All Stretch Goal gifts are in ADDITION to your selected contribution perk!!
Our Stretch Goals will help us in the following ways:
Stretch Goal #1) The additional $3750 will be directly used for the final sound mix and sound design. We will also enhance post sound editing and dialogue replacement. All very essential.
Stretch Goal #2) The additional $2000 will be used for color correction. We barely budgeted for proper professional color correction. This stretch goal will allow us to increase spending for a top notch color correction at a Hollywood facility.
Stretch Goal #3) Our Visual Effects budget was almost nothing. This additional $3000 will go directly to Visual FX. We have a great VFX artist named Chris Dawson. He worked on Titanic and several other big movies. He will help us, but not for free. This Stretch Goal will expand our budget in the VFX area to make our film truly epic.
We thank you for joining our team to get this film made!
Our pre-launch Teaser
Your support of this campaign/movement will allow this film's message of hope and healing to impact many more lives, which will certainly help some people stay alive.
"Suicide: The Ripple Effect"
Our film is based on Kevin Hines' book which went #1 in the Suicide category & #2 in the Bipolar category on Amazon and continues to remain on the Amazon Best Seller list.
To our contributors, helpers and social media sharers...
Find your name on our Great Wall of Gratitude!
We filled the Wall!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!
Here's how we plan to spend budget of $46,250
How will we spend our budget?
As a collaborator on our film here are YOUR rewards
Our goal is to reach ZERO!
Zero suicides.
For every dollar we reach over our Ask goal, we will donate a percentage to the organization ZeroSuicides.sprc.org.
The Zero Suicide Initiative is a commitment to suicide prevention in health and behavioral health care systems.