buying a small size. For women, if you are a size 8/10 we recommend a size small tee.
7) Are the FlagMates and Storyteller Flags water resistant?
We have done our best to create an item which will work through storms and rain hit areas when you are travelling. Having tested the product, although it will withstand water and simply dry out, we highly advise to keep it in the best condition, not to let it soak in water or stay in wet weather for very long.
8) How can I upgrade my perk?
Please contribute the difference through the "Thank You" Perk and send us an email at hello@storytellertravel.co.uk advising of your upgrade.
9) Do you ship worldwide?
We ship to most countries, with some exceptions due to regulatory restrictions outside of our control. In the next step you can select your country and see the shipping cost related to that country.
10) When will you ship and when will I get my Storyteller products?
The Indiegogo campaign is due to end on 1 April 2018. Once we have collated all of the orders, we will work with our manufacturers to start production with a date of 30 August 2018 to obtain and post out all of your fantastic products! We are based in the UK and therefore, orders within the UK and EU will take around 5-7 days, for orders worldwide please allow a slightly longer period (we believe this is approximately 2-3 weeks).