What's the Project? (ie "the serious stuff)
Stratics.com is the oldest
continuously-running gaming website and community forum in existence, holding a
special place in the hearts of gamers the world over. Originally created in 1997 as a forum and game reference site for players of Ultima Online (one of the first MMORPGs ever created), the site
has provided a free and open space for the community to interact and exchange
knowledge, ideas and opinions for 18 years – almost as long as there
has been an Internet. The gaming content hosted by Stratics represents hundreds
of thousands of volunteer hours put in by fans of games like UO, WoW, EQ, DAoC, and others. It serves as a
historical record not only of UO, but of MMOs and online gaming
This site is now
up for public auction, and likely to be purchased as a portfolio asset by anonymous
3rd-party investors with no direct interest in UO or the
long-standing community who use the forums.
In the interest of preserving the
site’s content, community and history, the current senior operational team at
Stratics have created a project to bring the site back into the community’s
hands as a permanent, not-for-profit entity.
In order to succeed, this project must be funded.
We appeal to you -- the UO Community and gamer-geeks everywhere -- to
help us purchase Stratics and keep it in the hands of those who play, live and
love Ultima Online.
Should this campaign be
unsuccessful and result in a purchase by an investment-driven buyer with no
connection to the community, there is the very real possibility that the
community would abandon the site, and/or the historical content be lost forever
if the site did not ultimately meet the investors’ financial goals.
Please help us save Stratics and
ensure its long-term stability by contributing today. The auction ends on
December 26.
So who is this "We" you keep mentioning?
We are the current Stratics senior staff -- the mods, event coordinators, system admins and editors. This is us at our most recent staff retreat, held at the Venetian in Las Vegas last September...
OK...part of that's a fib. We didn't have a retreat in Vegas, and
that's actually The Guild -- but we didn't have time to make costumes for this campaign because it's ending
really REALLY soon. You should check them out, though, because they're
hilarious -- much funnier than us. And MUCH better at making videos. (And also
because we hope they'll notice the extra traffic and Tweet our campaign, so a
lot of other geeks will come donate to our cause.)
The part about being the senior staff is true, though. We're
a great team, and dedicated to the community we serve; our goal is to do what
we can to preserve the site and its content for all of us, for as long as
there's an Ultima Online to play.
What we need: $10,500
In order to acquire the site, we need some help funding the purchase. We've set our funding goal for what we believe the maximum bidding could reach by the end of the auction. Our estimate is based on industry averages for similar sites with Stratics' income and traffic, as reported by the owner and advised by our financial consultant.
Of course, the final bidding could go higher; if the campaign doesn't raise the minimum amount necessary to purchase the site at auction (including any additional privately donated funds from ‘angel investors’ or staff), all pledged donations will be returned.
We really, REALLY hope that won't happen -- so please donate what you can, and share this campaign with friends, family, guild-mates, and other gamers via your social networks!
On the other hand, should we be WILDLY successful and the campaign generates in
excess of the funds needed to meet the final bidding price, we'll use any extra funds to offset the additional related acquisition costs, including transfer of the domain and software licenses ($896.26). If, amazingly, we collect more than that, the remainder will be placed in reserve for costs related to the ongoing maintenance and
improvement of the site (website hosting, $1,550.26/year; hardware & software upgrades, and migrating/updating existing content and software features.)
Why help us buy it? (or, Why not someone else?)
In short:
There isn't a lot of time before this auction closes, and we think we're in the best position to plan and execute the purchase successfully while ensuring the least amount of disruption for the Stratics Community.
If the site is purchased by a financially-motivated buyer instead, there's a huge danger that the community could fracture and disband, The related content might be parceled out and sold (or turned off completely to save costs), or the site could be permanently shut down and lost forever, if it didn't meet the buyer's revenue goals.
Our plan is to run the site as a not-for-profit venture, so none of that will happen if we purchase it.
If you need more convincing, here's the long explanation for how and why we can make this happen:
The current senior staff of Stratics is a strong,
experienced team with diverse technical and professional backgrounds, and we
have a demonstrated track record for working well together. We share a similar
devotion to UO, the Stratics websites and their history, and we have a united goal to
preserve and improve the site while serving and growing the Ultima Online
community. We have documented operational processes and procedures in place for
moderating the forums and managing the systems, and we communicate regularly to
ensure the site runs smoothly and the community’s needs are met.
