The Film
Holding true to the tone and feel of the short story, "Survivor Type" will be shot in the style of a "found footage" film, making the camera itself a character in the story. Rather than a journal scribbled on scraps of paper, Richard records a video journal of his time spent on the island, taking the audience through the experience with him, catching every gory detail.
The existing crew are all King fans, completely devoted to capturing the terror, sadness, humor, and chills of the story we all know. From the intense make-up effects to the meticulous search in casting, every effort has been put forth to really get it right and already, the film is coming together smoothly.
Pre-production began in January. Since then, the crew has been prepping make-up, rehearsing camera moves with the actor and tweaking the script. The shoot itself is scheduled for mid-June, then post production through July, and a final product to deliver in August.
With a run time of approximately 20 minutes, "Survivor Type" will be sent out to festivals all over the world, seen by thousands of people, hopefully scaring them enough to want to see it again and again.
This is a film that people will talk about, tell their friends and co-workers about, and seek out on their own. The potential for success on this film is through the roof.
To see more photos and links, check out our Tumblr:
There's such a massive community of Stephen King fans and we've already received a hugely positive response to this project. With such brutal material to pull from, people have been excited to see what we do and how it plays on screen. This is a story most people never thought to see on film, so the excitement surrounding the project is very encouraging.
We're hoping to get the final product out to as many people as we possibly can, if only to share our love of great stories and the King himself.
![Survivor Type - Script Pages 2]()
Meet The Team!
The Producers
Four producers are leading the charge to make this film. Erin Cancino (Top), Billy Hanson (Mid-Left), Justin Nix (Mid-Right) and Levi Smith (Lower) have all previously worked together on short films and TV projects. Between the four of them, over a dozen short films have been produced, most going on to be screened at festivals around the country.
The Director
![Billy Hanson - Director]()
Writer/Director Billy Hanson was born and raised in Maine, so he’s been a Stephen King fan since conception. A love of movies and TV sent him to Florida State’s accomplished film school, then right out to Hollywood to begin a career in the business.
Two successful films came out of his FSU experience, “Revolver”, a down-south crime thriller, and “Silver”, a 1940s-style werewolf film. Both were well received and screened at festivals around the country. His first feature-length horror screenplay entitled “The Weak” was a finalist in the Paranoia Film Festival in Long Beach, CA.
Taking a short hiatus from the horror/thriller genres, Billy wrote and directed “Apology Day”, a comedy short that was nominated for Best Comedy at the Action On Film Festival in Pasadena, CA, as well as his ghost-hunting spoof, “Total Ghostage”, which goes into production as a web series this summer.
“Survivor Type” is a highlight among Billy’s projects, a passion piece that has finally come together in recent months. This film has already proved to be the biggest challenge yet, but will ultimately be the most rewarding of experiences.
Check out Billy’s work at the websites below.
The Actor
![Gideon Emery]()
Meet Richard Pine!
Actor Gideon Emery has been cast as the ill-fated surgeon in this adaptation of Survivor Type.
After watching a ton of great auditions, we were all blown away by Gideon’s performance. Few people were able to capture the terror, panic, and intensity, but also the humor and comedy within the dialogue.
He's already got an impressive resume, ranging from TV and feature film roles, to audiobook readings and video game voices. We’re thrilled to have Gideon on board. It’s just another step toward a film that will prove to be truly great and memorable!
Check out is IMDB page to see his impressive list of credits:
And visit his website (below) to see his reel and voice work.
The Make-Up Artist
![Doug Murphy]()
Here’s the artist behind the gore in Survivor Type, Doug Murphy.
Doug joined the team very early on, when we were still in the script phase. Since the special effects are such a huge part of this project, we had Doug along from the start so that we could cater to the make-up builds in the writing and scheduling.
Doug’s been an integral part of the process, with great insight into the production and the storytelling. Anyone who’s read the story knows how important the realism will be, which is why Doug and his team are already hard at work, building incredible molds, sure to have everyone in the theater squirming in their seats.
Here's a little taste of the great work he's done so far...
![Richard Pine's Hand Make Up Effects]()
Get Involved!
Even though this is a short film, there are hours and hours of work put into the production. We've got a team of special effects make-up artists, hard at work creating fantastic builds; a casting team that quickly found us a tremendously talented and experienced actor for the harrowing role, a writer/director who has worked tirelessly to capture the tone and style of Stephen King's story, and four producers getting together the deceptively difficult shoot.
Any and all donations will help us make this film a reality. Most of the existing crew is volunteering their time, so the money raised will be put toward securing the location, equipment rentals, travel costs, food for set, with the remaining money put into post production.
There are plenty of ways to help aside from donations as well! Help us spread the word! Post about us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, tell your friends and family, send out the link to our site, comment on our posts and give your opinions, good or bad! There are a lot of Stephen King fans out there and we hope to reach as many of them as possible. Anything to help us get this film out there is a huge help, and always appreciated.
If you don't know the story, you'll be shocked. If you have read the story, you will not be disappointed. Thank you for your interest in our project. And remember, whatever happens, wherever you end up...