We have developed this project and created this campaign
with the following primary goals:
Ensure the website and community
experience as little disruption as possible as the result of this sale, and on
an on-going basis.
Operate the site as a financially
self-sufficient but not-for-profit venture, with all excess revenue being
re-invested into the property and/or the community.
Preserve, migrate and update the
sites’ existing and historical content, for the benefit of the community.
Remain active members of the
community we serve.
Put a formal organizational and financial model into place which will
ensure that the site can run indefinitely, without further need for ownership
change in the future.
What are the risks and challenges of this plan? How will we address them?
Risk #1: We may not reach the necessary
funding to meet the highest bid on the website. If we do not reach the
necessary funding, the site may be sold to another party. In order to minimize
this risk:
We have researched standard purchase
and profit models for similar sites and estimated 20% above that threshold, in
the case that the bidding exceeds industry averages.
We are speaking with parties who
have expressed interest in acting as “angel investors” to make up shortfalls, should the bidding reach unexpected levels.
Current staff have pooled
available resources as a backup, which could be made available as either donations or loans to the operation, should it become necessary.
Risk #2: Senior staff
may not always agree on the direction for the site, or there may be situations
which prohibit them from continuing to volunteer in their roles at some time in
the future. Staff might decrease, or we may see the need for additional staff or
Board Members in future.
An LLC will be formed with the
senior staff acting as the initial Board of Directors. Stratics will be maintained
as an asset of the company.
As part of the LLC, a charter
will be created to cover functional roles, requirements, procedures and contingencies
the Board might encounter.
Board members will receive equal
voting rights for the purposes of making major decisions, although voting
rights or membership on the Board will not consistute ownership of the LLC’s assets.
(We also made it through creating this campaign and video under tremendous time pressure, without a single casualty. We figure after that, we can accomplish anything together!)
Risk #3: Over time the site's revenue might fall, resulting in a deficit against the funds needed to continue operations.
Our diverse professional
experience and backgrounds, along with our experience with the community and
website, make us a uniquely qualified team for handling both the day to day
operations of the site as well as setting and meeting future strategic and
financial goals. Among us we have experience in IT, SEO, marketing, print and
online publishing, management and customer service.
We will also maintain an annual budget, holding excess profits in reserve to give us the flexibility to bring in additional
consultation, assistance and/or tools as needed to continue to make sure the site operates in the black.
Risk #4: The Stratics Community may not
accept the ownership change, or the leadership team acting as Board members:
The current senior staff are
generally respected by the active community, and have no plans to make major
changes to the day-to-day operational procedures in place now. Certain projects are already in
process and will continue uninterrupted. These projects prioritize the following
areas for improvement, which have generally been approved and solicited through the
Improvements to customer service
Migrate and update historical
Stratics content via creation of a Wiki on the website
Improve the site’s Classifieds
feature to better support the needs of the Trade community, including an
Auction Listings feature and the ability to trade higher-value items
Add a Calendar and
Events feature to the site
- Increase
the site’s user base by improving Stratics’ brand and marketing, and actively
encouraging UO players to register and participate on the site.
Other ways you can help, besides donating:
We realize not everyone is in a
position to donate financially to this effort, but there are other ways you can
help make this project a success:
Share this campaign with friends,
guild-mates, relatives, groups and gaming communities (UO or otherwise) -- both past and present!
Tweet it, Facebook it – every little bit counts!
If you’re interested in donating
your time, consider becoming a permanent staff member/moderator – or volunteer
to be involved in the funding campaign effort. There’s lots to do, we promise! (We could use an experienced videographer, for instance...)
Know someone who might be a great private contributor? Get in touch with them and send them our way!
Share your ideas – we’d love to
hear them!
ストラティクスのゲームコンテンツはUOを中心に、WoW, EQ, DAoC,と他にも様々あり、毎日大勢のゲームファンが訪れ多くの時間を過ごしています。